Artist Creates Chilling Art To Bring Awareness To Borderline Personality Disorder – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Artist Creates Chilling Art To Bring Awareness To Borderline Personality Disorder

According to Isabel Malia: “Mental illness in young people gets more intense with each generation that goes by, this generation is no exception. The pandemic came full force and traumatized a young generation by robbing them of everything that keeps kids going; socializing with friends, milestone experiences, and sometimes taking away loved ones.

I’ve struggled with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD), and I thought I had made real progress until the pandemic hit. Before I knew it, I started to develop new symptoms, and fear kept me from the outside world for months, as it did to many. For my own sanity, I made art.

Art is no stranger to mentally ill individuals. It can be a safe space to express feelings when there are no more words to describe them. It will suck you in for hours and by the end, you feel a weight lift off of you for the first time in a while.”

More: Instagram h/t: boredpanda

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