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Available for use in Adobe InDesign, this easy-to-use resume/cv template provides a professional look.

Applying made easy—with this professional resume/curriculum vitae template you will have a good chance to get the job of your dreams. Created by freelance graphic designer, illustrator, and Adobe Stock contributor @Roverto Castillo, this Adobe InDesign is based on the standard size of A4. It consists of a cover letter and a resume page. Every section is fully editable. You can also add as many pages as you want. Customizing the pages is quite easy—with just a few clicks, you can add your own content to the predesigned layout. Based on a modern and simple design, this resume/cv template is the perfect solution to showcase your personality and skills in style. The layout consists of various, well-ordered subject areas.

Please note that this customizable resume/cv template requires Adobe InDesign. You can get the latest version from the Adobe Creative Cloud website—just take a look here. For those who want to learn more about this professional Adobe InDesign template, feel free to click on the following link. Using this template, you will definitely stand out from the crowd of competitors.

Download a professional resume and curriculum vitae template for Adobe InDesign
You can download this professional resume/curriculum vitae template for Adobe InDesign here. By the way, with an Adobe Stock trial subscription, you can download this high-quality InDesign file for free.

Do not hesitate to find more trending graphic design templates on WE AND THE COLOR. The category includes plenty of useful graphic stock material for different needs such as logos, patterns, countless vector files, or PSD mockups. For creative inspiration, we recommend having a look at our extensive Graphic Design category.