How to stop feeling like a UX fraud

Extinguish the imposter within

Rey Quwatli
UX Collective


Imposter noun /im-ˈpä-stər/ Their goal is to eliminate the majority of the crewmates or cause a critical sabotage that the crewmates fail to fix in order to win. The primary goal of th… Wait, no!

Start over.

Are you even good enough to have an imposter syndrome?

“I don’t deserve my achievements; I am not as good as others think I am. I scammed my way into this job and they will soon find out.”— you

Research suggests that approximately 70 percent of people will have these thoughts at least once in their lives, aka episodes of imposter syndrome (Bravata et al., 2020). Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon characterized by persistent self-doubt and fear of being exposed as a fraud, at times, despite evidence of one’s competence that’s seldom eclipsed by incompetent managers and chaotic environments (although chaos can be a ladder). Imposter syndrome can be particularly prevalent among young UX designers, who work in a rapidly evolving field that requires constant learning and adaptation. So, what’s the key?

Understanding imposter syndrome.

Honing my skills.

Adopting data-informed decision-making approach.

Seeking guidance from the right people, and cultivating a growth mindset.

Let’s talk about it.

I. Understanding Imposter Syndrome in UX Design

Imposter Syndrome is often rooted in a perceived lack of competence or a fear of failure. In the context of UX design, we may experience imposter syndrome due to factors such as limited industry experience, comparison with more experienced designers, and stakeholders who may or may not be too caught up in; or biased towards their old ways, or the pressure to meet subjective expectations. Acknowledging these feelings and understanding that they are common among people can be the first step towards overcoming imposter syndrome.

To address imposter syndrome, it is essential to recognize that no one knows everything, and the field of UX design is continually evolving. Even experienced designers encounter new challenges and have areas where they can improve. By acknowledging that growth is a continuous process and that learning from mistakes is part of the journey, I can begin to shift my mindset and embrace opportunities for growth.

II. Honing Skills to Boost Confidence

One effective way to combat imposter syndrome is by continuously honing and expanding my skill set. By investing time and effort in learning new tools, techniques, and methodologies, I can increase my knowledge and competence. Participating in workshops, attending conferences, and joining professional communities can provide opportunities to network, collaborate, and learn from experienced practitioners.

Continuous learning can involve familiarizing myself with the latest design trends, mastering industry-standard tools, and staying updated on user research methodologies. By keeping abreast of new developments in the field, we can build confidence in our abilities and demonstrate our commitment to professional growth.

Moreover, seeking feedback from peers and mentors can help identify areas for improvement and validate my skills. Constructive criticism, when approached with an open mind, can provide valuable insights that fuel personal and professional growth. Engaging in design critiques, sharing work with colleagues, and actively seeking feedback from mentors can contribute to building confidence and refining my design skills.

Pro tip: adopting transparency and open communication style with managers helps in avoiding surprises and managing expectations. Also accepting that mistakes happen and adding a humorous twist on small failures does wonders in freeing my mind from anxiety.

Embrace the imposter within

III. Data-Informed Decision Making

Imposter syndrome often arises from self-doubt when making design decisions. By adopting a data-informed approach, I can gain confidence in my work. Utilizing user research, analytics, and testing methodologies can provide objective insights into user behavior and preferences. Gathering and analyzing data enables us, designers, to make informed decisions based on evidence rather than subjective opinions.

Implementing user research methods, such as interviews, surveys, and usability testing, allows me to understand users’ needs, pain points, and expectations. Analyzing this data helps identify patterns and trends, informing design decisions that are grounded in user insights. This approach helps validate design choices, instills confidence in the decision-making process, and reduces the fear of being wrong or inadequate.

Additionally, leveraging analytics tools can provide quantitative data about user interactions, engagement, and conversion rates. By analyzing this data, I can identify areas of improvement, validate design hypotheses, and make data-driven decisions.

By relying on objective data, I can overcome imposter syndrome and build confidence in my ability to create impactful user experiences.

IV. Learning from the Right People

Surrounding myself with the right mentors and peers can be instrumental in overcoming imposter syndrome. Seeking guidance from experienced professionals who have navigated similar challenges can offer valuable insights and support. Engaging in mentorship programs, attending industry events, and connecting with established designers through online communities can provide opportunities to learn from the experiences of others.

A good, open minded, and honest mentor can provide guidance, share their own struggles, and offer advice on navigating the complexities of the UX design field. They can provide reassurance, act as a sounding board for ideas, and offer practical solutions to overcome challenges. Mentors can help contextualize our experiences, normalize imposter syndrome, and provide strategies for success.

Building a network of supportive peers who understand the challenges of the field can also offer encouragement and perspective.

So you do feel this way! It’s not just me!

Participating in design communities, both online and offline, allows me to connect with like-minded individuals, share experiences, and learn from each other. Collaborating on projects, participating in design challenges, and engaging in discussions can help combat feelings of isolation and self-doubt.

V. Cultivating a Growth Mindset

Developing a growth mindset is crucial for combating imposter syndrome. Embracing the belief that abilities and skills can be developed through dedication and effort helps me view challenges as opportunities for growth. Recognizing that setbacks and failures are part of the learning process can alleviate the fear of not being good enough.

To cultivate a growth mindset, I can actively seek feedback, accept constructive criticism, and embrace continuous learning. By actively seeking feedback, I invite opportunities for improvement and growth. Feedback from users, clients, and colleagues provides valuable insights that can enhance my skills and boost my confidence.

Accepting constructive criticism requires viewing it as a means for improvement rather than a reflection of personal inadequacy. By reframing feedback as an opportunity to learn and grow, I can overcome the fear of failure and develop resilience in the face of challenges.

Bruce: What have I done, Alfred? Everything my family… my father built…

Alfred: The Wayne legacy is more than bricks and mortar, sir.

Bruce: I wanted to save Gotham. I failed.

Alfred: Why do we fall sir? So that we can learn to pick ourselves up.

Pro tip: detaching my personal feelings, attachments, and sense of self-worth from my design work helps in accepting feedback with a good spirit, and minimizing any impact a failure or hiccup might present. Remember that whatever design I created is not my baby, rather a product of circumstances and available user insights I’ve had to work with at the time, it’s okay if someone says it’s ugly, I’d just iterate with fresh eyes.

Embracing continuous learning entails seeking out new experiences, exploring different design approaches, and staying curious about emerging trends and technologies. By maintaining a mindset of curiosity and adaptability, I can embrace change, seize new opportunities, and expand my skill set.

Imposter syndrome can be a significant hurdle, wherever I might be in my professional journey, hindering my progress and limiting my potential. However, by actively honing my skills, adopting data-informed decision-making approaches, seeking guidance from experienced professionals, and cultivating a growth mindset, I can overcome imposter syndrome.

Building confidence in my abilities and recognizing my unique contributions to the field empowers me to thrive and make meaningful impacts in my career. With perseverance and the right strategies, imposter syndrome can be conquered, allowing me to unlock my full potential and contribute my unique perspectives to the ever-evolving field of user experience design.

Remember, overcoming imposter syndrome is a journey that requires self-reflection, continuous learning, and support. We all feel it. We can all make it.

Red was not an imposter

Resonance Riot

I’m tangled in doubts, caught in a facade

Searching for acceptance, feeling so flawed

But I’ll rise above, break these self-made chains

Embrace my worth, and banish these stains

I question my journey, unsure of my place

But I’ll find my strength, I’ll win this race

No longer trapped by the imposter’s disguise

I’ll rewrite the story, reclaim my prize

Imposter syndrome, I’ll conquer the strife

Imposter syndrome, I’ll embrace my life

With self-belief as my guiding light

Imposter syndrome, I’ll overcome the fight

I strive for perfection, never feeling enough

But I’ll shift the narrative, rise above

Comparisons won’t define me, they’re not my key

I’ll celebrate my uniqueness, set myself free

I’ll break these shackles, I’ll find my way

No more imposter’s shadow, I’ll seize the day

Confidence will bloom, I’ll find my voice

No longer chained by doubts, I’ll make my choice

Imposter syndrome, no longer my strife

Imposter syndrome, embracing my life

With self-assurance as my guiding light

Imposter syndrome, I’ll conquer the fight

In this journey of self-discovery, I’ll find my peace

No longer burdened, my doubts will cease

I’ll trust in my talents, believe in my worth

Embrace my journey, a new chapter’s birth

No more imposter syndrome, I break the lie

No more imposter syndrome, I soar up high

With self-acceptance as my guiding light

No more imposter syndrome, I shine so bright

Further reading

Imposter syndrome, Psychology Today

Overcoming imposter syndrome as a designer, UX Collective

How to Navigate Imposter Syndrome as a UX Designer, Avocademy

How Experienced UX Designers Manage Imposter Syndrome, UX Mastery

