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How to Write a Graphic Design Cover Letter

How to Write a Graphic Design Cover Letter

A cover letter provides an introduction to the person who will be reading your resume or CV. It is often used as a chance for a candidate to get to know the hiring manager/company and provide insight into their personality and interests. 

The cover letter will give the hiring manager a preview of the designer's skills, experience, and professional development so that they can better understand why you are a good fit for the job.

In today's job market, it's not enough to have a creative portfolio full of design samplesโ€”you have to make sure they're tailored to your particular needs. Your cover letter should explain your background, qualifications and goals and describe why you're the best applicant for the position. As part of your design portfolio, this is the opportunity to shine. This cover letter example shows how to write a professional, customised cover letter for graphic design jobs and how to make your letter stand out from others.

Cover letters are one of the most critical parts of your application. It's your chance to prove that you're the best fit for the job. And it's also a chance to make a great impression on the hiring manager.

But you may be wondering: How should I write a cover letter? What do I say? How can I make my cover letter stand out? In this article, I'll give you the best tips for writing a graphic design cover letter to get you the interview.

What Is a Graphic Design Cover Letter?

Graphic Designer Cover Letter
Source: Canva

The cover letter is your first impression when applying for a job or other opportunity. It's your chance to present a positive impression of yourself before an employer or recruiter gets a glimpse of your resume.

An effective cover letter should answer the following questions:

  1. Why do you want to work for this company?
  2. What are your professional strengths?
  3. What do you bring to the table?
  4. What can you offer this employer?
  5. Why should this employer hire you?

A graphic design cover letter is the perfect vehicle to answer these questions and more.

Graphic design cover letters are brief and to the point. It would be best if you focused on the positive aspects of your experience and skills in graphic design rather than describing your specific responsibilities and accomplishments.

When writing a graphic design cover letter, focus on demonstrating your problem-solving abilities, communication skills, ability to work in a team environment, and passion for your career. You can include any relevant projects you've worked on and what you learned during the process.

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When you create a cover letter for graphic design, remember that employers want to know that you're qualified, enthusiastic, and creative. Make your cover letter reflect those traits, which will help you get noticed and make a good impression.

Why Do You Need One?

When you write a cover letter, you'll want to use the same language for a resume. You want to show how well you communicate and how well you can work with other people. A cover letter is an excellent opportunity to make a first impression. A well-written cover letter can mean the difference between getting an interview and being ignored.

A cover letter can set you apart from other job seekers and help you stand out. It's the perfect opportunity to sell yourself and ensure an effective cover letter.

Cover letters are essential in today's job market. Many companies require cover letters; some even ask for them in applications. If you're applying for a job that doesn't require a cover letter, there's no need to worry. A cover letter is usually required for jobs that involve interviews or any job that requires more than a simple application.

Whether you're applying for an internship, a part-time job, a full-time job, or even a graduate degree, a cover letter can help you stand out and show employers why you're the perfect candidate. A cover letter is an easy and effective way to demonstrate your skills and enthusiasm for the position.

It's an excellent opportunity to show how creative and adaptable you are. You can include any number of details in your cover letter, from showing your qualifications to describing how your personality fits in at the company. This is a chance to highlight your expertise and let employers know what makes you the perfect candidate for the position.

What Do Graphic Designers Look For In a Cover Letter?

Cover Letter Template For Designers

This is the place to sell yourself as a skilled professional. You want your cover letter to stand out, and you can do this through the following:


Make sure to use a standard font size that's easy to read on the page. Also, use bullet points and include space between paragraphs. Make sure the text is set in a typical style rather than italics.


Use a robust design that makes the content easy to digest. The cover letter should look more like a magazine or catalogue than a book.


Use short paragraphs and keep them organised. Don't be vague; discuss why the company would benefit from hiring you. Include examples of your work that show your skills.


Please keep it simple. Remember that cover letters should be concise and direct. This is not the place to tell stories or go into detail. Instead, focus on the experience you bring to the table.

Graphic Designers are very creative and have an excellent eye for detail. They are responsible for the overall appearance and quality of the company's website or products. They typically use Adobe Photoshop or Adobe Illustrator to create the designs and logos. Graphic designers must learn to be flexible and be able to adapt to the needs of their clients.

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Here are some graphic design job requirements:

  • Experience with designing logos, brochures, flyers, and business cards
  • Experience creating layouts for print and web projects
  • Experience creating visual concepts for social media and mobile apps
  • Strong knowledge of Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator
  • Ability to work well as a team member
  • Excellent written communication skills
  • Knowledge of graphic design software and processes
  • Must be willing to travel

What Are Some Ways Graphic Designers Can Promote Their Work?

If you're looking to get started in the world of graphic design, here are some ways to promote your work:

Website Design

Many companies hire graphic designers for website design. Websites are essential for graphic designers to promote their work and let potential clients know what they can offer.

For example, it's an excellent opportunity to showcase your portfolio and projects. Consider posting some examples online if you've done any graphic design work. You can add links to your portfolios and share your contact information so potential clients can reach you.

Creating an email list and sending out newsletters is another way graphic designers can promote their work. They can share the latest trends in graphic design, tips for using the right software, or even posts about their favourite places to eat in the area.

Graphic designers can also work with local businesses to create promotional materials such as business cards, calendars, etc. These are great for personal branding and creating a reputation for yourself.


Graphic designers are often hired to create ads for various publications, websites, or other projects. When advertising, it's essential to be aware of the specific design goals that the client wants to achieve.

Clients typically ask graphic designers to create visually appealing, attention-grabbing ads and convey a clear message.

A great example of a graphic design advertisement is Coca-Cola's “Share a Coke” ad campaign. This ad was specifically designed to encourage people to share their feelings on Facebook and helped Coca-Cola gain over 2 million followers.

Another example of an effective advertising campaign is the Nike “Just Do It” ad. The design of this campaign was simple yet powerful. The colour palette is muted, and the typography is simplistic. The campaign was successful because it focused on an inspiring message communicating Nike's brand's benefits.

Advertising campaigns can cost a lot of money, so graphic designers must ensure they're getting paid for their services. Advertising is best suited to graphic designers with a background in print media. However, graphic designers can also advertise on social media sites like Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest.

Social Media

Many graphic designers are experts at creating social media campaigns. These campaigns include posts, graphics, and videos, which you can share on Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms.

Some popular social media jobs for graphic designers include:

  • Posting photos on social media sites
  • Creating graphics for other social media users
  • Photographing clients or events to post on their social media accounts
  • Creating memes, which are funny images with witty captions
  • Sharing your blog posts on social media

How to Write a Graphic Design Cover Letter

When you're writing a cover letter, remember that the design elements you use will affect the tone and impact of your message. For example, a letter with a bright, bold font and large text could be seen as too aggressive.

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This is why cover letters shouldn't always look like the resume or CV they accompany. Instead, your cover letter should be designed to communicate a specific message, such as demonstrating your understanding of the organisation or company and offering value-added insights. If this sounds like a challenge, here are a few tips to get you started:

Start with an Outline

Your cover letter can follow a similar outline to a CV or resume. Many experts recommend using the same template to help guide you through the writing process. However, an outline isn't the only way to structure your letter.

Consider the Organization

When you think about what information you want to communicate, consider how that message aligns with the organisation. For example, suppose the company is looking for a graphic designer to create social media graphics for its products. In that case, you might focus your cover letter on your work on a related project and how it relates to your graphic design portfolio.

Avoid Writing Down the Job Description

Most organisations post job descriptions online, meaning you can access them for free. Don't waste valuable space with a job description, but don't hesitate to mention the specific details related to your qualifications.

Ask Questions

Don't just assume that you're applying for the job. Ask questions to confirm the position, your responsibilities, and the deadline. This allows you to demonstrate that you understand the scope of the job.

Get Feedback from Professionals

When sending out your cover letter, include a link to a sample of your work. Then, ask for feedback. Don't worry about the number of people who reply. If feedback is valuable, that's the reason to continue applying for more jobs.

Your Cover Letter should include these details

Standout Senior Graphic Designer Cover Letter

Consider your target audience and goals when crafting a graphic design cover letter. What will the reader see at first glance? What do you want them to know?

Your letter should include these elements:

  • A call to action
  • A compelling reason to read further
  • Clear, concise, and specific information
  • Relevant facts and statistics
  • A unique selling point (USP)

Graphic design cover letters work in tandem with a persuasive sales pitch. Consider your target audience and goals when crafting a graphic design cover letter.

A cover letter is a brief, one-page overview of the project. It's meant to be a sales pitch that includes a call to action, a compelling reason to read further, and a compelling USP. If you're applying for a job, your cover letter should include the following elements:

  1. A Call to Action: Let the employer know why they should hire you. Include a clear, simple call to action such as “Please consider me for this position,” “I hope to hear from you soon,” or “If you need any additional information, please contact me.”
  2. A Reason to Read Further: Why does the employer need to read further? Include relevant details about your background, experience, skills, and accomplishments. This helps readers understand why they need to take the next step and reach out to you for more information.
  3. A Unique Selling Point: What makes you stand out from the crowd? Think about what makes you different from other applicants. Does your graphic design portfolio illustrate your ability to design various graphics? How much time do you spend on social media? Does your blog post focus on a subject the employer is interested in?
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Graphic Design Cover Letter Example

Here is a cover letter example:

“Dear [Name]: [Your Name] Application

Thank you for the opportunity to be considered for the position of [Designer]. I am very excited about the prospect of working with your company and am eager to help bring your designs to life. I am confident that I will be an asset to your team.

As a freelance graphic designer, I'm proud to have a solid reputation and a long list of repeat clients. My ability to meet tight deadlines sets me apart from other designers, and I look forward to using my skills and experience to create high-quality designs for your company.

In my spare time, I'm currently developing my blog, [Name], a creative outlet that has enabled me to grow professionally as a graphic designer. As my audience grows, so does my reputation.

I'd love to share my work and talents with you and your team. I look forward to hearing back from you soon.”

In the digital era, traditional printed advertising is gradually becoming obsolete, and it is no longer a matter of surprise that the demand for graphic designing is increasing daily. Advertising is necessary to market your business correctly in this digital age. The best way to create a compelling graphic design is to be creative; creativity is an essential part of your graphic design. The concept of graphic designing is an excellent way to catch your customers' attention and make them aware of your products and services.

There are many ways to promote your business through graphic design. Some of the effective methods are as follows:

  1. Use your creativity
  2. Use the power of graphics
  3. Write a creative and catchy text
  4. Create eye-catching images
  5. Use the latest technologies
  6. Use colours in the right proportion
  7. Use graphics in an intelligent way
  8. Be professional
  9. Use the best fonts
  10. Be consistent


In my experience, graphic design cover letters are often overlooked when applying for a job.

They're an excellent way to show off your skills and experience, and they're also a great way to demonstrate that you can work well with other people.

And it's not just graphic designers who need to include them. Anybody looking for a job could use one.

So I hope you found this blog post helpful. Please comment below if you have any feedback, questions, or ideas about how I can improve my writing or content.

Thanks for reading!


How do you start writing a graphic design cover letter?

First, you need to find the Name and address of the person receiving your graphic design cover letter. You can find this information online or by asking someone at the company.

What should I include in a graphic design cover letter?

Your cover letter should mention that you understand the position and what the company is looking for. It would be best if you also said why you're qualified for the job and how you'll contribute to the company. A cover letter should include your Name, phone number, email address, company name, and the job title you are applying for.

What should a graphic designer avoid putting in a cover letter?

A graphic designer should avoid putting anything in a cover letter that does not pertain to the job they are applying for. For example, if they are applying for a web design position, they should avoid putting a list of websites they have designed on a resume.

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How should I format a graphic design cover letter?

You should have three pages for a graphic design cover letter. You should include your Name, contact information, resume, and cover letter on page one.

What are graphic designers' most common mistakes when writing cover letters?

The most common mistake graphic designers make when writing cover letters is that they assume that they are writing a resume. They forget that they are writing a cover letter.

What is the difference between a resume and a cover letter?

A resume is a document that includes information about your education, work experience, and skills. A cover letter is a document that helps you get hired for a specific job.

What should I write about my personality?

You can describe yourself by listing your skills and abilities. For example, you can say you are a team player, hardworking, or confident.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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