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Top 10 Social Media Tools You Need to Use

Top 10 Social Media Tools You Need to Use

Social media has become an essential aspect of our daily lives, personally and professionally. With almost 6 billion predicted to use social media by 2027, social media platforms offer an unprecedented opportunity for businesses to connect with their target audience and build a loyal following.

However, with so many social media platforms and tools available, knowing which ones to use can be overwhelming. That's why we've compiled a list of the top 10 social media tools you need. Whether you're a social media manager, a small business owner, or simply looking to improve your brand, these tools will help you streamline your social media strategy, save time, and achieve your goals.

So, let's dive in and discover which social media tools made the cut!

Best Social Media Tools

1 – Canva

Canva Design Tools

Were you looking for a graphic design tool that won't make you want to pull your hair out? Look no further than Canva! This go-to tool for social media managers and digital marketers is so versatile and easy to use that you'll wonder how you have survived without it.

Canva's user-friendly interface is so intuitive that even your technologically challenged grandma could create professional-looking social media graphics with just a few clicks. Plus, with a wide range of customisable templates, graphics, and design elements, your content will be visually appealing and engaging enough to make your followers stop scrolling and take notice.

But wait, there's more! Canva also offers an impressive variety of pre-made templates specifically designed for social media to easily create cover photos, posts, stories, and more. And with the ability to add your text, images, and branding, your content will be as unique as you are (hopefully more interesting).

And remember Canva's extensive library of stock photos, graphics, and illustrations. No need to worry about licensing or copyright issues when you can find the perfect image or icon for your social media content right at your fingertips.

So if you're ready to up your social media game and unleash your inner graphic designer (even if it's buried deep down), try Canva. It's worth it to see the amazement on your boss's face when you present them with your stunning creations.

2 – Buffer

Buffer Social Media App

Are you tired of manually scheduling your social media posts? Need a tool that can help you track your analytics and save you time? Look no further than Buffer! As a social media manager, Buffer has become my sidekick for managing my client's social media accounts.

Buffer makes scheduling posts across multiple platforms a breeze, from Facebook and Instagram to Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest. You can even customise your posting schedule for each platform to maximise engagement. It's like having a personal assistant without having to pay someone!

But Buffer doesn't just stop at scheduling. It also offers robust analytics and reporting features to help you track your performance and analyse your audience engagement. So, the next time your boss asks about the ROI of your social media posts, you can dazzle them with data.

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One of the most remarkable features of Buffer is Pablo. No, not your friend Pablo from college, but the tool lets you create custom images with text overlays in seconds. You can create eye-catching graphics without worrying about resizing, colour correction, or finding that perfect font.

And let's remember teamwork! Buffer makes it easy to collaborate with your team members. You can assign tasks, set approval workflows, and leave comments on posts. It's like having a virtual water cooler, minus the awkward small talk.

Buffer is a fantastic social media tool that can help you streamline your social media management and boost your social media presence. So, what are you waiting for? Give it a shot and see the difference it can make!

3 – Hootsuite

Hootsuite New Logo Design

Looking for a social media management tool that's as organised as your sock drawer? Look no further than Hootsuite! As a social media manager, Hootsuite has been my go-to tool for wrangling my clients' social media accounts into submission.

With Hootsuite, you can easily manage multiple social media platforms from one dashboard, including Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and YouTube. This means no more flipping between different tabs like a social media acrobat!

But Hootsuite doesn't just stop at social media management. It also offers powerful analytics and reporting features, allowing you to track the performance of your posts and monitor your audience's engagement. And let's be honest, who doesn't love data?

Hootsuite Platform Image

One of the standout features of Hootsuite is its ability to schedule posts in advance, so you can have a social media presence even when you're living your best life on vacation. Plus, the scheduling process is so simple, you'll feel like a social media wizard.

Another great feature of Hootsuite is its ability to assign tasks to team members, making it easy to collaborate and keep your social media game strong. Plus, the interface is so intuitive that even your grandma could use it (assuming she knows how to use a computer).

Overall, Hootsuite is a fantastic social media tool for anyone looking to keep their social media presence organised, on point, and as sharp as a freshly sharpened pencil. With its social media management, analytics, reporting, and collaboration features, it's worth considering as a part of your social media toolkit.

4 – Sprout Social

Sprout Social Media Tools

Are you tired of feeling like a one-person social media team? Well, say hello to your new social media sidekick, Sprout Social! As a social media manager, Sprout Social has quickly become one of my favourite tools for managing social media accounts.

With Sprout Social, you can easily manage multiple social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn, all from one place. No more bouncing between apps and accounts – Sprout Social has got you covered.

One of my favourite features of Sprout Social is its ability to schedule your posts for the optimal time automatically. That means no more guessing when your audience is most engaged – Sprout Social has the data to back it up. Plus, its smart inbox feature consolidates all your social media messages into one place, making it easy to respond to comments and DMs on time.

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But Sprout Social isn't just about scheduling and responding. It also offers robust analytics and reporting features, giving you a deep dive into your audience's engagement and social media performance. You can use this information to fine-tune your social media strategy and keep your audience engaged.

And the best part? Sprout Social's user interface is clean, intuitive, and easy to use. Even if you're a social media newbie, you'll feel like a pro in no time.

Overall, Sprout Social is an excellent social media tool for any business looking to improve its presence. Its scheduling, analytics, and inbox features make it a must-have for any social media team. So, what are you waiting for? Give Sprout Social a try, and let it be your social media sidekick.

5 – Agora Pulse

Agorapulse Social Media Tool Review

Agore Pulse? More like Agore Pulsating with awesomeness! As a social media manager, I've tried many tools, but Agore Pulse has reached the top of my list.

What sets Agore Pulse apart is its all-in-one platform, which allows you to manage all your social media accounts in one placeโ€”no more switching between platforms and tabs like a madman trying to keep up with everything. With Agore Pulse, you can monitor your accounts, schedule posts, track analytics, and even engage with your audience from one platform.

Agore Pulse also offers many features to help you optimise your social media strategy, including social listening, competitor analysis, and content curation. And with its intuitive interface, even beginners can easily navigate the platform and get started immediately.

One of the coolest features of Agore Pulse is its “Inbox Zero” feature, which helps you stay on top of your social media messages and notifications. You can quickly and efficiently respond to messages, comments, and mentions, engaging with your audience and building relationships effortlessly.

But the best part about Agore Pulse? It's just fun to use! From the quirky animations to the colourful graphics, the platform's playful vibe makes social media management feel less like a chore and more like a fun activity.

Overall, Agore Pulse is an outstanding social media tool with everything you need to manage your accounts effectively. It's user-friendly, packed with features, and just enjoyable to use. So, if you want to make social media management feel less like work and more like play, Agore Pulse is the tool for you!

6 – Buzzsumo

Buzzsumo Social Tool

Are you searching for a tool to help you create content that buzzes like a swarm of bees and takes your social media strategy to the next level? Look no further than Buzzsumo! As a social media addict, Buzzsumo has become my wingman in finding the hottest and juiciest content.

Buzzsumo makes it a breeze to find popular content across Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can use this information to create content that resonates with your audience and sends them into a frenzy of engagement.

But Buzzsumo doesn't stop there. It offers robust analytics and reporting features, allowing you to track the performance of your content and gain insights into your audience's behaviour. You can use this intel to adjust your content strategy and improve your social media presence.

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One of Buzzsumo's most remarkable features is its influencer identification. It tracks the content and engagement of key influencers in your industry, allowing you to connect with them and boost your brand's visibility.

Buzzsumo's content alerts are also a hit! You can set up alerts for specific keywords or topics, ensuring you never miss out on trending topics or breaking news in your industry.

Buzzsumo is a fantastic tool for creating buzz-worthy content and taking its social media strategy to new heights. Its content discovery, analytics, and influencer tracking features make it a must-have in your social media toolkit. And let's be honest, with a name like Buzzsumo, you know it will be sweet!

7 – MeetEdgar


Are you tired of seeing your old social media posts gathering dust? Well, it's time to MeetEdgar! As a social media guru, MeetEdgar has become one of my favourite tools for breathing new life into my old content while saving me time.

MeetEdgar makes scheduling your social media posts a breeze, with support for multiple platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. But what makes it unique is its magic ability to recycle your old content, so your greatest hits can reach a wider audience.

But MeetEdgar is no one-trick pony. It also offers robust analytics and reporting features, allowing you to track your post performance and tweak your content strategy accordingly.

What's more, MeetEdgar's category-based scheduling means you can organise your posts by topic, format, or any criteria you like. And MeetEdgar will schedule them at your desired time and frequency.

Want to keep your content fresh and engaging? MeetEdgar has got you covered. You can create multiple versions of a post, and MeetEdgar will rotate between them, keeping your audience on their toes.

MeetEdgar is a fantastic tool for anyone wanting to make the most of their old content and streamline their social media management. With its automatic recycling, category-based scheduling, and post variations, it's an indispensable part of my social media toolkit. And let's be honest, who wouldn't want a quirky yet reliable sidekick like MeetEdgar?

8 – Sendible

Sendible Drafts In Calendar View

Looking for a tool to help you quickly rule your social media kingdom? Then look no further than Sendible! As a social media guru, Sendible has quickly become one of my top picks for managing multiple social media accounts without breaking a sweat.

With Sendible, you can easily schedule your posts across various social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. But what makes Sendible stand out is its ability to manage all your social media messages in one place. No more bouncing between apps and notifications!

Sendible also offers a robust reporting system, allowing you to track your social media performance and adjust your strategy accordingly. And if you ever need a break from social media (we all do!), Sendible has a nifty feature called “Pause Queue” that temporarily stops your scheduled posts so that you can take a breather.

One of the standout features of Sendible is its Smart Queues. You can categorise your posts by content type, topic, or any other criteria you choose, and Sendible will automatically schedule them according to your preferences. It's like having a personal assistant for your social media!

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Another great feature of Sendible is its collaboration tools. You can assign tasks to team members, approve content, and even provide feedback on posts. It's like having a social media agency in your pocket!

Overall, Sendible is a fantastic tool for anyone looking to simplify their social media management and streamline their workflow. With its message management, reporting, Smart Queues, and collaboration features, it's worth considering as a part of your social media toolkit. Plus, with a name like Sendible, you know you're in good hands!

9 – Social Pilot

Create And Schedules

Are you looking for a tool to help you conquer the world of social media? Look no further than Social Pilot! Social Pilot has been a godsend for me as someone constantly juggling multiple social media accounts.

With Social Pilot, you can easily schedule posts for all your social media platforms in just a few clicks. Say goodbye to the tedious task of manually posting on each platform individually! And that's just the tip of the iceberg – Social Pilot also offers a comprehensive content calendar to help you plan your social media strategy ahead of time. Its team collaboration feature allows you to delegate tasks and streamline your social media workflow like a pro.

But wait, there's more! Social Pilot's RSS feed integration makes it a breeze to discover and share relevant content with your audience. And if you're feeling a bit lazy, you can even let Social Pilot curate content for you automatically. Talk about a win-win situation!

One of the standout features of Social Pilot is its in-depth analytics. You can track your post performance, monitor your followers, and gain valuable insights into your audience's behaviour. This information can help you optimise your social media strategy and boost engagement.

Social Pilot is a must-have tool for anyone looking to dominate the social media scene. With its scheduling, content curation, team collaboration, and analytics features, it's worth adding to your social media toolkit. Plus, with a name like Social Pilot, you'll feel like you're soaring through the social media skies with your trusty co-pilot! So, get ready for takeoff and watch your social media presence fly to new heights with Social Pilot.

10 – Rival IQ

Rival Iq Social Media Tools

Are you looking to outsmart your rivals and make them green with envy? Look no further than Rival IQ, the ultimate tool for social media spying. As a social media fanatic, I've tested countless tools, but Rival IQ is a cut above the rest.

With Rival IQ, you can track your competitors' social media performance, including engagement, follower growth, and content strategy. Armed with this intel, you'll be well-equipped to stay ahead of the curve and steal the spotlight from your competitors.

But Rival IQ isn't just about keeping tabs on the competition. It also provides detailed analytics for your social media performance, allowing you to track your engagement, monitor your brand's reputation, and even keep tabs on your website traffic.

One of Rival IQ's standout features is its ability to identify the top-performing content in your industry. You can analyse your content and your rivals' to see what's resonating with your audience and tweak your strategy accordingly.

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Another great feature is Rival IQ's social media reporting. With custom reports, you can show your social media success to your boss or clients and prove that you're worth your weight in gold.

Overall, Rival IQ is essential for anyone looking to crush the competition and dominate social media. With features like competitor analysis, analytics, content analysis, and reporting, it's a no-brainer to add to your social media toolkit. And with a name like Rival IQ, it's like having a secret agent at your disposal. So gear up, get ready to outmanoeuvre your competitors, and let Rival IQ be your partner in crime!

Wrapping Up

Well, well, well, we've come to the end of our social media tool adventure. But fear not, my dear reader, because you now have a whole toolbox of social media wizardry.

Let's face it, social media can be a jungle out there, and without the right tools, it's easy to get lost in the madness. But with the top 10 social media tools covered in this article, you'll navigate through the vines like a pro.

Say goodbye to the days of manual posting, endless scrolling, and guesswork. With these tools, you can schedule your posts in advance, automate your social media activities, and get a handle on what works and what doesn't with analytics and reporting.

But don't just take my word for it; give these tools a whirl and see their impact on your social media presence. You might even become a social media superhero, soaring above the competition with your trusty tool belt.

Just remember, not all tools are created equal. Finding the right tool for your needs is crucial in scheduling, analytics, or content creation. So go forth, my social media friend, and conquer the social media world with the power of these tools at your fingertips!

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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