Double diamond 4.1, AI obsession, dataviz tokens, Sunken Place in UX

Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.

Fabricio Teixeira
UX Collective
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3 min readJun 5, 2023


“Is the Double Diamond still fit for purpose? The answer: probably not. The ascendance of fast-paced digital design and the complexities of the challenges designers are currently addressing with services and systems have left the Double Diamond a bit short of breath.”

Double diamond v4.1: An operating manual for designers using AI
By Darren Yeo

Editor picks

The UX Collective is an independent design publication that elevates unheard design voices and illuminates the path to design mastery and critical thinking. Here’s how we’re boosting stories through our partnership with Medium.

Make me think

  • The real consequences of Silicon Valley’s AI obsession
    “Sam Bankman-Fried made effective altruism a punchline, but its philosophy of maximum do-gooding masks a thriving culture of predatory behavior.”
  • Slow design
    “In our fast-paced world today, we often forget the importance of patience and taking time to think things through. We want to remind people of the value of creativity and clever thinking, supporting a movement that embraces focus, skill, and understanding over fast production and short-lived trends.”
  • The ‘Sunken Place’ is real in UX design
    “At the heart of this saying is something that’s often overlooked when UX leaders advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion — the complex reality of historically minoritized leaders actively discriminating against their own communities.”
    By Vivianne Castillo

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