Alariko’s Paintings Bring Us to The Colorful Stillness of Summer – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

Alariko’s Paintings Bring Us to The Colorful Stillness of Summer


The light, the food, the smells, the company of acquaintances and strangers… everything feels and tastes better at a time when the heat presses and the days seem eternal.

More: Artstation, Instagram

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To have available all the time we want, without rushing, without responsibilities, without any other concern than enjoying life and everything that surrounds us. To admire those who love us and those we do not know yet, to look around us with different eyes, to give thanks for existence.

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Summer is a beautiful time to let yourself go, to live to the fullest doing the minimum, even if we do not leave the city. Because the urban centers and small towns are filled with summer magic, they acquire another shine with the crowds in the streets, the festivals, the children who run and play free in their corners ….

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All these sensations are what Alariko captures in his paintings, images of intense colors that take us directly to the best of summer. To come across the works of this Spanish illustrator is synonymous with diving into the best time of the year to celebrate life. We stay here to live.

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