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20 Best Brands with Social Media Marketing Strategies

20 Best Brands with Social Media Marketing Strategies

Social Media Marketing is a vast and dynamic landscape, and its results differ from brand to brand. Thus, you cannot be sure what will work for your brand and what will not. 

The best thing you can do is look at the other brands and their social media marketing methods, which make them successful and also learn from their previous mistakes. 

We have researched extensively over the internet and made a list of 20 brands that are killing in their social media marketing strategies

In this article, we will discuss these brands' hidden tactics with you so that you can also implement the befitting strategies in your brand to make it successful. 

Let's begin with the most exclusive list on the internet !!

Top 20 Brands with the Best Social Media Marketing Strategy 

Here, we have mentioned 20 top brands with far better and more experienced social media marketing strategies. 

You should understand the fundamental strategies and select the most suitable one for your business. 

Here's the list:

1 – Zappos

Zappos Social Media Marketing

Regarding online shoe commerce, Zappos is one of the best existing leading brands. They have excellent and friendly customer care services, and most of their success is credited to the “stellar” digital marketing strategy. 

Zappos makes significant sales conversions because of its 365-day money-back guarantee and free shipping. Because of such an easy-to-use interface and offers, this brand makes customers comfortable enough to purchase without tension. 

Zappos invests significant money in digital marketing and precisely delivers customers' needs and wants. It would help if you listened more to your customers when discussing any secrets in digital marketing. 

2 – Mint 

Mint Facebook Marketing

Moving towards a personal finance niche (or any crowded niche) is more challenging if you're a new emerging startup. But after facing all the challenges, Mint has used such online marketing strategies that their startup became a huge success. 

In the industry, no one used to know the Mint, and they started building their own identity by posting a lot of content on blogs and social media with high-quality infographics. 

As a result, Mint had earned a massive online following, even before Intuit had purchased it for around $170 million. If you're also somewhere in the same kind of niche, you should focus on such fundamental strategies, and after a while, you will also explore.  

3 – Nike 

Nike Just Do It Marketing

Nike has a massive online following, i.e., 150 million followers on Instagram and 35 million on F.B. Nike has come miles away in this social media game. Nike mainly uses a strategy to inspire millions of its followers through its athletes and shoes. 

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All Nike does is make the customer the story's hero; who doesn't like to be a hero? Visit the Nike page, and you will find them sharing hardworking and inspiring images. Nike generally targets giant companies through F.B. and likes to communicate with the audience on Twitter. 

Such motivational and inspiring campaigns Nike, no matter how challenging the circumstances are, resonate with the audience and inspire them to purchase their products.  

4 – Dollar Shave Club

Dollar Shave Club Marketing

If you are also a bearded guy and feel shaving is part of a boring routine, you might not have seen the Dollar Shave Club launch video. This video of the Dollar Shave Club has shocked the entire industry and brought many conversions to the brand. 

Unilever has given the $1 Billion to the brand. The brand's promotional video has approximately 24 million views over the internet. If you visit the social media pages of the Dollar Shave Club, you will realise that these brands exactly know when to lose the content and get attention. 

During their hyper growth, they were publishing the content like – Is it wrong to pluck nose hairs with my fingers?

You don't need to be very serious and have fun while creating the content for social media, precisely like the Dollar Shave Club.

5 – Starbucks

Starbucks Facebook Page

Go and visit the social media pages of Starbucks, and you'll find it filled up with colourful and appealing drinks that indicate a lot of joy and happiness that will come if you try those drinks. 

They have a massive online following on social media with approx 35 million followers on the F.B.F.B., 18 million followers on Instagram, and 10 million followers on Twitter.

You will also notice one thing on their social media page: they continuously answer every possible question of their audience to make them friendlier with them and give them a good user experience.

Starbucks is on the top even after being the expensive drinks because of a reason, and one of the reasons is they engage their customers in a more personalised way, like inclusive content on their famous Pumpkin Spice Latte, the #WhatsYourName campaign. 

If you want to learn to think outside the box, understand it from Starbucks like their #ExtraShotOfPride. 

6 – American Express (AMEX)

American Express Marketing Strategy

In the business world, very few companies become successful in creating a valuable community. And here, American Express has developed a great community over the internet. American Express gives money to all the advisory words of the industry experts on its open forum website. 

The open forum is a website where American Express invites various industry experts and asks them to share their valuable business knowledge and wisdom. 

All the content discussed here in this platform is the one that ranks on the search engines, and for that, these guys have figured out a fantastic strategy.

7 – Slack

Slack Social Media Marketing

Every company and organisation comprises team members, whereas Slack has excellence. Any business can easily manage a team very well through the slack platform, which increases the team's communication effectiveness. 

Slack performs excellent social media marketing and targets its customers through various demographics. 

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You can also read the blogs of Slack, as they share efficient and productive tips regarding team management that help the customers understand Slack's excellence in team management. This highly engages their customers and helps them get better leads. 

8 – The Wirecutter

Wirecutter Marketing Strategies

Though affiliate marketing feels sleazy, if you become successful in doing the affiliate marketing properly and genuinely, you will surely make tremendous results. 

Wirecutter has entered the market for only five years but has maintained a standard even in this short period. 

This platform used a great social media marketing tactic. They made a list of some of the valuable gadgets according to the needs and wants of the people, ranked the list on the search engine, earned around $150 million in that e-commerce transaction in 2015 and later sold to the New York Times for $30 million. 

Wirecutter was a complete affiliate marketing company and used to review the products and leave their affiliate link for affiliate commission. Their work ethic was way more professional, and that's why they became a huge success. 

9 – Airbnb

Airbnb Marketing Approach

Airbnb has brought a whole revolution in the way everyone used to travel and book accommodation. When Airbnb launched, its founders could not afford the rent, and now it has 100 million users and 2.3 million listings. On top of that, it had a valuation of $31 billion in 2017. 

Airbnb targets travellers and hosts for the platform and develops its marketing strategies accordingly.

Airbnb has revealed that they get most of their customers because of the user-generated photos and videos over social media platforms like F.B.F.B., Instagram, and Twitter. They also generate some engaging content. 

All the content Airbnb posts consist of good sarcastic images with the background of the world's different locations. Thus, it is considered more than just a service and travel forum. 

10 – Gymshark

Gymshark Social Media

Gymshark is one of the best and most popular fitness brands on social media, with overall 9 million followers across their three I.G. channels. They have an immense growth of 73 million in their turnover in July 2019, giving significant credit to their social media marketing strategies. 

They have some famous influencers as their brand ambassador, promoting them and bringing followers and customers to the brand. Influencer marketing is on its boom right now and getting quality customers and conversions. 

Gymshark invests an acceptable amount of money in paid social ads and earns a significant R.O.I. They received a 6.6X return on ad spending in 2017, and 40% of the sales were from Instagram.

11 – Shutterstock

Shutterstock Facebook Page

Shutterstock has a famous tagline – “It's not just stock, it's Shutterstock.” This tagline ultimately defines the company's ultimate goal, which is to provide the businesses with creative, high-quality image stocks. 

On social media, Shutterstock always posts something to inspire the audience to create something extraordinary, considering the affordability quickly. And here, they promote their platform where customers can easily create and get high-quality images and videos. 

After considering many marketing aspects, Shutterstock has also recently introduced a Newsroom, where customers can, 24/7, easily create breaking news from anyone, i.e., journalists, videographers, and photographers. 

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All such initiatives indicate that Shutterstock always wants to evolve with the time, and they also teach the people – how to use their new features through tutorials on their YouTube channel.

12 – Shopify

Shopify Twitter Page

Shopify has a business of taking all sizes of companies to online selling, and they are experts in it. 

On social media sites like F.B. and YouTube, Shopify also shares educational content. The themes of these social media posts are colourful, bright, fun and joyful.

You will also find Shopify taking a stand for the various social and environmental issues so that they can incorporate meaning into their business and establish a connection with the customers at a deeper level. 

They also use the landing pages widely to generate new leads and expand the customer base. If you also want your business to grow at this pace, you should start educating your audience through written, graphical, or video content. 

13 – Wayfair

Wayfair Social Media Strategy

Wayfair is a home decor company that understands the nerves of interior designing. Social media has helped them achieve growth and bring high conversions. 

With the help of photography and infographics, Wayfair always shares valuable home decor tips on social media platforms. Wayfair often arranges the giveaways to boost their engagement. 

Wayfair shows various ways to decorate the homes creatively using their products, and you will find the buying link right in the description of the video so that they can get direct conversions. 

For example, if you like any of their products, you will see the price in the description beside the buying link. You will also get a discounted coupon that makes the offer even more appealing to you. 

14 – Dove

Dove Marketing

Dove has been creating empowering advertisements for a long time over the internet and T.V. If you observe the previous ads of Dove, you will realise that they have made an entire walk of life for women of every colour, tone, shape and size. 

For example, Dove promoted a campaign named “Courage is Beautiful” during the pandemic to boost the confidence of the healthcare women employees. 

Besides promoting self-esteem and acceptance among the women, Dove has developed a trust factor and loyalty in a large customer base worldwide. 

15 – JetBlue

Jetblue Twitter

Many companies make a single mistake while promoting them online: they mostly publish self-promotion content. If you're a company talking only about yourself instead of something of value, you'll never get loyal customers.

JetBlue is one of the discount airlines that have countered this issue very well. JetBlue uses its Twitter account more to talk about its fast and easy customer service instead of only posting the discounts and no-brainer offers. This company mentioned all the essential questions of the customers in their feed, which is an evident quality. 

Thus, you should also create a balance in your content and provide half of the actual informative and valuable content for the customers and the rest of some self-promotional content. 

16 – Boohoo

Boohoo Facebook Page

All the fashion retailers have been poorly impacted during the pandemic. Still, the companies like Boohoo have made the lockdown of their strength and used some of the social media marketing techniques beautifully, which has grown the company by around 45%. 

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In all the strategies of Boohoo, endorsement with the influencers and doing influencer marketing was one of their primary weapons. They've stated that they heavily invested around €80 million in 2018 in influencer marketing. 

The fun and engaging content of the Boohoo has captured a lot of the audience's attention and retention, and this has brought an immense number of conversions for them. 

17 – PlayStation

Playstation Twitter Marketing

You must have heard about Sony's PlayStation; they have a thriving Twitter page followed by around 18.7 million people. It had seen 376% growth in 5 years (2014-2019) when it started implementing the online marketing strategies for its brand. 

From launching new game trailers to streaming and hosting the events on their social handles, they are doing everything to gain more possible followers.

They often implement some exclusive techniques as well, such as recently they have started a new initiative on the Twitter named #PlayAtHome, where they have encouraged the users to download the “Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection” – a journey game, and more than 10 million people have downloaded the free copies. 

18 – The Royal Academy

Royal Academy Instagram Page

The Royal Academy has a great social media marketing strategy that has played a massive success in its way. 

They give their most thanks and credit to their social and content editor – Adam Koszary because he creates the content for The Royal Academy. This has elevated the brand for actual.

The Royal Academy also runs some campaigns often to engage and entertain the audience. For instance, they have recently run a campaign named #RAdailydoodle challenge

19 – Salesforce 

Salesforce Twitter

Salesforce focuses on interacting and engaging with the audience; you will always see them publishing educational content and releasing some humorous content. 

They always create eye-catching graphics and 100% relevant content for the audience, which is why their audience loves and listens to them. 

They also take care of their employees more and put such employees' achievements and talents on their social media handles, which spreads positivity regarding the company. And people are glad to follow them and make purchases.

20 – The Blog Starter

The Blog Starter

Among all the brands mentioned in this list, The Blog Starter is an informative blog about starting and managing blogs. They have online methods consisting of almost everything from organic growth techniques to paid ads.

Bloggers looking for starting a new blog and monetising it can get complete details from finalising domains, and hosting plans to running a successful blog. They manage their social media channels (Facebook page, Twitter handle etc.) very cleverly and regularly post engaging posts.

What’s Common in All These Top Brands? 

Finally, you have skimmed through all the brands. We have mentioned some common traits that will help you succeed and grow your brand to a good height. 

  • All the successful brands know why they are posting any content. This means they know precisely the moto or ultimate goal behind every step. 
  • To be a reputed and trustworthy brand, you need to continuously engage with your audience, mould your content, and supply according to your customer's feedback. 
  • It would help if you primarily tried to generate the content in which your consumers are the heroes so that they will purchase more. 
  • If you want your brand's skyrocketing growth, you have to listen to your audience and evolve your products and services accordingly. 
  •  You should follow the path of the successful company of your friends and try to implement their strategies in your brand. 
  • You should use your natural creativity in your content as you don't know what can make you famous and will be loved by the audience. 
  • As you might have noticed, all the successful campaigns of top brands are much more inspiring, powerful and, most importantly, relatable to the audience and spread more positivity and meaningful thoughts.
  • It would help if you tried maintaining your brand identity right from the beginning. Thus, it would help if you used the same voice tone, font style, photography, branding etc., in your content. 
  • One last thing that was common in all the successful brands was they were more willing to add value to the audience's life rather than only promoting the products and services. 
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All these suggested points are the gist of this article, and if you become successful implementing just these things in your content and business, then trust me, no one can stop you from being successful. 

Just be creative and do consistent experiments, it may be risky, but it will become the game-changer one day. 

Frequently Asked Questions (F.A.Q.s) Regarding Social Media Marketing Companies 

All the people around the world search for some of the questions regarding the Social Media Marketing Companies. 

We have answered all the required questions below:

  • What is a social media marketing company?

Social media marketing companies are the companies that know all the fundamentals and secrets regarding social media sites to grow your brands socially and create brand value. 

  • What do social media marketing agencies do?

Social media marketing agencies have these several tasks to do:

  1. Create the account and do the branding. 
  2. Generate the creative content and post it at a suitable time.
  3. Analyse the audience, and share the relevant content for them across the different social media channels. 
  4. Create some visual graphics and infographics for a better understanding of the content for use by the readers. 
  5. Maintain the growth and engagement of the social media handles.
  6. Maintain concentration and answer all the required questions of the audience. 
  7. Last but not least, they also run paid ads to bring more conversions. 
  • Which social media is most famous for marketing? 

In the global market in 2021, Facebook was the most used platform. Around 93% of the active marketers worldwide use Facebook to market their brand's products and services, and 78% use Instagram. 

  • Who has the most significant social media presence?

Of course, Facebook has 2 billion active users, making it the world's most significant social media presence. 

  • What are the most popular social media apps for 2022? Top Apps, Trending, and Rising Stars

Here, we have mentioned a simple list in the priority order: 

  1. Facebook
  2. Instagram
  3. Twitter
  4. YouTube
  5. WeChat
  6. WhatsApp
  7. MeWe

Final Words

All the brands have their own successful online marketing strategies. Though all the social media marketing strategies are adequate for online growth, only a few will be helpful for you, and the rest will not. 

Therefore, you must go through all the working tactics and figure out the one that will work for you and generate results for you. 

We hope this article helped you and you have gotten to know all the needed things for your business or brand to grow. 

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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