
Call to Submit: New Booooooom Photo Book “Magic Hour”

Calling all photographers! We’re excited to announce an open call to submit images to our next photo book, Magic Hour. You might remember the little Magic Hour zine we released a couple years ago, this will be a continuation of that, but this will be perfect bound book with 100+ pages and will feature work by more than 50 photographers.

We wanna see your best photos shot during “Magic Hour”. If you’re not familiar with the term, “Magic Hour” is that period after sunrise or before sunset where the light is soft and has a warmer colour temperature than usual (also referred to as “golden hour”).

We’re going to be reaching out to a few of our favourite photographers to contribute images that fit the theme. If you’re a member of our community and would like to be considered for inclusion in this publication, you can submit your own photos using the link below! Anyone whose images are selected for the book will receive a free copy of it when we release it!


  • you may submit up to 5 JPG images
  • maximum size: 2500 x 2500 px (if you are selected, we will contact you for high resolution images)
  • format for naming your files: FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_01.jpg
  • use the button below to submit

*Log in to enable the submit button. This form is just for members, you can learn about becoming a member here.


Deadline for submissions: February 12, 2021

If you want a little inspiration, below are a few of the beautiful submissions that were published in the Magic Hour zine:

Photo by Ben Clement
Photo by Whitney Hayes
Photo by Matthew Lawless


  • you may submit up to 5 JPG images
  • maximum size: 2500 x 2500 px (if you are selected, we will contact you for high resolution images)
  • format for naming your files: FIRSTNAME_LASTNAME_01.jpg
  • use the button below to submit

*Log in to enable the submit button. This form is just for members, you can learn about becoming a member here.


Deadline for submissions: February 12, 2021

Call to Submit: Art & Photo Book Award

If you have a specific series or a cohesive selection of work that you want to turn into a book, we want to see it!

Learn more

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