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Human Brand Personality: What Is It and Why Do We Need It?

Human Brand Personality: What Is It and Why Do We Need It?

The most important thing for any human being on the planet, regardless of their job or role, is the ability to create meaningful connections with people.

The human brand personality is the traits, characteristics, beliefs, and values a person carries. When someone looks at you, they see the combination of all these things. And when it comes to your brand, these things can either help or hinder your marketing success. 

When done correctly, your brand personality can provide a clear and concise guide for your company. But if you don't know what it is, you can quickly end up with a mediocre brand that doesn't do anything special.

Most businesses don't understand human brand personality, why it matters, or how they can leverage it. I am going to show you how.

What is Brand Personality?

What Is Brand Personality

The term “brand personality” refers to a product's characteristics and traits that influence how consumers think and feel about the brand. Brand personality is a valuable concept in studying brand image and its importance for corporate branding and marketing. In a market with such diverse preferences, understanding the consumer's perception and evaluation of a brand is vital to gaining a competitive advantage.

To understand this concept, we should look at the meaning of a brand. A brand is simply the name of a product or company, representing the company, its goods or services, and its values.

A brand image or personality is the set of attributes or characteristics of the company that customers attribute to the brand, primarily when they evaluate a brand for purchase. When consumers think of a brand, they usually think of the company's image, products, services and reputation. For example, when consumers think of a coffee brand, they think of its logo, distinctive packaging and coffee, which they perceive to be an essential part of the brand's identity.

A brand is also influenced by its price and the level of differentiation between it and other brands.

Consumers associate a brand with many factors, including the attributes of the brand itself, but also with how consumers interact with the brand. For example, consumers associate a luxury brand with a high-quality, high-end product. The brand image of a luxury brand is therefore closely linked to the brand's pricing, its high-quality image and the experience of consuming the brand.

You can develop a brand personality through advertising and marketing, which aims to shape consumers' mindsets and convey a clear message that consumers connect to the brand.

Branding involves more than just creating a brand; it's also about communicating that brand to consumers. Consumers have a complex perception of the world around them, and many different aspects of the brand affect how they perceive it.

In short, a company's brand image is defined by the consumers' perceptions of its brand and the attributes that influence those perceptions.

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Why is Brand Personality Important?

Brand personality is vital to the success of a brand, mainly because consumers are very conscious of what they choose to buy. This means they pay close attention to the brand's image and characteristics.

A brand personality is a foundation upon which a company builds its image. It allows companies to communicate a consistent brand message.

For example, a brand has a distinct personality if the customer perceives the brand to be different from other brands and if the brand has a consistent message across all communication channels. This consistency gives customers confidence in the brand.

Brands with similar personalities enjoy more significant sales, brand loyalty and consumer satisfaction.

A company must understand and manage the emotions and beliefs that influence consumer behaviour to build a brand personality. Brand personality helps shape consumer attitudes, which is one of the most critical areas of marketing strategy.

When a brand is strongly associated with a particular emotion or belief, it can increase customer loyalty, increasing sales. Consumers are more likely to recommend a product if it shares their beliefs. They are also less likely to buy another brand because they are more loyal to their current brand.

For example, the idea of being eco-friendly is an attractive one to consumers. A brand that stands for being environmentally friendly will make consumers feel proud and connected to it.

A brand that has a strong brand personality will appeal to consumers and will be valued.

An example of a strong brand personality would be a sports team. This brand has a clear identity and an apparent reason for existing. It is a strong brand because it is easily recognised and has a strong and consistent connection with consumers.

The same applies to a brand that's highly regarded. For example, many consumers strongly believe in ethical animal treatment. If a company stands for these values, consumers are likelier to believe that they share similar values and that the brand is trustworthy.

What is a Human Brand Personality?

Human Brand Personality Example Nike

Human brands are how people behave in their business, personal, political and social lives. It's our personality, reflected in what we wear, say, eat, and drink, how we behave and what we stand for. And it's a brand that influences others, whether you like it or not. 

People are drawn to brands for reasons that go beyond fashion and design. People connect with them and attract people because they project something that resonates, perhaps a lifestyle. This can be positive or negative.

People are attracted to brands for reasons that go beyond fashion and design. People connect with them and attract people because they project something that resonates, perhaps a lifestyle.

Brands come in many shapes and sizes. They can be physical – a product, building, service or a store. They can be virtual in the form of websites, blogs and social media channels. They can be emotional, such as a movie, TV show, celebrity or song. They can be spiritual, with a church, charity or political agenda. They can be intellectual, with a philosophy, lifestyle or a political stance. They can be cultural, with a style of music, art or books. And they can be experiential, through food, wine or holidays.

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Human brands are the face of what you represent as a business in your life and community. Your human brand reflects your values, beliefs, emotions, priorities and interests. It represents your life and the lives of others. People have a sense of who you are and what you stand for, which affects the decisions they make about you, your brand and your business.

You have the power to create and shape your human brand and to become the person you want to be. What you say and do affects the perceptions and experiences others have of you and the people you know. By changing and enhancing your human brand, you can change and enhance your life.

If you want to improve your human brand and become the best you can be, here are some ideas to consider:

1 – Be kinder.

As a business, you are responsible to the people who buy from you and interact with you. Think about how you might want to act toward others and to others.

2 – Be authentic.

Be true to yourself and your beliefs. Don't pretend to be someone you aren't.

3 – Take responsibility.

It's not all other people's fault that you have issues. Own up to your part of the problem.

4 – Listen more.

Listen to the views of those you interact with and who matter to you. Be open to their ideas and suggestions.

5 – Learn to express your feelings.

Learn to be clear and direct with the people you want to work with. It will help you work more effectively with them and make you more effective.

6 – Share your knowledge.

Knowledge is power. Know what you are talking about and share it.

7 – Be more flexible.

Don't be so quick to make firm decisions and stick to them.

8 – Be honest.

Don't pretend that things aren't what they are. Tell the truth, even if it hurts.

9 – Speak up for yourself.

Don't always accept what other people say or do. Make your own choices and stick to them.

10 – Don't take things personally.

Don't let your actions be interpreted as a criticism of another person.

How to Apply Human Brand Personality in Marketing

Human Brand Marketing Strategy

Human branding is a relatively new field that started in 2012. Martin Lindstrom's book “Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy” is the idea of human branding in the marketing field. He describes human branding as the process by which companies make themselves so desirable, attractive, and relevant to people that people don't even realise they are being marketed.

We know now that human beings are emotional beings who respond to brands similarly to music, movies, fashion, and any other form of marketing. We have also learned that emotions are contagious and can affect our attitudes and behaviours. 

A brand that resonates with people can spread positive feelings and build loyalty. As a result, brands that cause feelings of love, joy, excitement, fear, hate, anger, sadness, etc., are more successful than those that do not. Finding the right emotional connections between your brand and your consumers is vital.

Brandwashed: Tricks Companies Use to Manipulate Our Minds and Persuade Us to Buy
  • Martin Lindstrom (Author)
  • English (Publication Language)
  • 288 Pages - 11/05/2012 (Publication Date) - Kogan Page (Publisher)

According to the book, six basic human needs are essential for brands to connect with their consumers:

  1. Power: the need to feel powerful, in control, and competent.
  2. Status: the need to belong to a group and feel accepted by others.
  3. Belonging: is the need to feel part of a group and fit in.
  4. Love: the need to connect with others and be loved.
  5. Safety: the need for security, stability, and protection.
  6. Meaning: the need to have purpose and a sense of meaning in one's life.
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Lindstrom argues that these needs can be summed up by the acronym FAST, which stands for Family, Acceptance, Status and Thriving.

The following questions help you identify how the human brand personality of your brand connects with these human needs.

Question 1: Does your brand connect with power?

If your brand has a powerful feel, it will attract people because they will feel like they can do something with the brand. People with solid power needs will feel empowered by your brand and will use it as a tool to accomplish their goals.

Question 2: Does your brand connect with belonging?

If your brand connects with belonging, it will help people feel like they belong to something. This can give people a sense of belonging and inclusion and motivate them to buy products from your brand.

Question 3: Does your brand connect with love?

If your brand connects with love, it will help people feel love towards you and towards the products they purchase from you. Brands that cause people to feel love will create positive emotions and bring people closer together.

Question 4: Does your brand connect with acceptance?

If your brand connects with acceptance, it will make people feel they can trust your brand and will not have to worry about anything. This will make them feel like you accept them and motivate them to choose your products.

Question 5: Does your brand connect with status?

If your brand connects with status, it will help people feel a sense of value and status. It will also motivate people to do things they might not have done otherwise.

Question 6: Does your brand connect with the self?

If your brand connects with the self, it will help people feel confident, secure, and safe. This will make them feel like they can do anything they want.

To get the most out of human branding, it is essential to go beyond just thinking about what your brand represents and to consider its personality. The questionnaire helps you figure out how your brand relates to the FAST human needs.

Brand Personality Types: Which kind are You?

Brand Personality Types

Brand personality type is a unique combination of attributes that influence how we think and act and ultimately determine whether we buy a product. 

As well as helping you understand what influences your buying decisions, Brand Personality Type provides insight into the brand personality of those you love. For example, if your husband is an extrovert, his brand personality type will likely value physical contact, spontaneity, energy and the need to be with people. Knowing this can help understand how he behaves and feels.

The Brand Personality Type theory is based on the premise that every person has a distinctive combination of personality traits which shape how they act. Although these personality traits are similar in many ways, they vary in the degree to which they influence our daily behaviour and emotional experience. 

The Brand Personality Type theory builds on and extends the existing personality theories by distinguishing between the conscious and unconscious personality traits and behaviours which can be observed and measured through personality profiling methods such as Myers-Briggs and TIP.

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The theory states that personality types are determined by the number and relative strength of each of the four primary personality traits (as described below). 

Secondary traits further influence these primary personality traits. Together they define and explain a person's unique pattern of behaviour and emotional experience and, therefore, their brand personality.

We have created four primary personality traits and nine secondary traits, which combine to create our Brand Personality Type. Three primary traits (or dimensions) influence our behaviour, called ‘intrapersonal traits'. These are:

  1. Intuitive
  2. Thinking
  3. Feeling

Six secondary traits, called ‘interpersonal traits', affect how we relate to others. These are:

  1. Extroverted
  2. Introverted
  3. Sensing
  4. Perceiving
  5. Judging
  6. Enneagram

The Brand Personality Type theory does not attempt to predict or explain everything about a person's personality but rather to make sense of how they behave and what they like. In our lives, we encounter countless people and situations that influence us, but not all of these will affect us in the same way. People who share our Brand Personality Type are more likely to respond similarly to a particular situation or experience the same emotions and thoughts.

The Brand Personality Type system works by using information from three different sources:

  1. Our feelings
  2. How others view us
  3. Our attitudes to others

Our behaviour is influenced by the interplay between these three sources and our personalities. The Brand Personality Type theory allows us to analyse these influences and understand how they work and interact.

How to Build a Compelling Brand Persona

Main Branding Personas

Brand Persona is the identity of your business or the way your company presents itself to the world. It reflects what your company stands for. Your brand persona helps build your brand image. It tells people who you are, what you do, and what your products and services are. And it's an excellent tool for building trust with your customers.

Creating a compelling brand persona is essential to building a successful brand. Creating a brand persona is a lot harder than it sounds. So, let's start by answering a few basic questions.

Why do you need a compelling brand persona?

There are many reasons to create a compelling brand persona. Let's explore them one by one.

  1. To create a powerful brand image. A compelling brand image can help to build trust among your customers. Creating a unique and robust identity can attract new customers and keep the old ones.
  2. To establish a strong identity. A compelling brand image can help you stand out from your competitors. You can become known for offering something special or having unique features and benefits. People will notice your brand and remember it. This can help you build your reputation, establish your brand presence and make sales.
  3. To connect with your audience. A compelling brand image is an excellent tool for building relationships and connections with your customers. You can use it to tell a story, share helpful information or help your customers feel heard.
  4. To help your customers understand you. A compelling brand image can help you communicate effectively. You can create a simple brand image that shows your personality and highlights your values. Or you can add creative elements to show how your products or services differ from the competition.
  5. To make your product stand out. A compelling brand image can help you set yourself apart from your competitors. You can highlight specific features that make your product stand out. Or you can try to create a sense of exclusivity for your brand. For example, you can offer your product or service a premium version.
  6. To encourage your customers to buy from you. A compelling brand image can help you build relationships with your customers. But it can also help you sell more and encourage your customers to return to you.
  7. To help you identify your target audience. A compelling brand image can help you create a clear brand identity that matches your business and customers. You can use it to show how your company fits into the market.
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Why Apply Personality to Marketing?

The Most Important Personality Traits 1

The marketing process is about personality. The personality comes from the communication strategy, the message, and the marketing approach. Without personality, the product or service offered does not stand out. You could make the same product or service available and have a much better chance of selling the product or service. When personality is applied to marketing, you stand out from the crowd.

Marketing is the application of communication strategies that deliver messages. A message is a crucial factor that defines the personality of a product or service. The message can communicate the product or service in a way that makes it appealing. It can influence the audience to a certain degree and get them interested in the product or service.

A marketing communication strategy is what you use to deliver the message. This includes all the activities involved in delivering the message to the consumer. The message can be a printed piece of material, a radio program, a TV program, a website, an email, a social media post, etc.

The message must appeal to the consumers to be effective. If the message does not appeal to the consumer, it does not matter how good the product or service is because the consumer will not be influenced by it. The message must be the right one. It must be the one that communicates the product or service in a way that appeals to the consumer. The message should be the one that tells the consumer what the product or service does and why he needs it.

Personality is the application of emotion to the message. The human element differentiates between a great message and a good one. When the message is communicated with emotion, it is more likely to appeal to the consumer. The consumer will relate to the message because it is the kind of message they are accustomed to. When the message is personal, it feels like you are talking to them. They feel that you understand their situation and are trying to help.

When a person is communicating with another person, the other person responds to the human element. The person communicates in a personal way. They use words that the other person can relate to.

The goal of marketing is to sell something. The goal is to persuade the consumer to buy the product or service. The marketer uses the communication strategy to deliver the message. The communication strategy includes all the activities involved in delivering the message to the consumer. Direct marketing (mailing, emailing, etc.) or indirect marketing (social media, television, radio, etc.). The communication strategy determines the personality. Personality is the key factor influencing the consumer to buy the product or service.


Branding is not only about building a brand image for a company but also building a brand persona for your audience. You can think of it as building a person your target market would be interested in meeting. Building a solid brand personality builds a relationship between your audience and your brand. This builds trust in your brand and increases conversions. This process helps you build trust and value and deliver on promises.

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Let's learn more about Human Brand Personality, why it matters, and how you can use this knowledge to improve your business.

Last update on 2024-06-03 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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