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How To Be The Best Marketing Consultant In Your Niche

How To Be The Best Marketing Consultant In Your Niche

It's much more satisfying to help a client realise their goals rather than just delivering a marketing plan. So when you think about ways to help your clients grow their businesses, think about your satisfaction.

We've spoken about this before, but we're still amazed by the sheer number of marketing consultants (and how they're all so different). Even if you have a clear idea of what kind of business you'd like to get into—the reality is that there are almost limitless markets for marketing consulting, and you can choose the one(s) that's best for you. But, how do you know which one is right for you?

How do you know if your idea for a consulting firm will be successful? Here's an overview of some factors you'll want to consider when deciding whether to take on the challenge of starting a consulting business.

If you want to be the best at anything, you must learn everything you can about that thing. Then you need to practice the things you know. And then, you need to improve on what you've already learned.

Understand your target audience

Content Relevance Audience

We all know that there is no such thing as a perfect audience for a business. No matter how many people tell you otherwise, you can't have one specific group of people who will be interested in what you offer.

It's important to understand that your target audience should be diverse and spread across different people. An excellent way to figure out your target audience is to talk to people with the same problems as your potential customers.

Talking to them is also essential because it gives you a better understanding of your target market. Once you have determined the problems and issues your target audience faces, you can develop the right product or service to solve those issues.

How do you figure out the issues of your target audience?

Listening to them and asking them to explain their problems is essential. Sometimes it's hard to hear, but if you try to listen to your customers, they will be more likely to open up to you and share their problems.

Here are some questions you can ask your customers to understand their problems:

  • What are the most pressing problems that your company faces?
  • What are the significant issues you face daily?
  • Why do you use certain products/services?
  • What are the biggest challenges you are facing now?

Once you get a hold of the answers to these questions, you will be able to start developing your product or service. Once you get a clear picture of what your customers need, you can focus your efforts on solving their problems.

You may also ask them if they want to know more about your company. You can use this information to build trust among your customers.

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The most effective way to get started is to read your customers' minds. You can do this by talking to your customers and analysing their social media posts, emails and other communications. You can also take into account their responses to your surveys.

You can also ask them what they think about you and your company. You can even ask them if they would recommend you to their friends. Doing this will give you a good idea of how your customers perceive you and your company.

What does the research tell you?

Once you've figured out the issues that your customers face, you can develop the right product or service to solve those issues. This means that you need to find the gaps between your customers' needs and the solutions you offer.

To do this, you need to conduct research. You can do this by reading your customers' minds and conducting interviews with them.

Find out their problems

Find Customers Pain Points Marketing Consultant

Most of the time, we go through many different kinds of training and learn new ways to market and advertise products and services. However, there is one thing that is always neglected. That is the fact that it's vital to be able to understand what your clients and target audience wants.

As a marketing consultant, you must be able to find out what problems your customers are having and what kind of solutions they need. This is the first step to your success as a marketing consultant.

Nowadays, it is straightforward to find out the problems of your clients. You don't even need to spend much money to discover the problem. The problem is that most marketers don't know how to do this.

Here is a list of some of the ways you can find out the problems of your customers:

Google search

One of the easiest ways to find out what your customers are searching for is simply doing a Google search. Knowing the keyword lets you find out what your customers are looking for.

This is the most common way people do research. When you're using Google, you should use the following two keywords:

  • your leading product/service
  • a generic term related to your leading product/service (e.g., marketing)

The keywords you enter into Google should be “product name: keyword” or “service name: keyword”. Don't worry if the results are not accurate. Just enter the two keywords and see what comes up.

Your competitors' websites

Sometimes, you can find out what your competitors say about your product/service. You can check your competitors' websites to know how people talk about your product/service online.

Checking your competitors' websites can be helpful. They will provide you with information. You can see what kind of keywords they are using to get traffic. This way, you can find out what people are searching for.

Social media

There are many social media websites that you can use to find out what your customers want. One of the biggest social media sites is Facebook. If you know what keywords your customers use, you can find out what ads they are clicking on.

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LinkedIn is another excellent social media website. You can find out what people are talking about on LinkedIn by checking their professional profiles.

You can also use Twitter. Twitter is the best place to share your thoughts about your business if you're a marketer.

Ask them

You can also ask your customers directly. This is one of the best ways to determine what your customers want. Ask them what they are looking for and what their problems are.

Provide them with solutions

What Does A Marketing Consultant Do

Marketing is a huge task. It requires a lot of time and effort. It's an important thing that affects the brand and sales. Marketing includes everything that takes place between your brand and your customer. It starts by providing solutions to customers in various ways. As a marketing consultant, you are the one who should be the first person to know what your client needs and give them what they require. Your job is to provide them with solutions by considering their problems. 

You can't provide services as a marketing consultant if you don't know how to solve a problem. And it requires much research. Here is a guide that will help you with that.

A good marketing consultant must understand the customer's problems and provide solutions to those problems. This will ultimately result in bringing in more customers and getting more profit. So, it is necessary to know the problem that a customer is facing so that you can provide them with a solution that will satisfy their requirements.

Problem identification:

The first step in providing a solution is identifying the customer's problem. To know the problem, you must first analyse the problem. You should do your research and conclude whether the problem is a big or small one. This will help you decide what service you will provide to your client. If the problem is big, you will have to find ways to solve it.


The second step is to research. You need to learn about the problem and learn more about it. You can do this by reading blogs, listening to podcasts, or watching videos. By doing this, you can get a better understanding of the problem. This will help you to create a plan that will resolve the problem.


After the research, you need to come up with a plan. You need to know what kind of problem your client has. The purpose of your plan is to provide solutions to these problems. Based on your client's problem, you can devise a plan that will suit your client. But it would help if you tailored this plan to your client's problem.


After coming up with a plan, it is time to provide solutions. You can do this by asking your client about their problems. You can also use surveys to get information from your client. After knowing about the problem, you can devise a solution to help your client. You can also make a prototype or a model of the solution.


When you get a solution, you need to monitor it. Monitoring will help you to measure the success rate of the solution. If the solution does not provide desired results, you need to change it. This will help you to come up with a better solution.

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Find ways to position yourself as the solution

How To Position Yourself As An Expert In Your Field Underpinned 1 Scaled 1

There are many marketing consultants, and they all look to be experts at their craft. So, how do you know if you are an expert? The best way is to start getting clients.

So, how do you get clients? Well, there are different ways to go about this, but one of the best ways to make yourself stand out is to position yourself as the solution.

Many people are willing to pay money for a good marketing consultant, but they don't have the skills to do so themselves. To become the go-to marketing consultant, you must offer something the client doesn't currently have.

For instance, you may offer a better service than what the client has right now. Maybe you can offer a better return on investment than the client sees now. Or maybe you can offer a lower cost than the client now sees.

Whatever makes you different from the competition, ensure you market your expertise as a solution, and clients will be willing to pay you.

The other great thing about being the solution is that you can position yourself as an expert for any project. When you say you are the solution to someone's problem, you'll have more credibility in the eyes of the potential client.

When positioning yourself as the solution, ask your clients a few simple questions to ensure you're the right person for the job. For example, you may ask them their goals or what they need their website to do. This helps you determine what they're trying to accomplish, and you can ensure you are the right person to help them reach those goals.

Also, make sure you're always asking for feedback. This will give you an idea of whether or not you're helping them and will let you know whether you should continue working with them.

Positioning yourself as the solution is one of the best ways to make yourself stand out as a marketing consultant. You'll be able to get clients because people will be willing to pay for your services.

Focus on your strengths

Marketing Consultant Skills

Because your strengths are what make you different, and it's how you are different that makes you unique. The more you can use your differences to your advantage, the more successful you will be. Your job as a marketing consultant is to help your clients find ways to present themselves differently – in ways that suit them. 

This may mean making more of their strengths or less of their weaknesses. But it does not mean hiding or ignoring their weaknesses. You need to know where they are so that you can help them to make them less obvious and more acceptable.

To understand what's wrong with a particular client and develop ways to change their marketing so they can be more effective and attractive to potential customers, you need to see the situation clearly, objectively and dispassionately. If you do that, you will also be able to help them change the situation to one in which their strengths will become more visible and their weaknesses less noticeable.

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You need to look at each client individually to see where they are coming from and where they are going. It's essential to understand what motivates them and why they behave the way they are. It's easy to forget that marketing is about helping your client's business to grow. So it's vital that you stay focused on that objective and not let yourself get distracted by a client's personality quirks or individual needs.

Your job as a marketing consultant is to look for ways to help your clients become more attractive, appealing and credible to their target market. Sometimes this means taking a risk and saying no to clients who aren't suited to your style or approach. But if you can achieve this without hurting your client's feelings and upsetting other people, that's an excellent result.

Remember that marketing is a profession, not a hobby. Your ability to sell yourself to clients will be essential to your success as a marketing consultant. So spend some time developing your skills in selling yourself. You can do this by learning to listen well and take good notes. If you can learn to write and speak well, you'll be able to communicate your ideas more effectively.

You also need to build up your self-confidence. Think about your strengths and skills and how to put these together to make yourself more attractive. You may need to work hard at this and practice some skills, such as writing or speaking well.

You'll find that being able to identify and build on your strengths is more valuable than focusing on your weaknesses. Your strengths are what make you different. Your strengths can help you to sell yourself effectively and can be used to your advantage.

In the same way, your weaknesses can work against you, and you should focus on changing them. If you can do this without upsetting your client, that will help you develop as a marketing consultant and be more effective and successful.

Create a killer sales funnel

Stages Of The Sales Funnel

We get so many requests about this topic. People ask, “How do I create a sales funnel?” We asked ourselves the same question. So we decided to research all the options and find the best one.

The first step in creating your sales funnel is identifying your target market. You must know your ideal customer and to whom you want to sell. Your goal is to identify people in need of your product or service.

Once you have identified your ideal customer, the next step is determining their pain points. Their pain points are the problems they have with their current solutions. This gives you a good starting point. For instance, if you're a web designer, you can research potential customers' problems with their current website.

The next step is to write down all the problems your customers have. Don't worry if some of them don't apply to you. You can still use these problems as the basis for your sales funnel.

Next, you need to identify who your competitors are. Who are your main competitors? Are there other people selling similar products or services? Once you know your competitors, you can look at their sales funnels. Do they have multiple stages in their sales funnel? Or do they only have one stage?

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Once you know what your competitors are doing, it's time to create your own sales funnel.

Here's an example of a sales funnel we found online:

  1. Prospecting
  2. Contacting
  3. Sales Call
  4. Presentation
  5. Sale
  6. Customer Service
  7. Repeat
  8. Maintenance
  9. Reminder
  10. Update
  11. Upgrade
  12. Retention

We believe this type of sales funnel is a straightforward and effective way of creating a killer sales funnel. You only need to identify the problem you want to solve and then have the solution.

Another vital part of creating a killer sales funnel is ensuring that your product is something people want. If you're selling software, you can offer an upgrade to people who buy your software. This will help you build an email list and a mailing list.

Another thing you need to consider is how long each step in your sales funnel should take. You'll have to research to determine how long each step should take. This will ensure that people stick around and buy your product.

So once you've completed your sales funnel, you can start marketing it.

Create content that will help people

Content Marketing Roi Statistics On Blog Posts

As a marketing consultant, you might be required to create content in your area of expertise. But the problem is that you don't know what kind of content to create. What should you write about? Where should you publish your content?

You must learn to be creative when writing and publishing content as a marketer.

Here is a guide to help you create content that will help your audience.

What Should You Write About?

As a marketer, you are often required to write content in your area of expertise. Your job as a marketer is to provide content that will be useful to others.

What should you write about? What are the topics that are relevant to your audience? This is a crucial part of creating good content. If you fail to do this, your readers will not pay attention to your content. So, what topics should you cover?

The topics should be related to the audience you are targeting. Here are some topics that you should consider.

  1. Content about yourself: You need to write content that gives people insight into your skills and abilities. For example, you should share information about your SEO tools and resources if you are an SEO specialist.
  2. Advice to your audience: You should also write advice to your audience. A great example of such advice is “Write good headlines”. A good headline helps people to find the right article quickly.
  3. News: You should share information about what is happening in your industry. For example, “Are you missing out on much traffic?”

Where Should You Publish Your Content?

It is crucial to post your content to the right places. Otherwise, you'll lose your audience. You need to make sure that your readers find your content easily.

Blogging is one of the best places to publish content. Blogging is an excellent platform for sharing information and advice. If you can write a good article, you can easily share it with your audience on your blog. Many people rely on their blogs to promote their businesses. 

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People who read your blog posts get an idea about who you are and can trust your opinions.

Social media is another excellent place to publish your content. You can share your blog posts on social media if you have followers. In return, your followers can help you increase your reach.


Knowing how to become a good marketing consultant can be difficult. The key to being the best is having a clear vision of how your consulting business should function. 

Before starting any new marketing projects, you should ask yourself these questions: What do I want my clients to experience after our work together? Do I want to provide high-level advice on marketing strategies? Or do I just want to share my own marketing experience with others?

The most prominent mistake marketing consultants make thinking it's enough to show up, ask good questions, and have a solid marketing strategy.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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