Beyond the screen: A glimpse into the future of UX

How spatial computing will change our interaction with technology

James Davis
UX Collective
8 min readJun 7, 2023


Man playing virtual reality with hololens
Image credits: Adobe stock

Welcome to a new era of possibilities: Spatial computing

Imagine a world where technology isn’t just an observer of your reality, but an active participant. Picture yourself using Apple’s ‘Vision Pro’, a monument of innovation that takes an unprecedented leap into the future of spatial computing. Instead of merely observing the digital world, we’re living in it, interacting with it, and shaping it. Welcome to the revolutionary realm of spatial computing, a frontier ripe with new challenges and possibilities for us and our product teams.

Intrigued? Let’s delve deeper.

Man using Apple’s Vision Pro with three application screens from visionOS
Apple Vision Pro. Image credits: Apple

Spatial computing, once a figment of sci-fi writers’ imaginations, is now emerging as an experiential reality. This remarkable evolution reshapes our interaction with technology and revolutionises the entire digital experience landscape. As designers, prepare to embark on an extraordinary journey towards the future!

The evolutionary journey of spatial computing

The term “spatial computing” may sound fresh, but its roots trace back to the innovative virtual interaction systems of the 60s and 70s, where visionaries introduced us to awe-inspiring inventions like the Sensorama and the Philco Headsight. These trailblazers laid the foundation for the evolution of Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Extended Reality (XR).

Fast-forward to the 80s and 90s, and a new era of immersive 3D systems emerged with Virtuality gaming machines and the Nintendo Virtual Boy. Suddenly, the potential to interact with virtual environments became a tantalising reality.

Entering the 2000s, VR, AR, and sensor technology saw rapid advancements and mainstream adoption. Tech titans like Google, Microsoft, and Oculus brought these technologies closer to everyday users with groundbreaking products such as Google Glass, HoloLens, and the Oculus Rift.

Google’s Glass product
Google Glass. Image credits: Google

Today, fuelled by advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI), computer vision, and sensor technology, products such as Apple VisonPro’s spatial computing is poised to redefine our interaction with technology itself.

Spatial computing stands on the precipice of shattering the conventional UX design mould. We are moving beyond the confines of 2D interfaces and flat screens, venturing into the immersive realm of a 3D space. Envision holographic interfaces that seamlessly blend with our physical environment, AR and XR applications that enable us to interact with the world around us, and experiences designed to adapt and respond to our gestures and behaviours. The UX revolution driven by spatial computing isn’t merely a transformation; it’s a potential quantum leap in how we engage with the digital world.

Man at desk wearing Apple’s Vision Pro
Image credits: Apple

A new era in UX

Spatial computing presents an entirely new world for our us as designers, challenging us to bid farewell to designing for static screens and embrace the exciting task of crafting software that thrives in dynamic, 3D environments.

Prepare to reevaluate every aspect, from revolutionising gesture recognition and collision detection to integrating AI and machine learning. Get ready to adapt to new languages and frameworks purpose-built for 3D, AR, VR, and XR development. Even user testing will require fresh approaches, considering the multitude of environmental factors that influence functionality. The journey ahead may necessitate a complete re-imagination of the software development process…

Balancing opportunities and challenges

As spatial computing unfolds its exhilarating possibilities, it also presents a range of challenges.

Apple’s Vision Pro product demonstrating the hardware
Image credits: Apple

Data privacy:

With devices consistently scanning and collecting data about our environments and behaviours, robust privacy policies and data security measures become imperative.

Hardware limitations:

Current hardware, encompassing AR glasses and VR headsets, faces constraints in terms of field of view, resolution, battery life, and user comfort.

Adoption and accessibility:

Spatial computing devices often carry substantial price tags, potentially limiting their widespread adoption. Furthermore, designing inclusive experiences that cater to users with diverse abilities is a crucial consideration.

Connectivity requirements:

Reliable, robust connectivity lies at the core of spatial computing. While 5G and edge computing hold promise in addressing this, their widespread deployment is still underway.

Amidst these challenges, spatial computing possesses the immense potential to revolutionise our interaction with technology. Successfully navigating these obstacles while harnessing the vast opportunities will pave the way for what I believe will be extraordinary future in how we interface with technology.

Empowering tools

Creating captivating spatial computing experiences requires proficiency with a myriad of tools and platforms. As spatial computing continues to shape the future of digital experiences, design tools such as Figma and development tools must adapt to meet the unique demands of this evolving landscape.

By our tools embracing 3D design capabilities, facilitating immersive prototyping, integrating with devices and platforms, supporting motion and interaction design, enabling real-time collaboration, and providing educational resources, our tools will empower us to create compelling spatial computing experiences.

It’s important that if we are to best define spatial experiences, we must upskill in 3D modeling, VR, AR, and XR product development.

An engineer designs a high-energy house using sophisticated and futuristic programs with holography. Concept of: home, future, project and augmented reality.
Image credits: Shutterstock

Here are some indispensable tools that will propel your journey into spatial computing:

Unity and Unreal Engine:

These widely-used game development engines have become key, so much so that Unity is a partner of Apple’s new visionOS. They offer a comprehensive suite of tools for creating 3D environments and interactive experiences, such as PolySpatial technology.

ARKit and ARCore:

Apple’s ARKit and Google’s ARCore provide powerful platforms for developing AR applications.

Microsoft’s mixed reality toolkit:

Microsoft’s mixed reality cross-platform API and toolkit empower to create spatial computing experiences on Microsoft’s HoloLens devices, opening new dimensions of possibility.

Magic leap’s lumin SDK:

Magic leap’s lumin SDK equips with the tools necessary to create applications for their AR glasses, expanding the boundaries of spatial computing.

3D modeling software:

Tools such as Blender, 3ds Max, and Maya enable the creation of captivating 3D assets utilised in spatial computing experiences.

Computer vision libraries:

Leveraging libraries like OpenCV and TensorFlow, can unlock the power of computer vision, a crucial component for numerous spatial computing applications.

AI and machine learning platforms:

Platforms such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Keras facilitate the integration of AI and machine learning into spatial computing experiences, amplifying their capabilities.

Spatial audio tools:

create truly immersive and captivating 3D audio experiences by utilising tools like Google’s Resonance Audio.

Prototyping tools:

While specialised tools like Google’s Tilt Brush and Blocks enable to prototype within the immersive realm of VR, I think it’s likely that go-to-prototyping and design tools tools such as Figma, Sketch and Framer introduce features to empower designers to prototype 3D experiences.

UX testing tools:

Tools that simulate different environments, conditions, user inputs, and eye tracking are going to become essential for user testing. User testing for spatial computing applications presents unique challenges with limited tools to address them. Tobii, with their eye-tracking expertise and comprehensive understanding of spatial computing, are one company that offers a promising solution. Their cutting-edge tools capture user interactions within the spatial environment.

These tools, along with future innovations, may become indispensable to anyone aspiring to thrive in this groundbreaking field.

3D render of virtual man holding virtual reality glasses surrounded by virtual data with neon ultraviolet lines.
Image credits: Adobe stock

As designers, we stand on the precipice of a technological revolution. Spatial computing beckons, offering us the opportunity to unlock its future. It’s time to embrace this new era with open minds, invigorating spirits, and an insatiable thirst for creativity. The journey ahead will be a thrilling amalgamation of challenges, rewards, and the redefinition of digital interaction. Brace yourselves, for the future of technology is here, and it’s taking the form of spatial computing!

Unleashing the potential of spatial computing

Spatial computing is poised to revolutionise both our personal and professional lives, making our interactions with technology more intuitive and immersive than ever before. Here’s a glimpse into the future this transformative technology promises:

Apple’s visionOS screen displayed in a living room
Image credits: Apple

Home management:

Seamlessly controlling our smart home devices through intuitive gestures or receive visual reminders for our tasks, effortlessly merging the physical and digital realms. Maybe we’re not too far off having our own digital butler like Tony Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. in Iron Man!

Education and learning:

Immersing in exploring the wonders of the solar system in VR or witnessing historical events unfold in AR, bringing education to life like never before.


Indulging in personalised and interactive shopping experiences, virtually trying on clothes using a digital avatar or visualising how furniture would harmonise with our home’s ambiance.


Submerge ourselves in gaming and entertainment experiences where our living room seamlessly integrates with the virtual game or cinema environment, blurring the boundaries between fantasy and reality.

Automotive Engineer Use Virtual Reality Headset for Virtual Electric Car 3D Model Design Analysis and Improvement. 3D Graphics Visualization Shows Fully Developed Vehicle Prototype Analysed Optimized
Image credits: Adobe stock

In professional environments, the impact will be even more transformative:


Break free from our confines of physical boundaries as our teams collaborate within a shared virtual space, regardless of their geographical locations.


Spatial computing will create highly realistic simulations of our work environments. This will be particularly useful for professions where real-world training is expensive, dangerous, or impractical, such as aviation, medicine, military, or emergency services.

Productivity tools:

Using our favourite tools but with gesture-based interaction, virtual monitors, and virtual assistants will guide us through our day, boosting our productivity to unparalleled heights.

These are just mere glimpses of how spatial computing will revolutionise our lives!

Embrace the exhilarating era of spatial computing

As my mind ventures into the realm of possibilities, I’m blown away with excitement! My anticipation isn’t just about the futuristic features we’ll be using to enhance our lives, but also the remarkable innovations we’ll be creating to improve the world for others. Just imagine we’re on the brink of an era where we’ll redefine reality itself. So, fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for this mind-bending journey — the future of spatial computing awaits, and it looks nothing short of spectacular!



Often found building Experiences through #UX #UI #ProductDesign, #InteractionDesign & #BehavioralEconomics