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How to Create a Real Estate Marketing Flyer That Sells

How to Create a Real Estate Marketing Flyer That Sells

For decades, the trusty real estate flyer has been a staple marketing tool for agents and brokers. And for good reasonโ€”when designed and distributed correctly, a real estate flyer can be an extremely effective and affordable way to promote your services, listings, open houses, and more.

But simply slapping together a lacklustre flyer and randomly tossing it on doorsteps isn't likely to generate leads or grow your business. Creating a real estate marketing flyer that sells in today's digital world requires thoughtfulness, strategy, and a keen understanding of your target buyers and sellers.

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk through the crafting of compelling real estate flyers that capture attention and drive results.

Know Your Goal and Audience

Retail Marketing Strategy Target Audience

Before you even open your graphic design software, the first step is getting crystal clear on the purpose of your flyer and who you're trying to reach with it.

Identify Your Objective

Real estate flyers can serve many different goals, such as:

  • Promoting an individual property listing
  • Advertising your services as an agent/broker
  • Marketing an open house event
  • Announcing a new development or construction project
  • Sharing community news or updates

Once you identify the specific purpose of this particular flyer, you can craft the content, design, and distribution strategy accordingly.

Understand Your Target Audience

Next, be specific about who you want to read and respond to this flyer. The demographic factors to consider include:

  • Location โ€“ Neighbourhoods, cities, regions, etc.
  • Age range
  • Income and home budget
  • Family size or situation (singles, couples, families, empty nesters)
  • Home preferences and needs (type, bedrooms/baths, amenities, lot size, etc.)
  • Likelihood and timeframe to buy/sell

The flyer message and design should speak directly to your target audience's priorities, interests, motivations, and concerns.

Choose the Right Flyer Format

Real Estate Sale Flyer Template

Real estate flyers come in various shapes and sizes, each with pros and cons. Consider these factors as you determine the best format for your specific marketing goal and audience:

Full Page Flyers

The standard 8.5″ x 11″ full-page flyer is the most common option. The large size allows ample space to showcase property photos and details or effectively promote your brand. However, the cost per flyer is higher, and they can be trickier for recipients to store or display easily.

Half Page Flyers

Half-page flyers measure either 5.5″ x 8.5″ or 8.5″ x 5.5″, offering a nice balance of portability and usable space. They fit nicely into mailboxes and are easy for people to pin up on fridges or bulletin boards. Half-page flyers are more accessible to digest at a glance.

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Tri-fold Brochure Format

For listings or specialised promotions, a tri-fold brochure flyer adds depth. The three folded panels (eight total surfaces, including front and back) provide room for plenty of visually engaging content. Make sure to design the flow and layout intentionally across all panels.

Postcard Flyers

For neighbourhoods with stricter mailbox rules, a 4″ x 6″ or 5″ x 7″ postcard flyer slips easily through the slot. Postcard flyers are incredibly portable and have space for eye-catching imagery on one side and a more detailed message on the back.

Door Hangers

As the name suggests, door hanger flyers have an integrated cutout or hook to hang on doorknobs conveniently. They guarantee that each resident will see your message. The unusual shape also commands attention. But door hangers must be manually distributed.

Take-One Boxes

If you have a high foot traffic physical location like a model home or office, a take-one box filled with your flyers allows passersby to grab copies voluntarily. The self-service approach avoids intrusiveness.

For any format, ensure your flyer is easily comprehended at a close reading and a glance. Use bullet points, headlines, white space, and visual hierarchy to communicate critical information quickly.

Craft an Engaging Headline and Call-to-Action

Regardless of your flyer objective or design, your headline and call-to-action are the two most critical elements to nail. These work together to hook attention, convey key messaging fast, and direct the next step you want the recipient to take.

Write a Magnetic Headline

Your headline will determine whether or not someone engages with the rest of your flyer content, so make it compelling. Effective real estate flyer headlines:

  • Promise pertinent benefits
  • Appeal to the target audience's priorities
  • Establish credibility and trust
  • Introduce urgency or exclusivity
  • Align with the content and purpose of the flyer

For example, listing flyers could have headlines like:

  • “Your Picture-Perfect Family Home!”
  • “Gluten-free Coastal Living Only 5 Miles from Downtown”
  • “Turnkey Oasis – Now with 9% Price Reduction!”

The headline for a broker service flyer geared to sellers might state:

“Get a Free Home Value Report from Ashland's Top Producing Team”

Add a Clear Call-to-Action

Once you have their attention, add a prominent call-to-action to tell the recipient exactly what you want them to do after reading your flyer.

“Call Sara at 123-456-7890 to Schedule a Showing.”

“Visit Our Open House Saturday, April 4th 1 pm-4 pm”

“Reserve Your Spot at the Jennings New Construction Seminar”

The call-to-action should be an easy next step that leads prospects closer to conversion. Provide any relevant booking details, contact info, URLs, or unique codes needed to complete the action.

Optimise Visual Design

Real Estate Flyer Design Ideas Examples

They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. Regarding flyers, compelling images and intuitive layout significantly amplify interest and readability.

Include Great Photos

Photos of the property or neighbourhood are essential for real estate flyers to paint a visual story.

For listing flyers, showcase:

  • Exterior house photo
  • Interior living spaces
  • Unique features like pool, landscaping, or views
  • Different angles and vantage points

For broker or branding flyers, incorporate:

  • A professional headshot
  • Stock photos reflecting your brand personality and target clients
  • Infographics or charts to illustrate your success and expertise
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Arrange the Layout Thoughtfully

Strategically arrange flyer content in an order and visual hierarchy that draws the eye down the page:

  • Use your headline and a powerful image at the top to make a solid first impression
  • Flow down through bullet points and paragraphs, highlighting key details
  • End with your branding, contact info, and call-to-action in a footer area

Leave ample white space between elements and keep side margins clean. Limit paragraphs to 3-5 concise sentences each for scannability.

Add Visual Interest

Look for small opportunities to add polish through the intelligent use of:

  • Fonts – Mix complementary fonts and sizes to create contrast between headings and body text
  • Colour – Leverage colour psychology. Blue hues suggest trust. Green evokes natural spaces. Use accent colours sparingly for emphasis.
  • Icons – Insert small icons following listing details like bed/bath counts and amenities
  • Lines and boxes – Break up sections with horizontal stripes, dividers, or callout boxes.

Check Formatting Requirements

Be sure to design your flyer within the appropriate size and specifications for printing or distribution. Most standard templates and graphic design apps make this easy.

If mailing a postcard, verify postal regulations for image/text ratio and add the return address. Before mass printing, test that it fits comfortably over a doorknob for door hangers.

Write Magnetic Copy That Sells

Real Estate Marketing Flyer Template

Even the prettiest flyer design will fall flat without compelling copywriting to educate, engage, and motivate your audience.

List Sales Feature Prominently

For property listings, highlight sought-after home features like:

  • Square footage
  • Bedrooms and bathrooms
  • Amenities (fireplace, pool, etc.)
  • Recent upgrades and renovations
  • Lot size and other details

Support with additional descriptive sentences like “The expansive chef's kitchen includes granite counters, a huge island, and top-of-the-line stainless steel appliances”.

For branding flyers, tout your credentials, awards, satisfaction ratings, and past sales stats.

Speak to Their Priorities and Lifestyle

Align your messaging with the motivations and values of your flyer's recipients. For example, young families want great schools, singles desire low-maintenance living, and retirees are interested in accessibility features.

Use lyrical copy to help readers envision living in the home or neighbourhood. “Imagine sunset dinners on your private patio overlooking the lakeside vista”.

Provide Logistical Details

Answer critical questions about property particulars or next steps:

  • Open house or event times/dates/location
  • Contact info and availability
  • Registration or scheduling instructions
  • Directions and parking details
  • Deadlines for time-sensitive offers or discounts

The easier you move forward, the more leads your flyer will generate.

Build Credibility and Trust

Establish yourself or your team as reliable experts worth contacting. For example:

“The Smith Group has helped over 500 local families find their perfect Brookhaven home.”

Share professional affiliations, testimonials, years in business, and past customer results.

Be sure also to follow fair housing regulations for any descriptions or representations. Disclaimers like “not to scale” or “artist rendering” help avoid misperceptions.

Distribute Flyers Where Your Audience Lives

Real Estate Marketing Flyer On Door

You could have the most beautiful, compelling flyer in the world – but if it doesn't end up in front of your target audience, it won't deliver results. Distribution and placement are just as important as design and messaging.

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Personally delivering flyers door-to-door to specific neighbourhoods lets you get your message directly into the right hands. This works best for geographic farm areas or listings located in residential communities.

You can hand-deliver or hang flyers on doorknobs. Just be sure to follow any rules, like no soliciting signs. Only distribute during reasonable daytime hours.

Direct Mail

Mailing flyers using purchased mailing lists for your target demographics offers a broader reach. But you'll have less control over who receives and engages with the mailer.


Giving flyers as handouts at in-person networking events, open houses, industry expos, and community venues gets them into relevant hands. Just be present and proactive in distributing.

High-Traffic Drop Points

Placing flyers in central pick-up spots around busy areas like libraries, cafes, markets, offices, gyms, etc allows self-serve access. You can even explore targeted paid advertising placements on community bulletin boards.


Post a digital PDF version of your flyer on social channels and your website for additional visibility. LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter can extend your reach.

For best results, take a multi-channel approach combining print and digital distribution tailored to where your audience will most likely discover your message.

Track Response and Optimise

To make your real estate flyers work for your business, you must go beyond a “set it and forget it” approach. Proactively monitor flyer performance and fine-tune your strategy over time.

Gather Feedback

Pay attention to any anecdotal reactions you receive and jot down notes. If you get great engagement from a specific neighbourhood, flyer style, or post timing, expand on what's working.

Measure Response

Build in ways to directly track flyer-driven activity like calls, walk-ins, event sign-ups, web traffic, or leads submitted. UTM campaign tags, unique phone numbers, online forms, and dedicated email addresses help quantify conversions.

Review Analytics

Assess digital analytics from your website, social channels, and email platform to see full-funnel impact, from initial impressions to closed deals. See which posts generate the most clicks.

Make Iterative Improvements

Let data guide edits and enhancements to your flyer content, design, distribution, and timing. Boost elements that get traction. Try A/B tests of slightly different versions. Continual refinement is critical.

With a thoughtful goals-driven approach, savvy design skills, compelling content, and intelligent distribution – your real estate flyer is well on its way to driving meaningful results for your business and bottom line.

Now it's time to get creative! The more tailored and consistent you can make your marketing flyers, the more memorable and effective they'll be.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some tips for writing strong real estate flyer copy?

Some best practices for optimising your real estate flyer copy include leading with the essential info, using descriptive headings, highlighting unique features and benefits, conveying the lifestyle experience, establishing trust with stats and testimonials, and ending with a clear call to action.

What size should a real estate marketing flyer be?

How much do real estate flyers cost to produce?

Real estate flyer costs vary based on printing quality, volume, use of colour, and paper stock. Basic black and white flyers can run as low as 10-20 cents each, while full-colour flyers on glossy paper can be 50 pence or more per piece.

What graphic design apps are best for real estate flyers?

Top graphic design apps to easily create great real estate flyers include Canva, Adobe InDesign, Microsoft Publisher, Lucidpress, Flyr, and Easil. All offer drag-and-drop tools, custom fonts, templates, and image libraries.

What are some ways to distribute real estate flyers?

Effective real estate flyer distribution strategies include door-to-door delivery, direct mail, handouts at events, placement in high-traffic public areas, linking on your website and social media, and distribution digitally through email and online community groups.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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