1. Business
  2. Templates
  3. Business Card

How to Create a Modern Business Card Using Adobe Photoshop

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Final product imageFinal product imageFinal product image
What You'll Be Creating

Do you want to learn how to create a business card using Photoshop? As you know, a business card is arguably the most powerful networking tool you can have in your pocket. It's the very first impression of you and the business you're representing. Although we're in this digital age where social media dominates, a physical business card is still highly relevant as it forms a real human connection between you and your peers, where social media is unfortunately lacking.

In this tutorial, I will show you how to make a business card in Photoshop using basic and custom shapes, simple text formatting, and neat positioning.

This business card Photoshop template we are about to create is part of the 4-in-1 Business Card Bundle from my portfolio on GraphicRiver. And feel free to check the collection of the best business cards available on Envato Elements at the end of our tutorial.

4 in 1 Modern Business Card Bundle4 in 1 Modern Business Card Bundle4 in 1 Modern Business Card Bundle

Follow along with us over on our Envato Tuts+ YouTube channel:

Tutorial Assets

Before we begin, download and install the following assets:

1. How to Install or Load Custom Shapes for Business Card Photoshop Template

Step 1

Go to Edit > Presets and select Preset Manager. In the Preset Type drop-down menu, select Custom Shapes and press Load. Now browse to the location where you've unzipped the file and select Tutorial-Shapes.csh. Press Load and you're done.

Install photoshop custom shapesInstall photoshop custom shapesInstall photoshop custom shapes

2. How to Set Up a New Document for a Business Card

Step 1

Business card size in pixels Photoshop templates usually use 3.25 by 1.75 inches, so go to File > New and enter the following:

  • Name: Business-Card-Front
  • Width: 3.25 Inches
  • Height: 1.75 Inches
  • Resolution 300 Pixels/Inch
  • Color Mode: CMYK Color 8bit
  • Background Contents: White

Now press OK to create the document.

Setup and create new document Setup and create new document Setup and create new document

3. How to Create Safe, Trim and Boundary Guidelines for a Business Card Photoshop File

Step 1

Before we start, make sure the following options are enabled. If there is a check next to the option, it's already enabled, and you may skip to the next step.

Press Control-R or go to View > Rulers to show Rulers. Next, go to View and check Snap. Finally, go to View > Snap To and check Guides, Layers and Document Bounds.

Set guideline optionsSet guideline optionsSet guideline options

Step 2

Let's begin with the Safe Area guidelines, within which all important images and text should be kept. Simply click on the Ruler and Drag a guideline to all four sides of the document. It should snap into position easily.

Create safe area guidelinesCreate safe area guidelinesCreate safe area guidelines

Step 3

Now let's increase the canvas size to 3.5 x 2 inches. Go to Image > Canvas Size and set the Width: 3.5 inches followed by Height: 2 inches. Press OK.

Increase canvas size to 35x2 inchesIncrease canvas size to 35x2 inchesIncrease canvas size to 35x2 inches

Step 4

Next, we will create the Trim guidelines. Anything beyond this guideline will be trimmed away after printing. Now click on the Ruler and Drag a guideline to all four sides of the document.

Create trim guidelinesCreate trim guidelinesCreate trim guidelines

Step 5

Increase the canvas size one last time. Go to Image > Canvas Size and set Width: 3.75 inches followed by Height: 2.25 inches. Press OK to apply the changes.

Increase canvas size to 375 x 225 inchesIncrease canvas size to 375 x 225 inchesIncrease canvas size to 375 x 225 inches

Step 6

Create the Boundary guidelines. Although not necessary, having this guideline will definitely help when aligning objects to the edge. Simply click on the Ruler and Drag a guideline to all four sides of the document.

Create boundary guidelinesCreate boundary guidelinesCreate boundary guidelines

Step 7

Now that it's done, let's go ahead and lock the guidelines in their current position. Go to View and check Lock Guides.

Lock guidesLock guidesLock guides

4. How to Create a Background for the Address

Step 1

Select Rounded Rectangle Tool from the Toolbar and click anywhere on the canvas. Set Width: 820 px, Height: 80 px, Radius: 15 px and press OK.

Create rounded rectangle shapeCreate rounded rectangle shapeCreate rounded rectangle shape

Step 2

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Address Bg and press Enter.

Rename layer to Address BgRename layer to Address BgRename layer to Address Bg

Step 3

Double-click on the Layer Thumbnail. Enter C:0 M:20 Y:80 K:0 and press OK. Design your own business cards Photoshop template is a creative task, so you could always try different color combinations. 

Set Address Bg colorSet Address Bg colorSet Address Bg color

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path and set the Horizontal Skew to H: -20. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set horizontal skewSet horizontal skewSet horizontal skew

Step 5

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 337 px and Vertical Position to Y: 540 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set shape positionSet shape positionSet shape position

Step 6

Select the Rectangle Tool (U). Press Path Operations and select Subtract Front Shape. Now draw a rectangle overlapping the excess shape as shown in the image below.

Trim shapeTrim shapeTrim shape

Step 7

To complete the trim, press Path Operations and select Merge Shape Components.

Merge shape componentsMerge shape componentsMerge shape components

5. How to Create a Background for the Tagline

Step 1

Select Address Bg from the Layers panel. Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer and name this layer Tagline Bg. Press OK.

Duplicate layer to create Tagline BgDuplicate layer to create Tagline BgDuplicate layer to create Tagline Bg

Step 2

Double-click on the Layer Thumbnail. Enter C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:95 and press OK.

Set Tagline Bg colorSet Tagline Bg colorSet Tagline Bg color

Step 3

Now let's Rotate this layer. Go to Edit > Transform Path > Rotate 180 Degrees.

Rotate layer 180 degreesRotate layer 180 degreesRotate layer 180 degrees

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 1126.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 540 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set tagline bg positionSet tagline bg positionSet tagline bg position

Step 5

Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and then press Path Operations and select Subtract Front Shape. Draw a rectangle overlapping the excess shape.

Trim tagline bg shapeTrim tagline bg shapeTrim tagline bg shape

Step 6

Press Path Operations and select Merge Shape Components.

Merge shape componentsMerge shape componentsMerge shape components

6. How to Create a Rectangle Separator

Step 1

Go to Layer > New > Group and name this group Separator.

Create new separator groupCreate new separator groupCreate new separator group

Step 2

Select the Rectangle Tool (U) and click anywhere on the canvas. Set the Width to 530 px and Height to 8 px, and then press OK.

Draw rectangle shapeDraw rectangle shapeDraw rectangle shape

Step 3

Double-click on the Layer Thumbnail and enter C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:18. Press OK.

Set shape colorSet shape colorSet shape color

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 370 px and Vertical Position to Y: 286 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set shape positionSet shape positionSet shape position

Step 5

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Left and press Enter.

Rename layer to leftRename layer to leftRename layer to left

Step 6

Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Name this layer Right and press OK.

Duplicate layer to rightDuplicate layer to rightDuplicate layer to right

Step 7

Select the Rectangle Tool (U). Set the Width to W: 80 px and press Enter.

Resize rectangle shapeResize rectangle shapeResize rectangle shape

Step 8

Double-click on Layer Thumbnail. Enter C:0 M:20 Y:80 K:0 and press OK.

Set shape colorSet shape colorSet shape color

Step 9

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 675 px and Vertical Position to Y: 286 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set shape positionSet shape positionSet shape position

7. How to Create a Background for the Contact Icon

Step 1

Go to Layer > New > Group. Name this group Icons Bg and press OK.

Create new icons bg groupCreate new icons bg groupCreate new icons bg group

Step 2

Select Ellipse Tool from the Toolbar and click anywhere in the canvas. Enter Width: 35 px, Height: 35 px and press OK.

Draw round shapeDraw round shapeDraw round shape

Step 3

Double-click on Layer Thumbnail. Enter C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:95 and press OK.Set shape colorSet shape colorSet shape color

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 122.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 541 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set shape positionSet shape positionSet shape position

Step 5

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Address and press Enter.

Rename layer to addressRename layer to addressRename layer to address

Step 6

Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Name this layer Website and press OK.

Duplicate layer to websiteDuplicate layer to websiteDuplicate layer to website

Step 7

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 122.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 453 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set website positionSet website positionSet website position

Step 8

Double-click on Layer Thumbnail. Enter C:0 M:20 Y:80 K:0 and press OK.

Set website colorSet website colorSet website color

Step 9

Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Name this layer Email and press OK.

Duplicate layer to emailDuplicate layer to emailDuplicate layer to email

Step 10

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 122.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 408.5 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set email positionSet email positionSet email position

Step 11

Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Name this layer Phone and press OK.

Duplicate layer to phoneDuplicate layer to phoneDuplicate layer to phone

Step 12

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 122.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 364.5 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set phone positionSet phone positionSet phone position

8. How to Design a Business Card in Photoshop Using Custom Shape Icons

Step 1

Now that we've completed the icon's background, let's move on to create the icons. Go to Layer > New > Group. Name this group Contact Icons and press OK.

Create contact icons groupCreate contact icons groupCreate contact icons group

Step 2

Let's start by creating the address icon. Select Custom Shape Tool from the Toolbar. Press Custom Shape Picker and select the Address Icon.

Select address custom shapeSelect address custom shapeSelect address custom shape

Step 3

Click anywhere on the canvas. Check Preserve Proportions, enter Width: 16 px and press OK.

Create address iconCreate address iconCreate address icon

Step 4

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Address and press Enter.

Rename layer to AddressRename layer to AddressRename layer to Address

Step 5

Double-click on the Layer Thumbnail. Enter C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0 and press OK.

Set address icon colorSet address icon colorSet address icon color

Step 6

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 123 px and Vertical Position to Y: 540.5 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set address icon positionSet address icon positionSet address icon position

Step 7

Now we move on to create the website icon. Select Custom Shape Tool from the Toolbar. Press Custom Shape Picker and select Website Icon.

Select website custom shapeSelect website custom shapeSelect website custom shape

Step 8

Click anywhere on the canvas. Check Preserve Proportions, enter Width: 20 px and press OK.

Create website iconCreate website iconCreate website icon

Step 9

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Website and press Enter

Rename layer to websiteRename layer to websiteRename layer to website

Step 10

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 123 px and Vertical Position to Y: 453 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set website icon positionSet website icon positionSet website icon position

Step 11

Create an email icon. Select Custom Shape Tool from the Toolbar. Press Custom Shape Picker and select Email Icon.

Select email custom shapeSelect email custom shapeSelect email custom shape

Step 12

Click anywhere on the canvas. Check Preserve Proportions, enter Width: 20 px, and press OK.

Create email iconCreate email iconCreate email icon

Step 13

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Email and press OK.

Rename layer to emailRename layer to emailRename layer to email

Step 14

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 123 px and Vertical Position to Y: 409 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set email icon positionSet email icon positionSet email icon position

Step 15

Now let's create the phone icon. Select Custom Shape Tool from the Toolbar. Press Custom Shape Picker and select Phone Icon.

Select phone custom shapeSelect phone custom shapeSelect phone custom shape

Step 16

Click anywhere on the canvas. Check Preserve Proportions, enter Width: 20 px, and press OK.

Create phone iconCreate phone iconCreate phone icon

Step 17

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Phone and press OK.

Rename layer to phoneRename layer to phoneRename layer to phone

Step 18

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 123 px and Vertical Position to Y: 365 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set phone icon positionSet phone icon positionSet phone icon position

9.  How to Create the Background Group

Step 1

First we need to unlock the Background layer, indicated with a lock icon. Double-click on Background Layer and name the layer Background. Press OK.

Unlock background layerUnlock background layerUnlock background layer

Step 2

Make sure Background Layer which you just unlocked is still selected. Hold Shift and click on the Contact Icons group.

Select groups and layersSelect groups and layersSelect groups and layers

Step 3

Now that all layers and groups are selected, go to Layer > New and select Group from Layers. Name this group Background and press OK.

Create background groupCreate background groupCreate background group

The background of the front of the card is now complete.

Before we move on to insert the text and logo, here's how it should look at this point.

Front background completeFront background completeFront background complete

10. How to Create a Tagline Text Layer

Step 1

Make sure the Character and Paragraph panels are enabled before we continue. Skip this step and proceed to Step 2 if they're already enabled by default.

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) from the Toolbar and press the Character and Paragraph panels button.

Enable character and paragraph panelEnable character and paragraph panelEnable character and paragraph panel

Step 2

Select Right Align Layer in the Paragraph panel. In the Character panel, set the Font to Lato, Font Style to Black, Font Size to 6 pt and Color to C: 0 M:0 Y:0 K:0

Set character and paragraph stylesSet character and paragraph stylesSet character and paragraph styles

Step 3

Now click on the Tagline Background shape and type VISUAL EYE CANDY into the text box. Press Control-Enter.

Create tagline text layerCreate tagline text layerCreate tagline text layer

Step 4

We will need to change the color and styling for the word VISUAL only. Let's start by selecting that particular word. Make sure the Horizontal Type Tool (T) is still selected, position your cursor right on top of the word VISUAL, and then double-click to select.

Select textSelect textSelect text

Step 5

In the Character panel, set Font Style to Regular and Color to C:0 M:20 Y:80 K:0. Press Control-Enter to apply changes.

Change text color and styleChange text color and styleChange text color and style

Step 6

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 934 px and Vertical Position to Y: 541 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set tagline positionSet tagline positionSet tagline position

11. How to Create the Address Text Layer

Step 1

Go to Layer > New > Layer. Name this layer Address and press OK.

Create address layerCreate address layerCreate address layer

Step 2

In the Paragraph panel, select Left align text. While in the Character panel, change the Font Style to Bold Italic and set the Color to C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:95.

Set character and paragraph stylesSet character and paragraph stylesSet character and paragraph styles

Step 3

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and click on the Address Background shape. Type 777 Seventh Avenue New York NY 54321 into the text box and press Control-Enter when you're done.

Create address text layerCreate address text layerCreate address text layer

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 373 px and Vertical Position to Y: 542 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set address positionSet address positionSet address position

12. How to Create the Phone, Email and Website Text Layer

Step 1

Go to Layer > New > Layer. Name this layer Phone/Email/Website and press OK.

Create phone email and website layerCreate phone email and website layerCreate phone email and website layer

Step 2

In the Character panel, change the Font Style to Regular and set the Leading to 10.5 pt.

Set character stylesSet character stylesSet character styles

Step 3

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and click on an empty area next to the Contact Icons. Now type "000 1234 5678, madison@email.com" and "www.website.com", each on a separate line. To do so, press Enter after each entry to create a new line. Press Control-Enter when you're done.

Create phone email and website text layerCreate phone email and website text layerCreate phone email and website text layer

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 269 px and Vertical Position to Y: 409 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set phone email and website positionSet phone email and website positionSet phone email and website position

Step 5

Hold Control and select both the Address and Phone/Email/Website layers. Go to Layer > New > Group from Layers and name this group Contact. Press OK.

Create contact groupCreate contact groupCreate contact group

13. How to Create the Name and Job Title Text Layer

Step 1

Let's begin with the job title. Go to Layer > New > Layer. Name the layer Job Title and press OK.

Create job title layerCreate job title layerCreate job title layer

Step 2

In the Character panel, set the Font Style to Bold Italic, set the Leading to Auto and the Color to C:0 M:20 Y:80 K:0, and press OK.

Set character stylesSet character stylesSet character styles

Step 3

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and click on an empty space above the separator. Now type Graphic Designer into the text box and press Control-Enter to confirm.

Create job title text layerCreate job title text layerCreate job title text layer

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 194 px and Vertical Position to Y: 224 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set job title positionSet job title positionSet job title position

Step 5

Let's create the name layer. Go to Layer > New > Layer. Name this layer Name and press OK.

Create name layerCreate name layerCreate name layer

Step 6

In the Character panel, set Font Style to Light, Font Size to 10 pt, and Color to C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:95, and then press OK.

Set character stylesSet character stylesSet character styles

Step 7

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and click slightly above the Job Title. Now type STEVE MADISON into the text box and press Control-Enter.

Create name text layerCreate name text layerCreate name text layer

Step 8

Let's assign a heavier font style for STEVE only. Position your cursor on top of STEVE and double-click to select. In the Character panel, set Font Style to Black and press Control-Enter to confirm the changes.

Select text and change character stylesSelect text and change character stylesSelect text and change character styles

Step 9

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 268 px and Vertical Position to Y: 188px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set name positionSet name positionSet name position

Step 10

Let's keep the layers organized by grouping Name and Job Title layer together. Hold Control and select both the Name and Job Title layers. Go to Layer > New and select Group from Layers. Name this group Name & Job Title and press OK.

Create name and job title groupCreate name and job title groupCreate name and job title group

14. How to Create the Logo

Step 1

Go to Layer > New > Group. Name this group Logo and press OK.

Create logo groupCreate logo groupCreate logo group

Step 2

In the Paragraph panel, select Center Text. While in the Character panel, set Font style to Light, Font size to 6 pt, Leading to 6.5 pt, and Color to C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:95, and press OK.

Set character and paragraph stylesSet character and paragraph stylesSet character and paragraph styles

Step 3

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T) and click anywhere on the canvas. Type CREATIVE INSPIRATIONS into the text box and press Control-Enter to confirm.

Create company name text layerCreate company name text layerCreate company name text layer

Step 4

Let's set a different style for the word CREATIVE only. Position your cursor on top of CREATIVE and double-click to select. In the Character panel, set Font Style to Black followed by Font Size to 12 pt and press Control-Enter to apply changes.

Select text and change character stylesSelect text and change character stylesSelect text and change character styles

Step 5

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 902 px and Vertical Position to Y: 306 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set company name positionSet company name positionSet company name position

Step 6

Select Custom Shape Tool from the Toolbar. Press Custom Shape Picker and select Logo Shape.

Select logo custom shapeSelect logo custom shapeSelect logo custom shape

Step 7

Click right above Company Name. Now check Preserve Proportions and set Width: 110 px. Press OK.

Create logo shapeCreate logo shapeCreate logo shape

Step 8

Go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Logo and press ENTER.

Rename layer to logoRename layer to logoRename layer to logo

Step 9

Double-click on the Layer Thumbnail. Set the color to C:0 M:20 Y:80 K:0 and press OK.

Set logo colorSet logo colorSet logo color

Step 10

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 902 px and Vertical Position to Y: 210 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set logo positionSet logo positionSet logo position

15. How to Create the Details Group

Step 1

Let's select the layers needed to form this group. First, select the VISUAL EYE CANDY text layer. Now hold Shift and select the Logo group.

Select layers and groupsSelect layers and groupsSelect layers and groups

Step 2

Now that you've selected the necessary layers and groups, go to Layer > New > Group from Layers. Name this group Details and press OK.

Create details groupCreate details groupCreate details group

Great! The front part of the business card is now complete.

It's important to save your progress before moving on to create the back portion. Go to File > Save or press Control-S on your keyboard.

Front part of business card completedFront part of business card completedFront part of business card completed
The front part of the business card is now complete

16. How to Set Up the Document for the Back Part of the Business Card

Step 1

We won't be creating a new document this time. Instead, we will be duplicating the front part to save the hassle of setting up the document again. Go to Image > Duplicate. Name this new document Business-Card-Back and press OK.

Duplicate front psdDuplicate front psdDuplicate front psd

Step 2

In the Layers panel, click the Triangle icon beside Details and Background to reveal grouped content. Now hold Control and select the following Groups and Layers:

  • Name & Job Title
  • Contact
  • Visual Eye Candy
  • Contact Icons
  • Icons Bg
  • Separator
Select layers and groupsSelect layers and groupsSelect layers and groups

Step 3

Now remove the selected groups and layers we no longer need. Go to Layer > Delete > Layer and press Yes to confirm.

Delete selected layers and groupsDelete selected layers and groupsDelete selected layers and groups

17. How to Set the Logo Position

Step 1

Select the Logo group in the Layers panel. Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 562.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 338 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set logo positionSet logo positionSet logo position

18. How to Create the Website Background

Step 1

First, select the Tagline Bg layer in the Layers panel. Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 464.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 540 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set shape positionSet shape positionSet shape position

Step 2

Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Name this layer Website Bg and press OK.

Duplicate layer to website bgDuplicate layer to website bgDuplicate layer to website bg

Step 3

Go to Edit > Transform Path and select Flip Horizontal.

Flip horizontalFlip horizontalFlip horizontal

Step 4

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 660.5 px and Vertical Position to Y: 540 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set website bg positionSet website bg positionSet website bg position

Step 5

Select both Website Bg and Address Bg in the Layers panel. Press Control-E or go to Layer and select Merge Shapes.

Merge selected shapesMerge selected shapesMerge selected shapes

Step 6

Now select Rectangle Tool (U). Press Path Operations and select Merge Shape Components.

Merge shape componentsMerge shape componentsMerge shape components

19. How to Create Decorative Backgrounds

Step 1

Select the Address Bg layer in the Layers panel and go to Layer > Rename Layer. Name this layer Left and press Enter.

Rename address bg to leftRename address bg to leftRename address bg to left

Step 2

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: -94 px and Vertical Position to Y: 540 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set left layer positionSet left layer positionSet left layer position

Step 3

Select the Rectangle Tool (U). Press Path Operations and select Subtract Front Shape. Now draw a rectangle overlapping the excess shape.

Trim excess shapeTrim excess shapeTrim excess shape

Step 4

With the Rectangle Tool (U) still selected, press Path Operations and select Merge Shape Components to complete the trim.

Merge shape componentsMerge shape componentsMerge shape components

Step 5

Go to Layer > Duplicate Layer. Name this layer Right and press OK.

Duplicate layer to rightDuplicate layer to rightDuplicate layer to right

Step 6

Go to Edit > Transform Path and select Flip Horizontal.

Flip horizontalFlip horizontalFlip horizontal

Step 7

Select the Move Tool (V) from the Toolbar. Hold Control and select both the Right and Background layers in the Layers panel. Now press Align right edges on the Options Toolbar.

Select layers and align right edgesSelect layers and align right edgesSelect layers and align right edges

20. How to Create the Website Text Layer

Step 1

We will be creating a new text layer within the Details group. First, let's select Details Group in the Layers panel.

Select details groupSelect details groupSelect details group

Step 2

Next, select Center Text in the Paragraph panel. In the Character panel, set Font to Lato, Font Style to Regular, Font Size to 6 pt, Leading to Auto, Color to C:0 M:0 Y:0 K:0 and press OK.

Set website character and paragraph stylesSet website character and paragraph stylesSet website character and paragraph styles

Step 3

Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T). Click on the Website Background shape and type www.website.com into the text box. Press Control-Enter to confirm.

Create website text layerCreate website text layerCreate website text layer

Step 4

Let's set a different styling for the word website only. Select the Horizontal Type Tool (T)Position your cursor right on top of website and double-click to select. In the Character panel, set Font Style to Black, Color to C:0 M:20 Y:80 K:0 and press OK. Press Control-Enter to apply the changes.

Select text and change character stylesSelect text and change character stylesSelect text and change character styles

Step 5

Press Control-T or go to Edit > Free Transform Path. Set the Horizontal Position to X: 563 px and Vertical Position to Y: 540 px. Press Enter twice to confirm.

Set website positionSet website positionSet website position

Awesome! Your Business Card Is Now Complete

Good job! You've reached the end of the tutorial. As you see it pretty easy to make your own business cards Photoshop template! By now, you should have learned how to create and transform shapes, create simple text formatting, and use custom shapes to speed up the process of creating a business card.

Modern business card completedModern business card completedModern business card completed

5 Best Business Cards (Photoshop, PSD)

If you don't want to design your own business cards Photoshop template and want to save the time for other tasks, you could use a ready to print template. Explore a collection of high-quality business card Photoshop templates available at Envato Elements:

15 Business Card Photoshop Templates Bundle (PSD, AI)

15 Business Card Photoshop Templates Bundle15 Business Card Photoshop Templates Bundle15 Business Card Photoshop Templates Bundle

How to make a business card in Photoshop with almost no effort? Try this pack of 15 business cards with a great variety of different styles: from retro to minimalistic designs with pastel colors. All cards are in a ready-to-print PSD and AI files, with bleeds and a well-organized structure of the layers. Business card size in pixels Photoshop files provides here is 3.5x2 inches.

Business Card by Spacestudios (PSD, AI, PDF, EPS)

Business Card Photoshop Templates by Spacestudios Business Card Photoshop Templates by Spacestudios Business Card Photoshop Templates by Spacestudios

Another business card Photoshop template with a dark color scheme and contrast fluid design elements suitable for video makers, designers, and any other creative people! This business card comes with 6 backside template options, in the print-ready formats with bleeds. All the layers are well-organized and easy to edit.

How to Make a Business Card in Photoshop with a Business Card Template by Youwes (PSD, AI, EPS)

Business Card Photoshop Template by YouwesBusiness Card Photoshop Template by YouwesBusiness Card Photoshop Template by Youwes

If you are a fan of the minimalistic design with natural elements like leaves or flowers, this business card Photoshop template by Youwes is the best choice for you!  Green tones with a soft pattern and leaves texture on the sides make it looks very neat. Business cards resolution in Photoshop is 3.75 x 2.27 inches.

"Malina" Business Cards + Logos (PSD, AI, EPS, IDML, INDD)

Malina Business Cards Photoshop Templates and  LogosMalina Business Cards Photoshop Templates and  LogosMalina Business Cards Photoshop Templates and  Logos

How to design a business card in Photoshop along with a logo? Here is the answer! This amazing pack of templates not only contains 12 business cards but a great variety of logos and seamless patterns designed by AgataCreate. So, you could easily make your own business cards Photoshop templates for almost any purpose. Business cards resolution in Photoshop is about 3.75 x 2.27 inches, but in this case, templates come in a few variations and it also includes vector files, so you could easily change it to any size you need.

Business Cards by SimpleStudios (PSD, AI, EPS, PDF)

Business Cards Photoshop Template by SimpleStudiosBusiness Cards Photoshop Template by SimpleStudiosBusiness Cards Photoshop Template by SimpleStudios

If you want a business card with a more personal approach, try this one created by SimpleStudios. This template allows you to place your photo inside and it immediately grabs the attention by its contrast color scheme. It comes in both PSD and vector file formats.

Do you want to not only learn how to create a business card using Photoshop but how to make it with other software? Check these awesome tutorials:

You may also want to check out our free course: how to create a professional business card in which Melody Nieves gives you 45 minutes of the best business card Photoshop design tips you're likely to find. She'll show you step by step how to create three different business card designs in Adobe Photoshop.

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