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Top 10 Real Estate Marketing Strategies to Sell More

Top 10 Real Estate Marketing Strategies to Sell More

The real estate industry has seen its fair share of challenges. From the real estate crash of 2012 to the pandemic-related uncertainty of 2020, the market has weathered many ups and downs. But despite these challenges, the industry has shown incredible resilience and emerged more substantial and profitable than ever.

In recent years, competition in the real estate market has intensified, and real estate agents who want to be successful and make high profits must have the right marketing strategies. As in any other industry, marketing plays a crucial role in growth, and the real estate market is no exception.

For real estate agents who have not yet mastered the productive marketing strategies for real estate in this field, targeting the right clients can be a daunting task. Success and profits are an uphill battle if they cannot get their listings from the right clients. However, with the right marketing strategies, any real estate agent can stand out in the crowded property market and achieve their goals.

Knowing the right marketing strategies for real estate sales will give you a competitive edge over other agents in this lucrative market. If you haven't mastered practical real estate marketing strategies, don't worry; you'll find everything you need in this post. We have compiled ten unique, bulletproof marketing ideas to help you achieve your real estate goals.

These marketing ideas include using social media to reach a wider audience, creating an impressive website to showcase your listings, virtual tours to create an immersive experience, and creating high-quality videos that showcase the unique features of your properties. You can also consider creating informative blog content that positions you as an expert in your field, hosting virtual events, and partnering with local businesses to increase your reach.

These strategies can help you stand out in the competitive real estate market and attract the right clients to your business. By implementing these marketing ideas, you can take your real estate business to the next level and achieve your desired success and profits.

1 – Create a Mobile-Friendly Website

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With more and more consumers using the internet to find out about products and services before purchasing, having your website is more important than ever for your real estate business. With a website, you can show what your company offers and provide valuable information to potential customers.

One of the essential features of a real estate website is the ability to post listings. By including listings on your website, you can keep potential clients returning to your website as they search for properties. You must update your listings regularly to ensure your clients can access the most up-to-date information.

However, a website with property listings is just the beginning. Optimising your website for search engines is crucial to stand out in the crowded real estate market. This means using keywords and other SEO techniques to ensure that your website appears at the top of search results when customers search for properties in your area.

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Another essential function of your real estate website is informative content. By creating blog posts, videos and other types of content, you can establish yourself as an expert in the field and add value to potential clients. This content can also be shared on social media and other platforms, increasing your reach and visibility.

Finally, your website must be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Customers should be able to find the information they are looking for quickly and easily, and you should optimise your website for both desktop and mobile devices.

A website is essential for your real estate business in today's digital age. By taking listings, optimising for search engines, creating informative content and ensuring a user-friendly website, you can attract and retain clients and establish yourself as a leader in the industry.

2 – Try out Drone Photography

One of the most effective ways to showcase a property is through high-quality images highlighting the exterior and surrounding landscape. One technique that has become increasingly popular in recent years is drone photography, which allows you to take sweeping panoramic shots that show a property from a bird's eye view.

Several options are available if you want to take advantage of this technology. Firstly, you can buy a drone and learn how to operate it to get the perfect shot. Alternatively, you can hire a drone service like HouseLens or Sold by Air, providing an experienced drone operator to take the photos.

Once you have your drone photos, you can use them to add extra appeal to your property listings. For example, you can include them in your virtual tours or viewings to give potential buyers a better impression of the property's features and layout. In addition, you can use video footage captured by the drone to showcase outdoor elements such as terraces and pools.

If you are not confident in taking drone footage yourself, don't worry. Many services specialise in drone photography of properties, such as Drone Base. These services have thousands of experienced photographers worldwide who can take stunning aerial shots of your client's properties. Whether residential or commercial property, a professional drone photographer can help you create listings that stand out.

3 – Create Video Walkthroughs

In real estate, video viewings are an increasingly popular way to showcase properties and give potential buyers a more accurate impression of what a space looks like. Unlike static photos, video tours offer a dynamic and immersive experience that can help buyers understand a realistic representation of a home.

The good news is that creating a video tour doesn't have to be a complicated or expensive process. You can create a compelling video with nothing more than a high-quality smartphone or drone. By simply walking through the property and taking videos of each room, you can give a much more detailed and realistic impression of the space.

One of the most significant benefits of using tour videos when marketing properties is giving potential buyers a better impression of the property. Instead of relying on static photos or descriptions, buyers can see the property in action and get a feel for how the different rooms flow together and the overall feeling of the space.

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Video viewings provide a more accurate representation of the property and help you stand out from the competition. Providing a more dynamic and immersive experience can capture buyers' attention and create a stronger emotional connection to the property. Whether you shoot the video yourself or hire a professional, incorporating video tours into your property marketing strategy is a smart move that can pay off in a big way.

4 – Build a Social Media Presence

In today's digital age, social media has become a crucial platform for generating quality leads for real estate agents. According toย industry statistics, 52% of high-value real estate leads are generated through social media, with 90% of real estate agents using Facebook to promote their businesses. These figures indicate that social media is crucial to a thriving real estate business.

When choosing the right platforms for real estate marketing, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are the most popular options. Facebook and Instagram are great for connecting with your audience and promoting your business directly, while LinkedIn can help you establish yourself as a professional and credible real estate agent.

Optimising your profiles is crucial to maximising your social media presence. Ensure you fill in all the required fields with correct and relevant information so your target audience can easily find your business. For example, take inspiration from the well-optimised Instagram profile of Jellis Craig (@jelliscraig).

It is also essential to stay active on your social accounts by posting content as often as possible. On Instagram, you can stay active by posting more frequently in your Stories and occasionally sharing posts on your grid. On Facebook, you can stay active by interacting with your followers, replying to comments and posting in relevant real estate groups.

However, be sure to avoid being too salesy with your content. Ideally, 80% of your social media content should be helpful, educational and relevant, while only 20% should be promotional. You can also prove your credibility by posting about your successfully closed deals.

Another critical factor in social media marketing for real estate is optimised hashtags. Hashtags can help your content get discovered by the right audience, so it's essential to use them effectively. You can create optimised hashtags by researching the hashtags other top real estate agents use and adapting them to your area.

5 – Use Testimonials

Testimonial Example

Research has shown that most property buyers, around 67%, find their agents through recommendations from previous clients. This highlights the importance of positive reviews and word-of-mouth for the growth and success of a real estate business.

Online reviews are essential to building credibility and establishing trust with potential clients in today's digital age. Positive reviews are a great way to demonstrate your professionalism, expertise and exceptional customer service. They are also social proof that your real estate company is reliable, trustworthy and provides quality services.

However, getting positive reviews can be a difficult task. Clients with a good experience with you may not automatically think to leave a review. Therefore, you must aim to encourage satisfied customers to share their opinions.

One way to encourage reviews is to email customers you have worked with and ask for their honest feedback. You can also contact people you have done business with and ask them to leave a review of their experience.

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Another option is to make it easy for customers to leave reviews by providing links to your social media pages or Google My Business profile. You can do this in a post-business email, including your contact information for future reference.

You can also incentivise reviews by offering a discount on your services or a small gift to customers who take the time to leave a review. This encourages them to write a review and shows your appreciation for their support.

Remember to respond to positive and negative reviews to show that you value and consider your customers' feedback. Thank those who have left a positive review and address issues raised in negative reviews professionally and promptly.

Overall, positive reviews are essential to building a successful real estate business. Encouraging your clients to leave feedback and responding to reviews will help you create a good reputation, attract new clients and grow your business.

6 – Narrow in on your Target Market

As a real estate agent, it is crucial to identify your target clientele and focus your efforts on that specific market. When you find a market niche, you become an expert in that area and can understand what drives the target market, the risks, and how the market will develop in the short and long term.

Focusing on a specific niche gives you an advantage over your competitors because you have a more profound knowledge of that market. You can tailor your marketing strategies to that market, which makes your approach more effective.

For example, if you know that a significant real estate project is coming up in your area, such as a shopping centre, school or high street, you can adjust your marketing strategy accordingly. Use social media platforms and other marketing tools to target potential clients interested in buying or selling property in the area.

Identifying a niche market also allows you to build a strong network. You can attend events, conferences and networking events focused on your niche market to meet potential clients and create relationships with other professionals in the industry.

Focusing on a niche market does not mean excluding other potential clients. Instead, it means using your knowledge and experience to target a specific need and make your approach more effective. Over time, you can expand your knowledge and expertise to other areas and diversify your client base.

7 – Develop Brand Awareness

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Brand creation should be a top priority in building a successful real estate business. A brand is more than just a logo or a name; it is the image and reputation you want to convey to your target audience. A strong brand is vital to stand out from the competition and leave a lasting impression on potential clients.

Developing a brand for your real estate business may seem daunting, but it is an essential aspect of marketing that needs to be considered from the outset. Branding helps you identify the specific market niche you want to target and tailor your messages to resonate better with your audience. This way, people can remember your company and services more efficiently and leave a lasting impression.

Whether you use your or your company's name, ensure your brand is consistent across all platforms. Ensure your website, social media profiles, and marketing materials are compatible with the brand you want to convey. This consistency will make it easier for customers to recognise and remember your brand in the future.

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Developing a brand is a long-term strategy that can help you build a reputation in the industry over time. Focusing on your brand and building your reputation can create a sense of trust and loyalty with your customers, leading to repeat business and valuable referrals.

Investing in your brand is crucial in building a successful real estate business. By taking the time to identify your market niche and developing a brand that reflects your values and expertise, you can leave a lasting impression on potential clients and set yourself apart from your competitors in the industry.

8 – Focus on Local SEO

Regarding online property searches, it's no secret that the biggest names in the industry, like Zillow, Redfin and Realtor, dominate the listings. Competing with these industry giants may seem intimidating as a real estate agent, especially when they have unlimited marketing budgets.

However, instead of trying to compete head-to-head with these companies, it is crucial to understand that you can still be successful by focusing on other strategies. One key strategy is building your brand and optimising for local SEO.

Building a solid personal brand as a local expert can help you stand out. Eric Doty, former SEO and PPC director at Real Estate Webmasters, suggests featuring local businesses or niche locations on your social media profiles. This way, you can become known as an expert in your area, which leads to more business.

As well as building your personal brand, focusing on local SEO can help you rank better in local search results. This means optimising your website and online presence for local keywords and phrases, such as “real estate agent in [your city]”. This way, you can give a first impression to potential clients actively looking for your area's real estate services.

Competing with the big players in the online real estate world may be daunting, but if you focus on building your brand and local SEO, you can stand out and attract more customers.

9 – Start an Email Newsletter

Newsletter Real Estate Marketing Strategy

Buying a house is a crucial decision requiring much planning, research and thought. Most potential homebuyers take months or even years to make the final decision. An email newsletter can be an effective tool to nurture warm leads over time and convert them into clients when they are ready to buy or sell.

For example, Harris Partners, a Sydney-based real estate agency, sends a monthly Real Estate Report newsletter to inform and engage potential clients. The newsletter contains advice for buyers and tenants and offers added value beyond just listing properties.

Regular communication via email allows the agency to stay in the mind of potential clients and build trust and credibility over time. It also provides an opportunity to highlight new listings that offer options to buyers and sellers and add value to subscribers and the agency.

You don't have to be a writer to create an effective newsletter. Use your expertise and think about adding value to your customers. You can comment on local news and events, provide information on current market developments or offer resources for first-time homebuyers. The goal is to provide helpful information to keep subscribers engaged and help them make informed decisions when they are ready to buy or sell a property.

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When creating your newsletter, segment your subscribers based on their interests, needs and behaviour. This will allow you to personalise your content and ensure it resonates with your target audience. You can also use automation tools to create a series of emails that nurture leads over time and guide them down the funnel until they are ready to make a decision.

Overall, an email newsletter is a cost-effective and valuable tool for building relationships with potential clients and staying on top of a crowded real estate market.

10 – Develop your Funnel

A funnel is essential in real estate marketing to guide potential clients through your marketing campaign. A funnel is a multi-step process that builds brand awareness and culminates in a specific action, such as a purchase or appointment.

The first step of the funnel is creating brand awareness. This step is crucial as it introduces your brand and properties to potential clients. In the real estate industry, there are several ways to create brand awareness, including paid advertising, social media marketing and content marketing.

The second step is to generate interest among potential clients. You can provide detailed information about your properties and highlight their unique features and benefits. You can use high-quality images, videos and virtual tours to showcase the properties and help potential customers imagine how they would live in them.

The third step is a consideration, where potential clients evaluate your properties as a possible option. At this stage, providing precise and detailed information about prices, floor plans, and other relevant details is vital. This information lets clients decide whether your properties meet their needs and budget.

The final step is to create a conversion opportunity. You can do this by offering potential customers a specific action, such as arranging a virtual or personal viewing or providing their contact details to get more information about the property.

Creating a real estate marketing campaign funnel can help you track your progress and improve your results. By identifying where potential customers fall off in the funnel, you can change your campaign to convert more people into leads and ultimately increase your sales.

Need New Real Estate Marketing Strategies?

In summary, many marketing strategies exist to sell more real estate, but the key is finding the best ones for you and your business. Whether you're building your brand, using email newsletters or focusing on a specific niche, the strategies outlined in this article have been proven to help real estate professionals increase sales and build a successful business.

By applying these tips and continually adapting to changes in the market, you can stay ahead of the competition and achieve your sales goals. Remember that success in real estate marketing takes time and effort, but with the right strategies, achieving your goals and building a thriving business in the industry is possible.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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