Artist Perfectly Illustrates The Social Issues Of 2020 – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Perfectly Illustrates The Social Issues Of 2020

Decrease In Wildlife Deaths
An editorial illustration about the massive decline in wildlife deaths on roads due to people staying home and traveling less during the coronavirus pandemic.

According to Iggdeh, an artist based in US: “I just started making illustrations at the end of 2019, actually. When I published my first illustration a few months later, it kind of lit a spark inside me that said “maybe this can be more than just a hobby.” You see, I’m actually a writer by profession and “iggdeh” is my artist pseudonym. I’ve always been attracted to editorial & political art and I always wanted to get into it, but there was never enough time, or so I thought.

I’m also a progressive and an activist at heart. It’s hard not to feel hurt when people are victimized or when reading about this or that type of injustice at home in the US or elsewhere in the world. There has been too much ugliness for a long time, especially in the last 4 years. So I’m trying to blend these two identities together in the type of illustrations and messages I create. If possible, I’d like to carve out a progressive space in the editorial world and help paint the voice of like-minded journalists, organizations, and news media. I’m not there yet, far from it, but hopefully, soon I can be.”

More: Iggdeh, Instagram h/t: boredpanda

Google Border Patrol

Boy Gets Suspended For Painted Nails
A case of homophobic bullying at Texas high school.

NY Ferries Dumping Sewage Into The Hudson

Pandemic Profiteers


Zoom Censors Seminar At San Francisco State University Because Of The Participation Of Palestinian Activist Leila Khaled

Perpetual War

Gathering For Thanksgiving
Illustration about people gathering for Thanksgiving, in spite of the risks.

Help From The Rich?
Taxing the rich is the best way to give back to communities and help end the problems in the world, like poverty, healthcare, inequality, education, climate change, hunger, etc.

What Elon Musk Thinks About The Rest Of Us

Trump Spreads Coronavirus With The Lies He Spews

Beware The 2 Party System

Profit In Prisoners

Inspired By BLM And Their Beautiful Campaign “Write Black Love Letters” To Help Support The USPS

USPS Asking For Help

Illustration of how a racist system has transformed our protectors into our killers.

r/The_Donald Being Banned From Reddit

Illustration Celebrating Kshama Sawant Beating Jeff Bezos In Seattle

Don’t condemn what is happening, condemn why it’s happening. Everyone has a limit to the injustice they can tolerate. Real people are hurting and expressing their pain.

An editorial illustration for a series by @barricade_journal that spotlights notable past and present elections from around the world, intended to contextualize and unexceptional the state of democracy in the United States.

Thanksgiving Alone

Funding The USPS

Tear Them Down And Put Up Statues We Can Aspire To Be

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