
“Mountains Beyond Mountains” by Photographer Tag Christof

Based between Los Angeles, California and Santa Fe, New Mexico, artist and writer Tag Christof (previously featured here) explores issues in contemporary design and urabanism, cultural change and the dark side of innovation with his work.

“Mountains Beyond Mountains”, part of an ongoing series, America is Dead, is a collection of photographs of dead shopping malls, taken between 2014-2019. In a statement about the work, Christof explains:

“Planned obsolescence is so ingrained in American culture that even massive built spaces—not just consumer objects—are almost reflexively thrown away when they fall out of fashion, from motels and diners to skyscrapers and entire neighborhoods. . . These places are the flip side of our consumer culture, on a far more human-sized scale than an island of garbage floating in the Pacific, but nonetheless one that few consumers ever see firsthand.” 

See more from “Mountains Beyond Mountains” below!

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