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Stella Artois And Soleil Toujours Celebrate Summer Solstice With Latest Collab


The summer solstice is the point where our planet’s axis tilts as far as it goes towards the sun, which happens twice a year, once for each hemisphere. When our celestial home’s axis gets tilted at about 23.4 degrees, it results in the longest day of the year. Being closer to the sun also means the weather warms up, and the resulting combination inspires many to get outside and make the most of those additional hours of daylight.

Stella Artois has traditionally celebrated the longest day of the year with its Solstice Lager, a bright, crisp, and citrusy brew previously only offered seasonally. Though it is now available year-round, Stella’s Solstice Lager is designed for warmer weather, and it’s not like you’re slamming stouts and porters on the beach. Unfortunately, a cold beer won’t protect the skin from harmful UV rays. Thankfully, Soleil Toujours has partnered with Stella to create Soleil Toujours Solstice Shimmer Oil Sunscreen, for a combination that refreshes and protects while leveraging premium ingredients along with the sun’s rays to provide color and shine.

Editorial photograph

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