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7 Best Facebook Feed Widgets & Plugins for WordPress

7 Best Facebook Feed Widgets & Plugins for WordPress

Do you have a WordPress website? Or looking for some efficient Facebook feed widgets for WordPress? Then you have arrived at the right place. 

This blog post is the mini-guide to Facebook widgets for WordPress. Here, you will learn the basics about the Facebook widget, the best WordPress plugins that help embed Facebook feed widgets on a WordPress website, and why you need them. So please read this blog till the end, as it has a lot to offer.

Facebook does not need any introduction; it is often regarded as ‘the king of social media platforms’ and certainly one of the most influential platforms. The platform has a wide range of content and a vibe that attracts more users and keeps them coming back.

And to bring that vibe to the website, many businesses are not opting to embed Facebook feed widgets on their WordPress website. 

Great WordPress plugins are currently available on the WordPress store that provides a dedicated Facebook widget for WordPress

This blog has listed the best from the lot, but let’s start with the basics before learning about them. If you have heard about the Facebook widget for the first time, here is a brief.

What Are Facebook Feed Widgets?

A Facebook widget is like a functional block on the website that enables you to showcase Facebook feeds. As the feed displays the content from the source, it does not hamper website speed and provides a seamless presentation. 

So, whether it’s images, videos, or blogs, the widget showcases all the content with ease and without any hassle. There are various reasons why brands are actively opting to embed Facebook feed widgets on a website, but primarily it provides the following benefits:

Benefits of adding Facebook feed widgets to a WordPress website

As mentioned above, there are various benefits of this strategy. But keeping in mind the current scenario and the importance of online presence, the following significant benefits might convince you to adopt this strategy.

  1. Enhances the beauty and charm of the website
  2. Adds a liveliness to the website
  3. It makes the website more engaging
  4. Reduces the bounce rate
  5. Boosts user-generated content
  6. Provides social proof to the visitors
  7. Assists in strengthening Facebook presence

These are some of the significant benefits that you can enjoy when you embed a Facebook widget on a website; more benefits help you in the long run. 

And to enjoy them, you need to add Facebook feed widgets to your WordPress website, and these plugins help you in this case.

Top Rated Plugins That Offer a Facebook Widget for WordPress

WordPress plugins help users to improve the beauty and functionality of the website. There are various and distinctive types of plugins available on the WordPress store provide the needed solutions to the users.

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Out of these plugins, various amazing plugins provide Facebook feed widgets and embedding solutions. And out of these plugins, we have filtered the best that you should consider. 

The blog has introduced these plugins and some of the highlighted features that should be kept in mind while choosing the one you need. So without any delays, let’s learn about them. 

1 – Facebook Widget WordPress Plugin by Tagembed

Facebook Feed– Wordpress Plugin

Looking at the benefits and knowing the functionality of the Facebook widget, if you think adding a Facebook widget to a website is a hectic task. 

Then, you are highly mistaken. Facebook Widget WordPress plugin by Tagembed makes the process to embed a Facebook widget on WordPress coding-free and trouble-free. 

You might have heard about Tagembed recently; it is one of the well-known social media aggregator tools known for providing easy embedding solutions with added features and pocket-friendly pricing plans. It brings the same elements to its WordPress plugins and enjoys its well-deserved popularity.

The plugin helps users collect social media feeds from 19+ social media platforms, allowing users to curate and customise their collected feed. 

And after that, it assists in beautifully displaying them on the website. It provides a dedicated Facebook widget that allows users to display seamless Facebook content on WordPress.

You have to follow a few simple steps, and you can embed a Facebook feed widget on WordPress with ease. 

Alongside easing the embedding process, it also offers some beautiful features. Some of the highlighted features are listed below:

Highlighted Features

Customisation: enables users to personalise their widget as per their needs; it allows them to change the font size, font style, background colour of the widget, and more. It also provides a viable option of themes and layout to select the one that best suits your need. An appropriate layout can bring professionalism to the website and make the website well-organised.

Moderation: there can be ample content that you think might not be appropriate for your website or hamper your brand’s reputation. With the moderation feature, you can remove these contents and maintain the quality of your website. You can either remove these posts manually or opt for the profanity filter. Profanity filter removes content consisting of the provided keyword automatically.

Responsive Feed: Changing the display setting per different devices for your widget would be hectic, right? Not anymore. The Facebook widget from this plugin provides a responsive feed, which means there is no need to change the display setting; the feed adjusts itself automatically as per the screen size.

Auto-Update feature: the widget provides real-time updates. As soon as the content is uploaded at the source, the widget will showcase it without hassle or delays. There is no need to refresh the feed to get the latest content on the widget.

Custom CSS, custom CTA, analytics and more.

2 – Social Post Feed

Social Post Feed

Social Post Feed by Smashballoon is an entirely customisable Facebook widget plugin that helps users assemble the Facebook posts from their desired source and exhibits them as one unified presentation on your website. 

In this age of internet and eCommerce dominance, customers usually prefer a website that appears vibrant and lively and enhances the browsing experience. These elements are also significant factors in creating a good impression on customers. This phenomenal plugin helps you to achieve these feats with ease.

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Highlighted Features:

Customisation: As mentioned above, the presentation of the website plays a vital role in the online stature of a brand. Facebook content helps you achieve this feat, but you amplify the widget’s look by personalising it and matching it with the style and theme of your website and brand. With the help of this feature, you can easily make the needed changes.

Compatible with showcasing all types of media: With the help of this Facebook widget, you can display different feeds with ease. You can easily display images, videos and more without any hassle. You can also showcase feeds from your Facebook page and provide a sneak into your Facebook existence to your visitor. So, your visitors will also get to know about your Facebook chatter and all the latest updates on your social media. 

Auto-updates: the feed automatically updates without any issues, so you can now provide all updates about the latest trends and news related to your industry and business.

3 – Easy Social Feed

Easy Social Feed

Easy Social Feed is another awesome Facebook widget WordPress plugin that allows you to integrate Facebook with your WordPress website. 

You can find it easily on the WordPress plugin store, install without any trouble and operate it with ease. Like the tools mentioned above, it provides an entirely customisable Facebook widget that helps showcase Facebook content without any trouble.

The plugin is super-fast and flexible, as it caches the posts, images, and other content from Facebook to minimise external requests and enables it to load the page faster.

Highlighted Features: 

Customisation: A presentable widget has many benefits and helps in creating an everlasting impression. With the customisation feature from the plugin, you can design the widget as per your requirements. So wear your creative hat and showcase the feed in style.

Responsive layout: offers a responsive layout, which means it is compatible with all devices, so it doesn’t matter if your visitor operates through a mobile, tablet, or PC. The widget will display the feed smoothly and without any hassle. It also saves you from making the changes for the feed according to the device. 

4 – Social LikeBox & Feed by Weblizar

Social Likebox Feed By Weblizar

Social LikeBox & Feed by Weblizar allows you to display an unlimited number of feeds on your website. You can now increase visitor engagement of your website and make your WordPress website more interactive.

Like the tools above, you can choose the source for gathering the Facebook feed. You can see their showcase content from your own Facebook page or display the content from posts mentioned on your Facebook page. With the help of this plugin, you can compile all these posts and display them on your website.

Highlighted Features:

Scrollable Facebook Feeds: Visitors can scroll through the feed and gather more about your brands. It also sparks interest in visitors’ minds.

Real-time updates: it automatically provides all the latest posts on the feeds and saves you from the troublesome work of manually refreshing the feed. 

Multiple themes and layout options: the plugin provides multiple layout options; you can choose from various options and add charm to your website. In addition, you can customise the feed and choose from various themes. These features ensure that your website doesn’t appear flat or boring to visitors.

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5 – Social Feed by Web-Settler

Social Feed By Web Settler

The main aim is to get maximum attention and attract more audience. With the help of Social LikeBox & Feed by Weblizar, you can achieve this feat with ease. The plugin provides a flexible widget that allows easy embedding on your WordPress website and displays feeds without any trouble.

Highlighted Features:

Supports Shortcodes – the plugin eases the embedding process, as it is compatible with shortcodes. Even if you belong to a nontechnical background, you can easily embed Facebook feed widgets on WordPress.

Compatible to display anywhere on the screen: The Facebook widget comes with a flexible positioning, which means you can adjust it anywhere on your screen. You can decide the positioning of the widget as per your need, making it easier for your visitors to know about the project and social media chatter about it.

6 – Flow-Flow Social Feed Stream by Looks Awesome

Flow Flow Social Feed Streams

Flow-Flow Social Feed Stream by Looks Awesome is a lightweight free WordPress plugin that allows you to display posts, timelines, and contents from your Facebook page to your WordPress website. 

The plugin can be installed with ease and has a user-friendly interface. Moreover, it is fully customisable and helps you make your website more alluring and pleasing to the eyes.

Highlighted features:

Compatible with all media types: Images, videos or simple blogs, the widget displays the content with ease and without hampering the website’s speed.

Responsive layout: the widget adjusts as per the screen size without changing the website alignments. Also, it saves your time in changing the display setting as per different screen sizes.

7 – Social Slider Feed Widget

Social Slider Widget By Creativemotion

Last but not least, Social Slider Feed Widget is another powerful WordPress plugin that helps users collect social media feeds from various sources and displays them on websites with ease. With this plugin, you get a dedicated Facebook widget that enables you to display Facebook content without any bother. 

Highlighted features:

Slider layout: the plugin is quite popular due to its slider layout. You can install a slider layout anywhere on the web page; it takes less space and does not affect the website’s speed. It is one of the most popular and adopted methods to showcase Facebook feeds.

Customisation: you can change the layout and theme and make it according to your requirement. So, what are you waiting for? Showcase the artist inside you, and display the Facebook feed wonderfully.

Summing It Up

There you have it, now you know about the best free Facebook feed widgets for WordPress, the need for having it, and the best plugins that provide you with it. 

So what is stopping you now? Try these plugins now, choose the one that best suits your needs, and take your business to new heights.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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