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How to Introduce New Branding

How to Introduce New Branding

Launching a new brand can be a daunting task. Following the same steps for a new product or service is best. First, make sure your brand is unique, then give people a reason to prefer your brand over other products or services. Finally, set a price, a marketing plan and branding standards that will allow you to build your brand further.

You have a new brand that needs to be introduced to the world, and you wonder how to go about it. How can you introduce your brand to the world, get them to believe in it, and become your customers? This question is fundamental because it gives your potential customers a reason to return and keep coming back. So how do you do this? It's much easier than you think. You need to get creative and find a way to make yourself known to your target audience and get them excited about your new branding.

If you are considering starting a new brand or rebranding an existing one, you must find the best way to introduce it to the public.

Today's topic will look at how you can introduce your new branding.

In particular, we will consider some critical points when developing and launching your new brand identity.

You Have to Design the Right Logo

Best Logo Design Tips

The logo is the heart of your brand. It tells the world who you are, what you do and what you stand for. It is one of the first things people see when they hear your company name or visit your website. It is also a constant reminder of who you are and what you want to achieve.

It took me years to find my brand, and the process could have been smoother. It took me almost two decades to finally discover my unique voice. The method of finding your brand is like a journey of discovery. Every person is unique, and your brand should reflect that. You may have a corporate identity that looks different from your logo or business cards. That's fine. The most important thing is that your corporate identity is correct and consistent. Your logo is the first step in this process.

Your logo is more than just a sign that your business exists. It represents who you are, what you do and what you want to be known for. Therefore, it must represent you, your business and your brand. If you are thinking about using a different font or lettering or changing the colours, take the time to carefully consider the changes and make sure they support the overall goal of your brand.

So, how do you know if you are on the right track?

If you ask ten people about your company or brand, you will probably get ten completely different answers. When someone asks what your company stands for, what image or impression do you want to leave with them? The answer to this question will determine the direction of your brand.

Take a moment to think about what that brand is. When people hear your name, what do they believe? If your answer is “community”, that is your starting point. The rest of your brand, logo, product or service, website and everything else in your business must reinforce that.

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For example, if your business is about community, your logo should show that. If your business is about community, your product or service should deliver on that promise.

How do you get to this stage?

It all starts with a vision.

What is your brand, and what do you want it to represent? Think about what your brand means to you and how it will help you achieve your business goals.

When you think of your brand, write down a list of words that come to mind. For example, if your business is about community, your list might include the following:

• connected

• supportive

• inclusive

• understanding

• caring

• helpful

• giving

• sharing

• compassionate

• accepting

• fun

• friendly

• helpful

• friendly

• respectful

• trustworthy

• reliable

• responsible

• efficient

• effective

• organised

• effective

• helpful

Think about how your products or services help people live these words. Consider how your logo will be used on your packaging and promotional materials.

Once you have written down your words, write a sentence describing how your logo, company and products help your customers live these words. Make sure the sentence includes all the words you wrote down earlier.

Keep writing until you have written a complete sentence that describes your brand.

When you have finished, read the sentence out loud. Does it resonate with you? If not, it's time to start again.

At this stage, you need to be honest with yourself. Is your brand really what you imagined it to be? If not, go back to the beginning. Look again at your writing and understand why your target group is looking for something different.

What's the Main Purpose?

You know the feeling when someone comes up to you and says, “Hi! I'm here for the party.” The person looks familiar, but you're curious if you've met them before. This is the same feeling when a website, app or business card catches your attention. She seems interesting, but you need to find out the connection. Eventually, you will find that this person or company has already done business with you.

In a world flooded with too much information, losing sight of what is essential is easy. If you are looking for an answer to the question “Who is this company?” or “What does this logo mean?” you are not alone. We often need clarity with the sheer volume of logos, designs, brands, and products. In the digital age, we want instant answers, but they are often hard to find.

This leads to frustration. We have to learn what we don't know about things that are important to us, and sometimes it takes some time to understand the meaning of a design. But once we do, we can be sure that the people we work with mean business.

A logo should convey the message of your business, whether it's a brand identity for your company, a name for your business or a design you want to use for your products. We want to know the message of companies or products we buy. We want to know who is behind the design.

Understanding the purpose of a logo design and its message is essential. A good logo design makes us believe the company is reliable, trustworthy, and friendly. Your logo can tell a story about your business.

What Type of Logo Do You Choose?

7 Types Of Logo Design

If you're thinking of creating a logo or design for your company, you've probably pondered this question.

It would be best if you tailor your logo to your business. In other words, you should choose a logo unique to your industry. But it should also be memorable. So how do you decide which type of logo is best?

Logo Design Considerations

A logo is a branding tool designed to help customers recognise your business. People who see your logo will associate your company with a particular product or service. That association can lead to higher customer satisfaction and repeat business.

For example, let's say your company sells gardening supplies. The best logos represent your business as being reliable and trustworthy.

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This would apply to companies like lawn care companies, tree service companies, and landscaping contractors. A garden shop or hardware store would have different needs than a software company, but their logos should still reflect the quality of their products and services.

Choosing a Good Logo

There are many factors to consider when selecting a good logo for your company. Here are a few questions to ask yourself:

What is the logo for? 

You should choose a logo that's a good fit for your company. For example, if your business sells landscaping supplies, you could choose a landscaping-related logo that includes green foliage, flowers, trees, and plants. On the other hand, if your company sells medical devices, you might select a medical device-related logo.

What do I want to represent?

Think about the things you want to represent in your logo. For example, if you sell gardening supplies, you may want your logo to convey the image of a gardener's tools and supplies. You might also want a gardening theme in your logo.

What are the logo's colours?

Colour can be a vital element in your logo. Depending on the type of logo, you may want a colour palette similar to your company's website, brochures, and other marketing materials. Or you can create a logo with a bold, vibrant colour that stands out from the crowd.

How will the logo appear on different mediums?

Your logo is an essential branding tool, so it should look good on everything your company does. Whether you use stickers, signage, business cards, websites, or your logo on a business card or letterhead, your logo should be consistent across all your marketing materials.

How will the logo stand out?

When someone sees your logo, they'll remember the brand. So, what type of logo is best for your business?

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when choosing your logo:

  • Please keep it simple. In the world of branding, simplicity is vital. If your logo contains too much going on, it may confuse your audience. Also, don't clutter your logo with too many different details. You want to avoid a logo that looks like a committee put it together.
  • Create an iconic logo. A recognisable and easy-to-remember is the best type of logo.
  • Keep it memorable. The best type of logo conveys a specific message or idea memorably.

If you're looking to design a new logo for your company, we can help. Our graphic designers can create a customised logo for your business that will be memorable.

How Will the Logo Represent the Spirit of Your Brand?

Pret A Manger Brand Overhaul Rebrand

This is the first of the three most important things your company logo needs to tell. It's the thing that will set your business apart from its competition. It's the thing that will connect to your potential customers and help them remember your brand. It's also the thing that sets you apart as an expert in your field.

As the saying goes, you can't teach an old dog new tricks, but you can teach a new puppy about your company's values and style. The following lists the three most important questions to ask yourself regarding your business logo.

What are the three most important characteristics that your company needs to convey to potential customers?

A good logo should reflect who your company is, what it does, and how it feels to potential customers. It should capture your company's mission statement and be unique to your brand. A logo doesn't need to stand out but must be memorable, easy to recognise, and instantly recognisable.

How can I use my logo to portray the values of my company?

This is the second question to ask yourself when developing a logo. It would be best if you took what your company stands for and how it feels to you and translated it into a design. If you are passionate about your company's values, that's a great place to start. For example, you might focus on sustainability and eco-friendliness by making the logo a green circle or a flower. You might make the logo a baseball with a big smile if you work and play hard.

How can I use my logo to showcase my expertise and create a feeling of trust and confidence?

This is the third and final question to ask yourself. When potential customers see your logo, they judge your company's quality and professionalism. For example, suppose your logo features a cool font, a simple background colour, and the image of your favourite sports team. In that case, your logo is an excellent representation of your company's values. But if your logo looks cheap, generic, and a little tacky, it conveys the opposite.

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It's Not Just About Changing the Logo

Sprite Rebrand Relaunch

When introducing new branding, it is vital to introduce the new brand in a manner that does not disturb the existing customer base. It is equally important to ensure that the product to be introduced is consistent with the existing brand. For example, if a new product is introduced, that is very similar to an existing one; it is improbable that the existing customer base would accept such a move.

In recent times, several companies have changed their logos and product lines. There is nothing wrong with that. However, one must ensure that the changes keep with the company's vision and values and that the products or services offered are distinct from the existing brand.

A perfect example is McDonald's and KFC, both having a long history of supplying food to the public. Recently, McDonald's introduced a range of non-branded products, including coffee and tea. However, the decision to introduce these products completely contradicted the brand image that McDonald's had been known for. At one time, McDonald's was viewed as making high-quality branded foods rather than a generic fast food company.

In such a case, persuading customers to switch from branded to non-branded products is challenging.

Another example is when a company introduces a product that is too similar to an existing product. For example, Coca-Cola introduced its latest range of drinks, Sprite. While Sprite has been a popular drink in many countries for decades, Coca-Cola could only introduce this new product by upsetting the existing customer base.

For this reason, a company should always consider the possibility that introducing a new product may upset existing customers.

Another critical point to remember is that introducing a new product must be done carefully and with proper planning. A change in the company's image may result in losing trust among the customer base.

Companies that introduce new products and brands must always plan carefully to avoid such a situation. They must also be able to change the logo or the product line in case the existing customers do not accept the new product.

It is equally important to ensure that any product change aligns with the company's vision and values and that the new product does not directly contradict the existing brand.

As mentioned earlier, companies must introduce a new product or brand carefully. Companies must do everything possible to ensure that the product they introduce does not contradict the existing brand or create problems for their existing customer base.

What Does Your Brand Stand For?

Main Idea Brand Core Values

How do your brands stand for you? Do they represent your values and how you want your world to be? Do they help you build, live, and thrive?

This section explores how the brands you love connect to your values and beliefs. We'll show you how to use your values to create a brand identity and strengthen customer relationships.

Your Brand Values

At the beginning of every year, Forbes magazine asks more than 100 executives across dozens of industries to reveal the brand values that guide them. These are the top ten values shared by leaders in their industries:

  1. Innovation
  2. People
  3. Quality
  4. Leadership
  5. Passion
  6. Customer Focus
  7. Purpose
  8. Transparency
  9. Empathy
  10. Creativity

While these are important values to strive for, you can apply your brand's values to build a stronger customer connection and relationship with customers. This section will show you how to use your brand's values to develop a brand identity and strengthen customer connections.

Create a Brand Identity that's Relevant to Your Customers

When we think about the brands we love, what comes to mind? What words do we associate with those brands?

For many people, Nike, Apple, and Disney evoke the following characteristics:

  • Nike – Performance
  • Apple – Technology
  • Disney – Fun

When you look closely, these companies' brand values are all connected. In the first case, Nike's brand value is performance. That means that Nike is a company that creates products that deliver high performance to its customers. In the second case, Apple is a company that delivers products that enhance the user experience. In the third case, Disney represents fun, entertainment, and joy.

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Brand values are the “heart” of a brand. They are the principles that drive the entire company. They are the guiding light that connects all parts of your business.

When creating a brand identity, you must ensure it aligns with your brand values. You need to create a brand that customers love.

Use Your Brand's Values to Build a Strong Customer Connection

Building a solid customer connection is critical to any company. However, companies that communicate their brand values to customers are more likely to succeed in this pursuit.

If values define your brand, you've already begun developing a message that resonates with customers. This message provides a foundation for your company's values and sets the stage for your brand's voice and tone.

In the following sections, we'll discuss the steps you can take to build a stronger customer connection by applying your brand's values to your business.

Define your core values

One way to establish your brand's voice is by identifying your brand's core values. Your brand's core values are the primary principles that guide your company. They are the guiding light that helps you create a brand voice.

Core values are the heart of a brand. They are the principles that drive the entire company. They are the guiding light that connects all parts of your business. Your brand's core values are the principles that shape the company's vision and direction. They are the principles that create your brand's identity.

Identifying your brand's core values through an online survey or a small workshop with your team is possible. It's also possible to ask customers to identify the values they see in your brand.

As you work on creating your brand's voice, you'll need to identify the values you share with customers. These values define your brand's voice, which ultimately determines how your brand is communicated to customers.

Ensure you include all the core values you want to communicate to customers. These values are your brand's foundation and provide the basis for your brand's voice and tone.

Establish your brand's voice

Types Of Brand Voice

As we discussed earlier, a brand's voice is the unique style and tone that makes it distinct. It's the essence of your brand's personality.

You must identify your brand's key messages to communicate a clear brand voice. Your customers should know and understand these three or four main points about your brand.

You can use various tools to help you create your brand's voice. These range from simple word association exercises to more complex surveys that help you gain insight into your brand's values and principles.

Use your core values to help you establish your brand's voice. Your brand's values are the principles that drive your company. When you communicate your brand's core values to your customers, they become a part of your brand's story.

Your brand's values help to create a consistent and recognisable tone of voice for your brand. They can also help you establish your brand's personality or distinct qualities that make it unique and recognisable in the marketplace.

Introducing New Branding – How to Do It Well

1 – Hype It Up

Hype Launch New Branding

If your company is starting, starting with a big, flashy launch is tempting. But a big launch might do more harm than good, especially if done poorly. A small launch is much better for your brand's growth and image. It gives you time to test and refine your branding and messaging.

As a designer, figuring out the ideal launch for your business can be challenging. Sometimes a tiny launch can feel like you need to move faster, while a significant launch can feel like you're trying too hard.

You might think a small launch could be risky, but it can be the safest option. Starting with a more diminutive, targeted launch lets you get a lot done so your brand is still gaining momentum. If you're already a well-known brand, a small launch can be the perfect way to bring in new customers or gain more exposure for existing customers.

How to Hype Up a Small Launch

Here are a few things to consider when planning a small launch:

  • Know your audience. When you're ready to launch your business, you need to know the people who will be interested in what you're offering. It's easy to assume everyone knows about your business, but that is only sometimes the case.
  • Consider your timing. When you're ready to launch new branding, you aim to ensure the right timing. If you plan your launch well, you may need more time to reach your intended audience.
  • Pick your audience. Who are your customers? Are they people you know personally, or have you contacted them through social media or a website?
  • Make your message clear. If you're launching a new product or service, you must explain your product or service. You'll need to make your audience understand why it's important and valuable.
  • Make your launch memorable. You don't want to launch a product or service that no one notices. Your goal is to make people take notice.
  • Launch on a Friday. Launching on weekends, especially Fridays, allows you to reach a wider audience. People are busy on the weekends, so they'll be more willing to check out your brand.
  • Start a contest. Have your brand launch on a Friday, and then ask customers to submit photos or videos that they'd like to share. You can announce the winners on your website or social media pages.
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What If Your Brand Isn't Famous Yet?

When starting your business from scratch, building a brand that stands out in the crowd is crucial. A small launch will let you test your branding and messaging, which will help you identify your target audience and what they're looking for. When you're ready to expand your marketing efforts, you'll know exactly where to focus your efforts.

Are There Any Downsides to a Small Launch?

You can't control what people think or say about your brand, so you should plan for the possibility that your brand may be misinterpreted or misunderstood. Here are a few things to keep in mind as you work on your small launch:

  • Stay under-promised. A small launch is a chance to show off your product or service. That means you should avoid telling customers how much they'll save or how excellent your service is. Be honest, but keep it realistic.
  • Avoid negative reviews. If your business is new, you want to avoid any bad reviews that may come after your launch. You can use paid advertising to help mitigate the problem, but that's only an option for some businesses.
  • Don't make promises you can't keep. If you're starting, it's easy to promise you'll offer free shipping. Don't do this because you'll lose potential customers if they find out.
  • Keep your new branding consistent. When you're starting your business from scratch, it can be tempting to try a variety of different marketing tactics. But if you want a successful launch, you must have a consistent branding and marketing strategy. You'll want to maintain your consistency as you grow your business.

What is an excellent way to start? Start a small blog and build it up to a full-fledged website. You can then use Facebook ads to target customers who are interested in what you have to offer. Use Twitter ads to target customers who are already talking about your brand.

2 – Start With Social Media

Social Media Marketing Target Audience

Social media has so many choices that differentiating your brand is the only way to stand out. You can try to be the best and be known everywhere or focus on where your target audience hangs out. If your company is based in Toronto, chances are your audience will hang out on Twitter, so ensuring you're getting the most out of that channel is essential.

Asking for Help

You can go with others. It's easy to get caught up in your business and forget that thousands of other businesses are doing the same thing. It's easy to think, “They're doing well because they're so awesome. I'm going to do the same thing, and I'm going to be great.”

It's important to remember that your competitors are not there to beat you up. They're there to help you. They have an idea of what they want to be and where they want to be, and they're giving you advice so that you can learn from their mistakes. The more you ask for help, the more you will get. Check out some of the best branding agencies for ideas.

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Twitter Is Perfect for Beginners

If you're starting, Twitter is the perfect place to test the waters and see what kind of response you're getting. You'll have a great start if you've built your following organically. But to build a following, you should build a list of potential customers and follow them all.

When it comes to following people, you will build a relationship and get to know them. When you're ready to send messages and engage with followers, you should do so when they expect it. Sending a message at 4 pm might make them stop and consider what they will do with their afternoon. On the other hand, if you're starting and looking to engage with people on Twitter, send messages at 10 am and 3 pm. That way, you'll have the most chance of engagement and interaction.

How Can You Get Started with Instagram?

Many brands are jumping on the bandwagon and going heavy with Instagram. It's a popular platform, and many people are using it.

To begin, look at your competition and see which is more successful. Chances are they're using Instagram, and you want to avoid being left in the dust.

Instagram can also be an excellent way to engage with your customers on their terms. It's great for storytelling and a natural fit for many brands.

However, it's not the most accessible platform to use. You must create your account and set it up before sharing. Once you've started sharing, you can't stop. It would be best if you were on top of it every day.

Instagram is also a very visual platform, so it can be challenging to translate that into text. For example, if you're trying to promote a special offer, it can be challenging to say that in 140 characters.

There's also a limit to how many photos you can post at once, making creating a visually-rich feed challenging. Instagram allows you to make your posts “private” and “unlisted,” but your audience can only see your content if they follow you directly.

When it comes to Instagram, you must start sharing. Don't wait for followers to come to you. Ask your audience to follow you, and then engage with them as soon as they’ve joined. Alternatively, you can leverage the Threads app and get Thread followers to improve the visibility of your new brand.

How Does Facebook Work?

Facebook is a social network that allows people to share pictures and content with friends. It's also an excellent tool for promoting your business, so it's a must-have for any brand.

If you have an existing Facebook page, you can set up a fan page on Facebook. When creating a fan page, you ask people to join your community. This means that they can see what you're posting on your page.

You can also set up a group or community. This is a way to get a larger group together to interact and share.

As with Twitter, the best time to create an account is during the day. It's easy to get people to follow you, but you might get less attention when it's late at night or early in the morning.

3 – Develop an Entire Marketing Campaign around the Change

How To Launch A New Brand Product

As a business owner, it is imperative to have a brand. You want to create a logo that represents your business. You want to have a website that is specifically designed to reflect your new branding. And you want to build a marketing strategy that will help your brand grow.

But creating a brand and launching a marketing campaign is different. You may launch a marketing campaign without ever having a brand. Or you may have a brand but need a marketing strategy.

But even with a brand and a marketing strategy, more is needed to launch something. It would be best to create an entire marketing campaign to promote it.

This is where I want to give you some advice. Because I've launched a marketing campaign without a brand and a specific strategy, and I've launched a campaign with both a brand and a specific strategy but without a marketing plan.

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I've done all three things and created an effective marketing campaign.

So here's what you can take from this. If you need help launching a marketing campaign, you must create a brand and develop a marketing strategy. But if you already have a brand and a marketing strategy, more is needed to launch something. It would help if you created an entire marketing campaign to promote it.

When starting, I didn't have a brand or a marketing strategy, so I launched a marketing campaign. It took months to get traction when I did, and I wondered if it was working. So I was stuck.

It was only after I created a brand and a marketing strategy that I had something to promote that I felt confident about.

And that is the key. It would be best to create a brand and a marketing strategy before launching anything.

But once you have a brand and a marketing strategy, more is needed to launch something. It would help if you created an entire marketing campaign to promote it.

It would help if you thought of your marketing campaign as a product. A product doesn't just come into existence and magically sell itself.

A product requires a marketing campaign to sell. Otherwise, it sits there and collects dust.

There are two types of marketing campaigns. The first is a marketing campaign for your brand. This is the type of campaign that you launch when you want to promote your brand.

For example, you may want to launch a brand-new advertising campaign. You may launch a new marketing strategy. You may launch a new website or a new social media profile.

But it would be best to launch these things through a marketing campaign. A marketing campaign is a product. It has a message, a goal, and a call to action.

For example, if you are launching a new advertising campaign, you must have a specific goal tied to your new branding. For example, you could say, “We want to drive sales for X number of dollars.”

Now, let's take that a step further. Imagine if we were launching a new website. We could say, “We want to attract 50 new customers.” This is a particular goal, a clear message, and a specific call to action.

Similarly, if we were launching a new social media profile, we could say, “We want to get 50 likes on Facebook.” Again, this is a clear message and a specific call to action.

In each case, we are describing a product. We are telling people what we are launching, why we are launching it, and what we want it to achieve.

This is precisely how you should think of your marketing campaign. It is a product. It has a clear message, a clear goal, and a clear call to action.


Today, there are many ways to introduce new branding to your audience. There's much competition, but building a brand that stands out is possible.

The number of companies that are now competing with each other means that there are fewer opportunities for you to stand out. However, this means that it's possible to succeed.

There are a few things that you can do to stand out, including having a unique voice, providing quality content, and focusing on building a relationship with your audience.

Need help with rebranding or launching new branding to the world? Get help from our creative branding agency!


What's the best way to introduce new branding?

One of the best ways to introduce new branding is to start using it in your ads. If you're an advertiser, getting some exposure is good before you start working with your ad agency or planner.

What should I say when introducing a new brand?

When introducing a new brand, you want to ensure that the introduction is unique and memorable. You also want to ensure that the branding is consistent throughout your business.

Should I try to get press coverage when introducing a new brand?

It's best to get press coverage when launching a new brand. You can do this through social media, e-mail campaigns, or press releases.

How do I find the right PR person for me?

One of the best ways to find the right PR person is to ask around. You can ask your friends and family, or you can look online.

How do I get a press kit for my new branding?

If you plan to launch a new brand, you can make a press kit and send it to local and national media. Your press kit should include information about your product, a short brand description, and some images.

How do I launch a new brand?

Launching a new brand is much work, and you want to ensure it's worth it. When launching a new brand, you should know your target customer. This will help you determine the kind of advertising and marketing you'll need.

What are some common mistakes brands make when launching a new brand?

One of the biggest mistakes brands make when launching a new brand is that they need to consider that it will take time to build up the brand.

What are some tips for launching a new brand?

The best tip for launching a new brand is to ensure you have a great brand name. You can also consider using a company like Verve, which specialises in helping companies launch new brands.

What's the best way to get feedback on my new branding?

Feedback is essential, and one of the best ways to get feedback is to let your friends and family know about your new brand. They can tell you what they like and don't like.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

Need help Building your Brand?

Let’s talk about your logo, branding or web development project today! Get in touch for a free quote.

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At Inkbot Design, we understand the importance of brand identity in today's competitive marketplace. With our team of experienced designers and marketing professionals, we are dedicated to creating custom solutions that elevate your brand and leave a lasting impression on your target audience.