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Facebook Marketing Guide: Every Marketer Must Know

Facebook Marketing Guide: Every Marketer Must Know

Facebook Marketing is a platform that offers paid advertising that differs from organic posts, allowing brands to present their products and services to a large audience. Over the past decade, Facebook has grown from the largest social media platform on the Internet to one of the most prominent marketers.

Therefore, companies compete in marketing their products or services on Facebook, organically or through paid ads. Currently, animated content is trendy among marketers running their product or service campaigns through animated commercials, including animated explainer videos, product videos, infographics, etc.

Why is Facebook good for marketing?

Facebook Marketing Tips
  • Has worldwide coverage
  • Offers profoundly designated targeted paid ads
  • It makes natural arrive at conceivable
  • Allows integrations with other promoting channels
  • It has the option to turn off comments on Facebook posts.

Critical Benefits Of Facebook Reviews For Your Brand

In today's digital era, social media influences users and their buying decisions.

Among various social media platforms, Facebook is one of the oldest and fastest-growing platforms, with millions of daily active users.

  • Well-targeted
  • Website traffic volume
  • Different types of Ads
  • Customer service
  • Good impact on SEO

This section will dig deeper into the benefits of using Facebook in your marketing strategy. You will know what goals you can achieve on this platform besides reaching a large audience.


You already know that FB allows users to segment their audience better, but let's start with the available options. With demographic targeting, you can select an audience with a certain income, education level, lifestyle, social status, or occupation.

Furthermore, you can search for customers based on their interests, such as their favourite entertainment, sports, hobbies and shopping habits. Additionally, you can reach customers based on purchasing behaviour, intent, device usage, and more.

Website traffic volume

With this platform, you can direct your audience directly to your website. In addition, these will be better quality leads than users who land on your website physically because they already know about your business. Therefore, you have more confidence in their opinion.

Encourage your subscribers to visit your site to learn more about your products. Additionally, when you link to a site, Facebook displays a full image if your site page has one. Therefore, it will attract the attention of many users and help you increase website traffic.

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Different types of Ads

Facebook Advertising Campaign

Facebook provides an excellent opportunity for businesses to showcase their products from the best angle. Advertising on this platform includes both text and visual formats. You can promote your post by turning it into an ad, create a story to show you behind the scenes, make a slideshow of your new collection, use a carousel ad to display ten products that link to the corresponding pages, and others.

  • Customer service

Many people prefer to connect with brands through social media. Phone calls have become a thing of the past. Create a chatbot for Facebook Messenger to communicate with users based on popular questions – topics. They may include “price”, “delivery”, “payment options”, “purchase”, “book”, etc. You must create a scenario based on the user FAQ and write the answer. Your chatbot will simulate a real conversation. Because of this, your support team will have time to solve complex problems, and you can always redo the work.

  • Good impact on SEO

Some marketers claim that social media influences search rankings. For example, bots are believed to consider your data in the About section after notification. Plus, your social media engagement goes a long way. Comments, likes, and comments tell Google that people are interested in interacting with your brand. Although there is no good evidence, there is not much.

Some Great Facebook Marketing Tips

  • Choose the best timing – Marketers are always interested in the best time for their posts. Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all approach, but you can find valuable data in Facebook Insights. Here, you will find information about when your subscribers are online. You can also check the performance of each message and determine the best time. Plus, you know when your audience is most active. Additionally, you can test and post different types of content at peak and off-peak times to find the best time.
  • Promote your Facebook page and other channels: To bring traffic to your page, you must ensure that most customers know about it. You are already in other digital marketing channels, so why miss this opportunity? If you're in email marketing, add a Facebook button to each campaign so users can easily follow the link. If you are active on Instagram, you can add a link to your Facebook page directly in your bio. If you have a blog, let readers share stories with their friends on Facebook.
  • Use an appropriate URL for your page: This event may seem small as it is. By relevant URL, we mean using your brand name. This way, you can easily share your link with other channels. The most important advantage is that your URL will have your keyword to strengthen your SEO strategy, and your page will be searchable in Google.
  • Add a CTA button: This easy-to-implement strategy will help you increase conversions, improve engagement, and drive traffic to every page. It all depends on your goals. After viewing your page, consider what the average user might want to do. It can be “Contact Us”, “Register”, “Book Now”, “Buy Now”, “Follow”, “Call Now”, etc. To add a CTA, click the “+ Add button” at the footer of your landing page.
  • Use the Facebook pixel: This survey tool gives you more insight into customer service. You can create targeted ads for your future campaigns with the Facebook pixel. To fully leverage this tool, find your Facebook Pixel ID, which is essential, enabling accurate tracking and measurement of your ad performance. Also, you can track the effectiveness of your ads. It will be displayed when a user buys something or does something else. So you can know if your ad is bringing the desired results and can reach the customer using Custom Audience.
  • Create a lookalike audience: The best way to reach a new target audience on Facebook. These people know nothing about your brand but can become your customers because they look like your current customers.
  • Build Customer Loyalty: When potential customers read positive reviews and notice that the other existing customers have enjoyed a positive experience with your brand, they will be compelled to try out your products or services.
  • Increased Conversions And Sales: All the abovementioned points will collectively create a sense of trust and confidence in your customers. Once they read positive results, they will be highly motivated and convinced to purchase your brand immediately. From your end, all you need to do is motivate your customers to leave behind their valuable reviews/feedback since Facebook customer reviews ultimately provide credibility and build social proof of your brand.
  • Attain A Higher Ranking In Local SEO: You may not be aware, but your Facebook reviews affect your ranking on the SERP (Search Engine Ranking Page). Your SERP consists of the total number of clicks, including the number of reviews, the number of times people search for you on Facebook, etc.
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Tips for Creating Great Facebook Ads

  • First impressions are essential, so use high-quality images for every ad.
  • Showcase your valuable ideas clearly and avoid busy and uncomplicated photographers. Keep your CTA very compelling and compelling to grab the user's attention.
  • Bring your products to life by showing people using them in your video ads. Include user-generated content where appropriate to create a sense of community.
  • Optimise your videos and images so they display well on mobile devices. Analyse the most effective ad formats by running A/B tests.

Clever And Useful Facebook Marketing Tools To Help Grow Your Business

Catering to more than 2.7 billion monthly active users, FB is one of the most highly utilised and growing social media platforms globally, and it continues to grow exponentially.

Most users utilise this platform to connect and stay in touch with their near ones. However, it does not end just there.

Facebook is a marketing hub for brands and businesses as the platform helps them build a community of loyal followers and increase engagement and interaction with their potential customers on a personal level.

However, it is easier to say than to do and achieve. To help marketers achieve their desired goals, a few fantastic marketing tools specially designed to be used on Facebook can help businesses grow their profits.

In this section, we have mentioned the best Facebook marketing tools that can help you save time & effort and achieve your aimed results.


Socialpilot Facebook Marketing Tools

SocialPilot is an easy & affordable social media management tool for companies and small businesses that helps them build their presence on all social media platforms. It helps to run a well-planned and high-quality social media strategy.

With SocialPilot, you can post to LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram (direct post), TikTok, Pinterest, Facebook, Google My Business, VK and Tumblr. It is popular among small businesses due to its cost-effectiveness, intuitive user interface and outstanding customer support (24×5).

Taggbox Widget – Easily Embed Facebook Widget On Your Website

Embedding Facebook widgets on the website is a marketing strategy many brands and businesses adopt. Embedding can tremendously help increase website engagement, making it more attractive.

This marketing strategy is perfect for building social proof of your brand, and we know the ultimate tool to embed Facebook content – the Taggbox Widget.

Taggbox is a UGC platform and a social media aggregation tool, and its main functionalities include collecting, curating, and embedding content from Facebook to your website.

This responsive tool offers many features, like customisation, an advanced moderation panel, and analytics, to make the user experience more impactful.

Taggbox integrates many website-building platforms and is extremely easy to use, with no technical knowledge or coding experience required.

Buffer – Perfect For Scheduling & Publishing

Buffer Social Media App

When we speak of marketing on social media, consistency is critical. However, it isn't easy to keep the scheduling routine in mind. In such cases, a tool that automatically schedules the posts on Facebook is beneficial and time-saving, and we cannot think of a better tool than Buffer to do the needful.

You need to integrate your Buffer account with your Facebook account to start scheduling the content, and in case of publishing, you can easily do so using drag-and-drop technology.

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A great feature of Buffer is that you can get the scheduling done by your team members and add them to the platform.

Timeline Contest Agorapulse – Helps In Increasing Engagement

Engagement is integral to Facebook Marketing, and good communication is the foundation of increased engagement.

With this tool, you can efficiently conduct contests, giveaways, and quizzes directly on your timeline. In addition, the tool helps you analyse the level of engagement by filtering the likes and comments for you to analyse later on.


It is one of the first social media management tools known for maximising efficiency in social media. It allows you to manage all social media networks from one comprehensive dashboard. You can get a clear and complete idea about the performance of your social media account. In addition, it lets you quickly respond to posts and comments from users, helping you get involved whenever your name is mentioned in the community.

Headline Analyser – For Catchy Captions & Headlines

Free Headline Analyzer

Your audience on Facebook always pays extra attention to captions and headlines on the platform. Hence, it is mandatory to write excellent captions to attract the audience's attention and increase engagement.

Using this tool is pretty simple. All you need to do is enter the caption, which will show you better suggestions or alternate options for presenting the caption better and more innovatively.

Moreover, these captions are SEO-optimised! Isn't it amazing?

BigSpy – To Keep An Eye On Your Competitors

There is much cut-throat competition between businesses on Facebook. In addition, hundreds of other companies on Facebook may fall into a niche category similar to yours. Hence, it is mandatory to keep an eye on your competitors.

Bigspy is the perfect tool to help you with this concern. With over 3 lakh customers, Bigspy is a highly efficient tool that lets you track your competitors' activities daily.

Driftrock – Ultimate Lead Generating Tool

A majority of Facebook marketers use this tool to get conversions.

Along with getting leads and conversions, the tool lets users create ads instantly. Moreover, the device also seamlessly helps in optimising ad campaigns.

Facebook Ad Holiday Marketing Tips

Facebook Holiday Marketing Tips

When it comes to the holiday season is a cru time for all consumers and business owners. High sales volume and increased purchase intent often attract advertisers to Facebook Ads to maximise their profits during the holiday season. However, Facebook advertising during the holidays can be tricky. Sometimes, an increase in the number of advertisers (or an increase in ad spend) can increase the cost of advertising by flooding the market. In other cases, consumer behaviour can be deceptive.

The good news is that there are multiple ways to be successful with Facebook advertising during the holidays. I contacted some of the industry's top Facebook and PPC experts to maximise your results, who shared their top Facebook Holiday Ad tips.

Schedule Your Campaigns in Advance

The first thing you should always do as the holidays approach is to plan your PPC campaign.

And you don't just want to map your holiday advertising on Facebook… you want to lock and load them into the system, said Paul Fairbrother, Facebook and Instagram Advertising specialist at AdEspresso. “While Facebook usually approves and publishes any ad within minutes,” Fairbrother explained, “the approval time can be longer during the holidays. So, for ads that touch on As with promotion, create and schedule your post a few days in advance to avoid delays.

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You can schedule your ad in your free time, so take advantage of that. You can opt out of ads if you change your mind before they appear.

  • Check the end of your social media account and the beginning of the period.

Fairbrother also offers another helpful tip that he recommends AdEspresso Academy course clients follow:

Know your account limits. You can set spending limits on your ad account to ensure you don't exceed a specific dollar amount. While this helps stay on budget, it is often the case that advertisers should spend more during their vacations only to find that the amount of advertising has prevented them from doing so.

“Be sure to check your ad account limits and billing sources in Marketing Manager to ensure your ads are running smoothly and not over budget.”

To do this, go to “Payment Settings” under Ad Manager or Business Manager and edit “Account Payment Limits”.

  • Making money is the primary goal.

Do you want to create a large number of sales quickly? Then, keeping a discount or promotion as the primary focus – not even the product – can be a winning strategy when reaching a niche audience.

Maurice Rahmey, the founder of Disruptive Digital, says, “You've spent the last few months building awareness for your product or service.” “Now is the time to focus on marketing because most of the people who convert during this marketing season are people who know your brand.”

Leverage retargeting, allocating a good chunk of your marketing budget to convert hot leads and increase sales by leveraging promotions like discounts, free shipping, or freebies central to social media (more) than the product itself).

  • Simplify the announcement

To help ads stand out, Rahmey advises designers to make ads as simple as possible. “The most effective images are often the simplest ones, like a close-up of a product or demonstrating a single value,” he shares. “When it comes to holiday shopping, use vertical images and promotions front and centre so people can easily see and register the offer.”

Also, remember that your ad can be simple, but you need to try many images (and, if possible, offers). There's always time to boost your campaign as the holiday season begins.

  • B2B models should proceed with caution.

These holidays are often a sales juggernaut for many brands… but that's not always the case for B2B brands, especially once December rolls around.

“Be aware of the holidays and how they affect your marketing strategy,” said Stephanie Danckert, social media manager at Semrush. “It's the end of the fiscal year for many businesses, and many companies close before or after the holidays. If you're in B2B advertising, you want to ensure you're cutting back on budgets and don't do exams or new beginnings now.

While he wouldn't recommend launching a new product during the holidays, when many employees may be on vacation or not make major purchases until next year, he insisted you shouldn't do it. “Now is a good time to finalise your Q1 plan to ensure you're off to a good start in January. Ensure you know what to promote so you have a property ready right after the holidays.

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Best Time to Post Content on Facebook

Best Time To Post On Facebook
Source: Oberlo

Finding a good time to post on Facebook can help your business stand out and reach more of your target audience, even as Facebook grows.

But knowing the best time to post can be challenging, and we'd like to help. This guide will share exactly how to acknowledge the best time to post content on your Facebook business page for reach, exposure, and engagement.

Are you ready to start?

“The good time to post on Facebook is b/w 1 pm & 3 pm on weekdays and Saturdays.”

However, other studies have found that the best time to post on Facebook is:

  • Thursday and Friday from 1 to 3 pm are the best times to post content on Facebook [Hubspot]
  • Thursdays at 8 pm [TrackMaven]
  • 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm late weekdays and weekends [CoSchedule]
  • Peak Time [Buzzsumo]

No Best time to post on Facebook – Why?

The content combination is available to us. There is more content being shared on Facebook than any of us can consume, and as such, Facebook's News Feed algorithm helps determine what is shown to us each time we open it. Facebook. On their business blog, Facebook VP of Ad Technology Brian Boland explains:

“On average, 1,500 stories can appear in a person's news feed every time he logs into Facebook. For people with many friends and likes on the page, up to 15,000 stories can be reported every time they log in. “As a result, competition in the News Feed – the place on Facebook where people see content from family and friends, as well as businesses – is growing, and it's getting tougher with every story that comes out of news feed.”

Every time you post on Facebook, you compete with at least 1,500 other people for a spot on the news feed, and timing is just one of the many factors determining what content stands out.

With that in mind, the best time to post may also be the worst. Let's say a study found that the best time to post is 6 pm on a Friday, and every brand should try to provide content to their audience at that time, the more likely they will be seen. And how many of those posts are due to high competition?

One goes so far as to say that it is better to post during peak hours – if all brands post during peak hours, there will be more competition, so they should go back and post during peak hours. Everything is confusing, and there is no clear answer. As such, I would say that there is no specific time when it is best to post on Facebook.

Focus on Posting Great Content (and at the best time)

When one of your Facebook friends gets married, you'll likely see their wedding photos posted to the top of your news feed all day, regardless of when they were posted. This happens because wedding photos are very satisfying, whether you like them or not, and as soon as they are posted, many people rush to enjoy, share and talk about them. So, if you want to be successful on Facebook, your content will be as relevant as time.

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Facebook Ads Manager – Manage Facebook Ads Like A Pro

As the name suggests, the Facebook ads manager tool helps users to create and manage ads easily.

The tool also helps you target the right people at the right time through demographics. With the help of this tool, you can track your ads' performance and optimise them by pausing them anytime you want.

Brands and businesses have adopted Facebook marketing for its incredible benefits.

Here is the list of the most valuable and intelligent top tools exclusively meant for Facebook marketing, and using them can give you incredible results in the long run.

Not only will they help you increase engagement, but they will also help you tremendously grow your business and attain success!


There are many extraordinary tools out there, with new ones springing up constantly.

The key is to track down tools that help your Facebook marketing efforts and concentrate on getting to know them. Don't hesitate to add a new tool to your unit for even a moment, yet don't dispose of the old ones since something new and gleaming has turned up.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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