And Studio designed a new brand identity for the local sports engine app Wisl.

Looking for people who share your passion for physical activity? Look no further than Wisl, the local sports engine that connects you with like-minded players. With Wisl, finding your tribe is as easy as whistling. Simply join up and let the platform match you with the right people at the right time, so you can enjoy the activities you love together.

The brand approached And Studio with a goal beyond mere functionality. They wanted to visually represent their community-oriented objective of creating a platform that facilitates the formation of new relationships through a seamless user experience of organizing games. To achieve this, the brand language had to communicate the approachability of Wisl to diverse audiences and demonstrate its adaptability to any sport.

The logo of Wisl is designed with a custom wordmark, featuring hand-drawn strategic schemes and the trajectories of a bouncing ball that embody the vitality of playing with a team. The stylized letter “W” is integrated into the brand illustration to enhance the visual language of the brand. The letter overlaps with illustrated shapes that depict the playful mascots huddling together. These characters are easy-going and innocent, representing different aspects of the brand and creating diverse storylines.

At Wisl, people are the focus, and this is reflected in the visual language, which features photography. The imagery captures the excitement and sense of community that comes with sports, showcasing genuine human interactions and emotions. The platform warmly encourages individuals to discover their ideal team and get active.

Below you can see a few images of the project. Feel free to visit And Studio‘s website or follow them on Behance for more.

And Studio designed a new brand identity for the local sports engine app Wisl.
And Studio designed a new brand identity for the local sports engine app Wisl.

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