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16 Mobile App Development Trends to Follow

16 Mobile App Development Trends to Follow

In a fast-paced, ever-evolving ecosystem, staying up-to-date with the latest trends can make or break any product, like the mobile app design and development industry. It is constantly changing due to many factors, such as technological breakthroughs and consumer demands. These have a direct impact on mobile app development trends. 

Keeping pace with the latest in the market is crucial to stay ahead of the curve. Companies, developers, and content creators must stay updated with everything in the rage to deliver projects better and increase client satisfaction. 

And yes, an intuitive app adhering to mobile development trends can elevate brands. Understanding mobile industry trends can assist in utilising the appropriate trend in a suitable situation.  

The above personal opinions or speculations, predicted to dominate in 2024, are backed by factual research. Let’s prepare you for the changes the year will witness.

1. Internet of Things (IoT) App Integration

Integrating IoT apps is a growing trend in mobile app development.

To fully harness the potential of IoT in mobile applications, many businesses are turning to custom IoT consulting services, which provide specialised expertise in integrating IoT technology seamlessly into mobile app development, enhancing functionality and user experience. Although the concept is not new, the increased mobile penetration across various sectors and categories has created many opportunities for the Internet of Things.

Consumers have become accustomed to using technology daily to optimise and ease their lifestyles. The IoT offers convenience and automated control through a network of connected devices. 

The rise in smart home technology exemplifies the intersection of IoT and mobile app development. It allows users to remotely adjust their home's temperature, lock or unlock doors, and connect to security systems through mobile apps. Even household appliances like refrigerators can be linked to mobile apps for easy control and monitoring.

According to industry forecasts, the global IoT market is predicted to reach $318 billion in 2023, with $226 billion coming from software, including mobile apps.

The market associated with the Internet of Things is projected to surpass $1.6 trillion by 2025, according to Statista. This represents a significant 58% increase from 2020, and software is expected to lead the growth. 

The IoT market is anticipated to experience steady growth in the coming years, with household devices, automobiles, display devices, smart devices, and healthcare being potential markets to watch for more mobile app development focused on the IoT.

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2. App Development for Foldable Devices

A core memory for smartphone users in the form of flip phones or foldable devices is returning. Samsung Galaxy Fold, Huawei Mate X, and the Motorola Razr are some foldable smartphones released in 2019.

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These devices allow users to compress or expand the screen size based on their preferences. App developers, resellers, and content creators must consider these devices while building or updating an app to provide a seamless display adjustment as the screen folds or unfolds. 

Foldable devices account for only a tiny percentage of the smartphone market share. However, a USA Today study reported that 17% of iPhone consumers and 19% of Android users are eager to buy a phone with a foldable design. 

Statista reported that around 3.2 million foldable phones were shipped in 2019, and the forecasted number is projected to touch 50 million units by 2023. This indicates that 2023 will be a big year for foldables, and app developers must plan accordingly.

3. 5G Technology

The long-awaited era of 5G is finally upon us, and its rollout is expected to influence mobile app trends in 2023 significantly. This technology will undoubtedly revolutionise how mobile applications are created and used. Developers, resellers, and creators need to adapt accordingly. 5G smartphone connections will grow to 1,478.7 million over the next four years.

In 2021, 5G connections were 3.5 times higher than in 2020, and they are expected to nearly double by 2023. This increase in 5G usage will considerably impact mobile app development trends.

5G will further boost mobile apps with faster speeds and improved efficiency, resulting in a notable decrease in latency and a hike in network efficacy and traffic capacity. Compared to 4G, 5G can be up to 100 times faster. However, the operating speed will depend on the mobile network operator. 

The broader adoption of the technology will significantly enhance the functionality of mobile apps, allowing developers to add new features without sacrificing the app's performance. Mobile app developers and companies must factor in the 5G network speed when working on their apps' testing and development phases.

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4. On-Demand Apps

On-demand apps are a trend that stays true to its name, as demonstrated by the success of apps like Airbnb and Uber. Users spend a substantial amount, $57.6 billion annually, on on-demand services. 

These apps can transform various industries, including laundry services, doctor consultations, virtual tutoring, food delivery, house cleaning, maintenance services, fitness training, pet care, and beauty services. The possibilities for on-demand apps are limitless. 

This trend provides a significant opportunity to expand your customer base. By incorporating on-demand features into their apps, your clients can offer advanced functionalities and increase their profits.

5. Beacon Technology

Various industries, such as retail, healthcare, and hospitality, have adopted beacon technology, which is becoming increasingly popular.  Although the first mobile app beacons were developed in 2013, the technology has recently advanced significantly. 

For instance, retailers can install beacons to notify users about sales or special offers. Furthermore, beacons can track store buyer behaviour and trigger push notifications to entice sales later. 

Proximity marketing is the primary benefit of beacon technology, which improves user experience within a mobile app; as per the data from Statista, the beacon technology industry is witnessing a significant rise with a compound annual growth rate of 59.8%. The market value is speculated to reach a whopping $56.6 billion by 2026, more than ten times the $519.6 million recorded in 2016.

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6. Mobile Commerce

It is impossible to discuss app trends in 2023 without mentioning mobile commerce. Mobile commerce has dominated the market for the past few years and will thrive in 2023. 

Mobile ecommerce functionality is a top feature for developers and companies to showcase during client pitches, and almost every business is launching an app to drive sales. In 2021, over 72.9% of e-commerce sales will come from mobile devices, and apps will play a significant role in current and future success.

To thrive in a competitive market where every business selling online competes with large corporations like Amazon, a mobile commerce app heeding mobile development trends is becoming increasingly critical. 

Therefore, 2023 is a significant year for ecommerce app development, and businesses should prepare accordingly. 

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7. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

As we all know, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been all over the market, across industries, changing how most jobs function. Although it has been around for quite some time, it’s just starting to go into mobile app design and development.  

AI has the potential to reshape the way that mobile apps are developed and used. You can employ AI to automate tasks, personalise user experiences, and predict user behaviour.

Some of the most renowned mobile apps in the world are already leveraging AI technology. For example, Facebook uses AI to curate your news feed, while Netflix uses AI to suggest movies and TV series based on your viewing habits.

As AI technology progresses and becomes even more accessible, we can expect to see more mobile apps using it to improve the user experience.

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8. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

Augmented Reality (AR) is not new news anymore. However, it is only now gaining traction in mobile app development.

AR technology overlays virtual objects in the real world. It is used for many applications, such as gaming, education, and retail.

A famous example of AR technology is Pokemon Go, which overlays virtual Pokemon into the real world using your phone’s camera.

Content creators consider AR adaptation a top mobile app development trend, as seen on Instagram and Snapchat. 

Virtual reality also makes considerable noise in mobile app development, particularly gaming apps. With VR technology seamlessly integrating with phones, apps, and wearables, it elevates the mobile gaming experience of fully functional mobile apps. 

If you operate in the mentioned industries, it's imperative to note these mobile industry trends, particularly in AR and virtual reality.

As AR technology continues to improve and become further accessible, we can expect to see more and more mobile apps using it to enhance the user experience.

9. Voice Technology

What makes this technology so popular? Voice technology allows users to interact with their mobile devices using voice commands. With this tech, the device can receive and comprehend spoken commands.  

Voice technology is one of the most sought-after trends in mobile application development. Analysts predict the global voice recognition market will soar to $27.16 billion U.S. by 2026.

In essence, this trend in voice recognition enables people to use their voices to operate devices and conduct internet searches. You can use it for hands-free calling, music playback, and even control your home automation system.

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The finance and banking sectors have quickly adopted voice technology in their applications. Users can now send payments using personal voice assistants. If, even in the complex banking world, voice assistants can be successfully implemented, then this mobile app trend is one to look out for.

10. Mobile Wallets and Mobile Payments

A mobile development trend you can’t ignore, mobile payments and wallets are rising in popularity at lightning speed. 

Services like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay are becoming the new normal, with transactions worth $6.1 billion in 2019 and a predicted increase to $13.98 billion by 2023. The mobile wallet market will double in the next couple of years. 

Smartphone users are adopting mobile payments, and wearable devices are also used for transactions.

Mobile apps must accommodate mobile payments, and wallet integration should be a standard feature for all transactional apps. Although this is not the case, the app mobile wallet penetration rate will increase.

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11. Chatbots

Chatbots have been in existence for over a decade in mobile technology. They have evolved and advanced over many years, becoming a popular website customer service standard. 

However, the usage of chatbots on mobile apps remains limited, with only a few apps currently utilising them. This is expected to change in 2023 as chatbots continue to grow in demand due to their human-like responses, which are driven by AI technology. 

The global chatbot market is expanding at a rate of 24% each year, with an anticipated 25% of customer service interactions to be facilitated by virtual assistants in 2020. Companies must integrate chatbots into mobile app development for this to be set in motion.

12. Improved App Security

App security is a sometimes overlooked but critical aspect of mobile technology. Cybercrime concerns everyone, including individual content creators and large corporations, and mobile devices are not immune to these risks. 

Malware attacks targeting mobile devices have surged by 54%, with over 60% of fraud originating from mobile devices and 80% of that from mobile apps. Therefore, app developers must prioritise app security and ensure their clients do the same. 

As consumers become more aware of security risks, developers must implement security features requiring two-factor authentication without providing sensitive information to third-party app developers.

As superior app security is the priority, some solutions could be the following to help secure your mobile app:

  1. ID verification 

Identity confirmation is the first defence against cyber-criminals seeking to steal users' data. A reliable verification process ensures that users are who they claim to be, making it more challenging for scammers to launch attacks.

  1. Two-factor authentication

Strong two-factor authentication provides an additional layer of account protection against account hijacking. 

Passwords alone may not be robust enough, making them easy targets for attackers seeking confidential data. Two-factor authentication calls for users to enter a one-time code received via phone or email, validating their identity before gaining access to the account. This security measure also sends notifications to users if someone attempts to access their account.

  1. Biometric Authentication

Biometrics is a secure and straightforward way to sign in to mobile applications using data obtained from the user's body, such as fingerprint, iris scan, or facial recognition. 

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This feature adds a layer of trust, validating the identity of the person providing the biometric sample for verification in real time.

By implementing these mobile app development trends, customer data security can significantly improve, increasing the credibility of businesses.

13. Apps For Wearable Devices

Wearable devices have been steadily growing in popularity and will continue to influence mobile app development. The penetration of wearables in the US market is depicted in the graph below. Mobile app developers must keep this growing market in mind when developing or updating an app.

Wearable devices like smartwatches, trackers, and fitness bands have been trending upward for years, but they have yet to reach their full potential. Apple's announcement of app integration with wearables in 2019 created a massive opportunity for app resellers and content creators. 

By 2023, more mobile apps will be designed for wearables, allowing users to download apps directly.

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14. Predictive Analytics

According to a report, 19% of companies use AI for predictive analytics, ranking it first in the marketing category and fifth overall. This technology will enable app developers to provide a personalised experience to each user based on their behaviour history and actions. As a result, product suggestions and preferences will vary from user to user.

Predictive analytics is a mobile app development trend that may be a big influencer in the industry this year. With the help of machine learning, AI, data mining, and modelling, predictive analytics can forecast future events using data. 

Although tech giants like Netflix have been using predictive analytics for years, it will become more common in mainstream mobile apps to improve the UI/UX. In the coming years, predictive analytics is expected to be more widespread across various mobile apps to enhance the customer experience.

15. Cloud Computing Integration

Cloud computing integration in mobile app development can provide a better user experience as it enables seamless synchronisation across multiple devices. 

Users can conveniently access their data from any internet-enabled device without worrying about manually syncing information across devices.

In addition, cloud computing can enhance app security by providing a centralised location for data storage and backup. This means that even if a user’s device is lost or stolen, their data can still be accessed and restored from the cloud.

Overall, cloud computing integration can bring significant benefits to mobile app developers and users alike, and it's a trend set to continue growing in 2023 and beyond.

16. Instant Apps

Instant Apps are a great way for users to try an app without downloading and installing it. This is particularly beneficial for users with limited storage space or who want to quickly try out an app before committing to a full download.

In 2024, we can expect more app developers to use this technology to improve their app discovery and reach a wider audience. Adopting a hybrid casual approach to app design can lead to a more engaging user experience, appealing to a broad audience with varied interests and gaming habits.

Building instant app experiences is becoming more accessible with the help of Android Studio and other development tools, making it a more accessible option for developers.

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Google Play Instant, which is Google's equivalent of Instant Apps, is also gaining visibility. This allows users to try out an app from the Google Play Store without downloading it first. 

As more and more users demand faster and more convenient experiences, we can expect Instant Apps to become a more prominent trend in mobile app development.

Indeed, instant apps can provide an excellent opportunity to enhance user experience and increase conversions. Another boon of instant apps is that they can help reduce app abandonment rates.

Many users may abandon an app after downloading it due to a poor user experience, slow performance, or needing help finding the features they were looking for. With instant apps, since users can test the app before downloading it, it can lead to higher retention rates.

Furthermore, instant apps can also help with app discovery. Users may come across an instant app when searching for something related to the app. And if they have a good experience, they may be more likely to download the full version of the app.


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Staying current with the latest mobile app development trends is crucial for success in the constantly evolving industry. Companies must adapt and incorporate new trends into their development process to remain competitive. 

While not all trends may be relevant to every app, developers should understand market shifts to stay adaptable. The 15 trends mentioned in this article are predicted to dominate mobile app development in 2023.

We can look forward to significant advancements in technologies such as 5G, AI, IoT, and blockchain, which will shape the future of mobile app development. Additionally, the rise of on-demand and instant apps and the increasing popularity of low-code/no-code development platforms will provide developers with new opportunities to create innovative and user-friendly apps. Finally, cybersecurity will remain a top priority as developers work to develop apps with enhanced security features to protect user data and privacy.

As a user, staying updated with these trends is crucial to ensure you use secure, innovative, and user-friendly apps. As a developer, it's essential to stay on top of these trends to keep up with the competition and create apps that meet the needs and expectations of your users. With the right strategies, tools, and a UI UX design company in Dallas to guide you, mobile app development will be a dynamic, exciting field in the coming years.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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