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6 Steps to Successful Mobile App Development

6 Steps to Successful Mobile App Development

Developing an application requires several skills, including programming, design and testing. Your app must be practical and engaging to keep users coming back. If your app isn't meeting the needs of your target audience, it won't have a chance of success.

The mobile app industry is growing by leaps and bounds. As a business owner, you need to be sure that you are making the best possible decisions when creating a mobile application. You need to know that you are investing in a solution to help you reach your business goals. To get the most out of your investment, we have compiled a list of six simple steps to decide whether your business should invest in a mobile app.

There's no denying the fact that mobile applications have become a necessity for businesses of all sizes. And yet, while the rise of mobile apps has been a boon for small businesses, it can be a significant headache for larger companies.

In this article, I'll reveal the six critical steps you must take to develop a mobile app to help your business succeed.

1 – Create an App Idea

Successful Mobile App Ideas

To get an idea for an app, you'll need to determine what you want it to do and its target audience. Once you have that figured out, you'll need to develop a concept for your app. Then, it's time to think about how users interact with your app and the various features they would like to use.

Developing the Concept

Once you have a good idea of what you want your app to do and the target audience, you'll need to develop a concept for your app. A concept is a name you give your app and should describe what your app does. The name you choose needs to be short and memorable. It should also reflect the experience you want to offer your users. For example, a game app might call itself “My favourite games” or “What's fun today”.

Before you develop your app concept, consider what your users expect from the apps they already use and want to use. These expectations may include social media sharing, notifications, and analytics.

The first step in developing your app concept is to brainstorm. Use keywords, words, and phrases to help you develop ideas. Make sure you choose words specific to your app that people in your target market will understand.

Your app concept should also indicate how users will use your app. For instance, some apps offer a free trial version, whereas others offer no limit on usage. If you plan on offering a paid subscription, be clear about the limitations of your service.

It's also essential to think about how the features and functions of your app connect with the app concept. What does your app do that others don't? Are there any features that would set your app apart from the crowd?

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Finally, think about whether your app would be helpful to other people. If your app helps users learn a new skill or play a game, it might be helpful to others. You could create a new app that serves as a hub or a portal to different apps.

How Users Interact with Apps

The next thing you need to do is to design your user interface (UI). What is the app's purpose? What will it look like? What information will users need to get started, and how will they be able to interact with your app?

For example, an eCommerce app might ask users to enter their location, search for a product, and add items to their cart. The shopping app should let users browse the products by category or brand.

Once your UI is in place, it's time to start coding your app. You'll need to design your app to function efficiently and look attractive. Remember that the app's design should make it easy for people to navigate and interact with your app.

Also, remember that your app's layout and design should correspond to the UI. You can think of your app as a mini website. If you want to make your app look professional, consider hiring a graphic designer to help you make your app look nice. You can also find freelance graphic designers online.

To keep your users returning to your app, consider ways to make it fun and addictive. For example, if you design an app that lets users play video games, make the app enjoyable by including leaderboards, achievements, and in-app purchases.

How to Find a Good Developer

If you plan to develop an app, you'll need to find a developer with the skills and knowledge to build it. A developer should be able to build an app from the ground up. The developer should also be able to adapt and tweak the app as needed.

When looking for a developer, finding one who is skilled and affordable is crucial. Ideally, your developer will provide an initial price quote before they begin working on your app. This will help you save money by eliminating expensive revisions. Also, check this sample of top .NET development companies for more ideas.

You may also want to find a developer who has worked on other similar apps. Ask friends and family if they can recommend someone. Don't forget to include a written proposal in your email. This will give the developer a better understanding of what you're looking for in the app.

2 – Identify the User's Needs

Mobile App Design User Needs

In this era of technology, mobiles are being used everywhere, and people prefer to use them. Mobile applications are used in every field, and various mobile application solutions are used for different purposes. Mobile applications are available in various formats, such as mobile web apps, native apps and hybrid apps.

There are many benefits of having a mobile application. It can save your time and effort as well as can enhance your business growth. When developing a successful mobile app, you must know about the user's needs. Here we share the best mobile app development trends to know users' needs and how to create a successful mobile app.

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Users' needs are the key elements that help you identify whether a particular mobile app suits them. These factors play a vital role in developing a perfect mobile app. Before designing a mobile app, you must have deep knowledge about the target audience to design a user-friendly mobile application. If the target audience is aware of the mobile app, they will be able to use it properly. So, you must focus on these things and know more about the user's needs.

Here we mention some mobile app development trends to know your target audience and develop a unique mobile application.


The concept of customising mobile applications is still new. The primary purpose of customisation is to make the application according to the target audience.

You can make a customised mobile app based on the users' needs. You must know your target audience thoroughly before customising your mobile application.


Nowadays, people are very busy and have less time to interact with others. To provide the best user experience, they are looking for more interaction with the mobile app.

With the latest updates in mobile technology, interaction is available in every part of the mobile application.


When it comes to mobile application development, user-friendliness plays an important role. The mobile app should be designed in such a way that it's easy to use and navigate.

As the mobile app development trends, you can make the mobile app user-friendly and easily navigate.


Mobile app development is growing at a rapid pace. As a result, the security of the mobile app is becoming an important issue.

Many people are looking for secure mobile apps to protect their data. Security is one of the most important aspects of a mobile app that you must consider while developing it.


Privacy is a critical aspect of the mobile app that protects users' personal information.

People are using mobile applications to keep track of their personal information. So, keeping privacy as the top priority while designing a mobile app is essential.

In short, there are some basic things that you need to know before developing a mobile application. So, you can design a successful mobile app by following these things.

Visit our website to learn more about mobile app development trends and the user's needs.

3 – Decide on the Platform

Mobile Apps Ios Vs Android

In the modern era of technology and social media, there are two virtual platforms that we have today – iOS and Android. These two operating systems dominate the mobile market with advanced features, but that does not mean they are both suitable for mobile application development.

As mobile developers, we need to understand the pros and cons of iOS and Android to make the right decision for our app development. This will help us develop a more robust and functional application.

Here, we will discuss the differences between the two platforms to understand better how each works and which you should choose.

iOS: Apple's iOS operating system is proprietary software developed by Apple Inc. It was launched in June 2007 and has become the world's most popular mobile operating system. The main difference between iOS and Android is that Android is an open-source platform and allows developers to make changes or add new features to the software. On the other hand, iOS allows developers to use only certain operating system functionality. However, both operating systems share many similarities, such as a unified design language and support for multi-touch gestures.

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Android: Android is the operating system from Google, the world's most widely used mobile operating system. Google Inc. launched the Android operating system in 2008 to provide a common platform for mobile apps. The Android app development is entirely based on Java programming language. With its help, users are allowed to download multiple apps for free.

Differences in iOS and Android

While iOS and Android allow users to install multiple apps on the smartphone, the primary differences lie in the following aspects.

  • Support of iOS
  • Support of Android
  • Unified Design Language
  • Security
  • User Experience
  • Interoperability
  • App Store and Google Play

Let's now look into the differences in these aspects to understand what makes them the best platform for mobile app development.

Support of iOS

Both Android and iOS provide excellent support for the developer. Developers are given the freedom to create different apps for different purposes. Both platforms support cross-platform development so that we can develop the same app for Android and iOS devices.

Android apps run on Android devices, and iOS apps run on the iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, and Apple Watch.

Unified Design Language

One of the most significant advantages of iOS is that it allows developers to build and design an app once and then share it across various platforms.

There are no limitations (bar storage) on the number of apps you can download on an iPhone or iPad. It is one of the primary reasons behind the success of iOS.


Security is another advantage of the iOS operating system. The security measures of iOS are extreme and are maintained through encryption and sandboxing. The user data is protected by built-in password protection, which is also very safe. Apple also protects the privacy of its users.

User Experience

The main reason behind the success of iOS is the user experience. Since iOS is designed to focus on the user, the design is focused on simplicity. The UI elements have a clean design, and the whole interface is well-organised.

Android: The Android OS is known for its user-friendly and attractive interface. Android devices are designed to be simple and intuitive. The Android system uses a gesture-based approach, allowing users to interact with the device without extra help.

The Android interface is highly customisable, allowing users to customise their devices by changing the background, icons, and more. The design of the OS is easy to navigate and has no bugs. The OS allows developers to add multiple apps and widgets.


One of the most significant advantages of Android is interoperability. The Android OS is compatible with Windows, Mac, and Linux. That means users can install a single app on all these three operating systems.

These benefits show that iOS and Android are similar in some ways, but each has advantages. Therefore, the developers should choose the best platform based on the features they are looking for in the app.

After analysing the pros and cons, we can see that iOS and Android are similar in terms of their usability, but some differences make them different.

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The best choice would be the platform that will work best for your requirements, budget, and app. This will help you build the best app for your target audience.

4 – Design and Develop

What Is A Prototype

Mobile apps are the latest trend among B2B and B2C businesses.

Mobile Apps help companies connect with their consumers and provide services more efficiently. Some questions need answers if you have a business and want to create a successful app. Let's take a look.

More than 4 billion users daily access the Internet through mobile devices such as smartphones, tablets and wearable devices. More than 50 per cent of smartphone users have downloaded at least one mobile application, and the number continues to increase.

So, why would you invest in building a mobile app instead of a website?

  • Your customers are already using a mobile device to access the Internet, so they're already familiar with it, and it's easy for them to find your site on the mobile network.
  • Mobile apps are a low-cost option. You only pay for the development, so you don't have to pay for hosting, maintenance, upgrades, or any other costs associated with website management.
  • A mobile app is easier to update, deploy and promote. You can change or add new features anytime and anywhere without redesigning your website.

Designing a mobile app is similar to designing any web project. You'll need to research, identify the problems you'd like to solve, design solutions that address the needs, develop the strategy for the product, write the detailed plan, design and develop the site and test the app before launch.

Before starting the development process, you should:

1 – Identify the needs of your target market

  • Understand what your user wants. Who are your customers? What are their needs, and how do they search for information online? What are their expectations from you and your brand?
  • Understand what problems you'd like to solve. What pain points do your user experience and your products and services create for them?
  • Determine what your product or service can offer to your customer that is unique and valuable. What makes it stand out from the competition?
  • Consider what your target market looks like. Are they young or old, male or female, rich or poor? This helps you develop your app's content and plan your distribution.

2 – Create a detailed plan

  • Set a budget and timeline.
  • Write down all the details and steps of your project – from start to finish.
  • Determine the scope of the project. What are the components of the app and the number of pages and modules?

3 – Design a straightforward, simple interface

  • Choose the style of your app. Will it be minimalistic, colourful or more detailed? What colour will you use? What font will you use?
  • Determine your design's hierarchy.

4 – Decide on the layout

  • Choose a responsive design or a static one.
  • You can also choose between single-page apps or a multi-page model.
  • Ensure your app is mobile-friendly.

5 – Plan your development process

  • Design your app in stages.
  • Begin by creating wireframes. This helps to identify all the elements of your app.
  • You can use mockups or prototypes for the same purpose.
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6 – Write the detailed plan

  • Create the functional flow of your app.
  • Develop a navigation system.
  • Include content that is relevant to your audience.
  • List all the links to your resources.

7 – Design and build the app

  • Use design tools like Sketch or Photoshop to create your app's interface.
  • Choose a tool like Firebase or Parse to store your data.
  • Test the app before launch.

It is said that the biggest obstacle to learning is a lack of knowledge. I have come across people who just don't know much about anything. This is because they don't have the proper knowledge or the opportunity to learn. But for the rest of us, we need the proper knowledge.

5 – Launch and Promote

A successful app has the potential to reach a large audience, generate a profit, and make a positive impact. Many things go into creating an app that will stand out. Here are a few things to consider:

App Description

Describe your app in detail. Ensure your app description is informative and tells the story of your app in a way that grabs attention.

Make it Easy to Understand

One of the biggest mistakes developers make is failing to communicate the value proposition in a way that resonates with the user. In other words, why should anyone care about your app? How does your app make someone's life better? What problems are you solving?

Provide an Effective Value Proposition

A good value proposition shows the benefits and potential of your app. It describes how it will improve people's lives, what problem your app solves, and how much time and money it will save them.

Be Clear on Pricing

Your app needs to provide real value for users, but it will not be worth downloading if they can't afford it. You want people to download your app and get value, so make sure your app pricing is transparent and affordable.

Create an App Download Page

There is no better place to learn more about your app than simply having someone try it. Include an app download page on your website or your app, making it easy for people to find. You will increase your downloads and visibility if you encourage them to download your app.

Ask for Feedback

Get feedback from your audience and others who are relevant to your app. Ask for their input to see what works and what doesn't.

Use Social Media

Several social media sites allow developers to promote and market their apps. Use social media sites that align with your target audience. 

Facebook is an excellent option for businesses or marketers. Twitter is a great option for influencers and individuals looking to share their experiences. Instagram is another popular option, especially for targeting influencers or content creators.

Add Value Through the Content of Your App

As a part of your app marketing, add value through your app's content. Create blog posts, videos, and tutorials to educate your audience on how your app works, what you think is unique, and how it will improve people's lives.

Have a Supportive Brand

Supportive brands that focus on helping quality customer service customers find solutions to their problems. Customers appreciate an app with support through FAQs and live chat.

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Have a Team Behind the App

Developers often work alone or in teams. Teams can be a great way to speed up the development process and increase productivity.

A team of developers can create an app in less time and with fewer errors than a single developer can. It also helps reduce the time and money spent on the development process.

A team of writers can help you create a compelling description that showcases your app and shows people why they should download it. Writers will also help you create compelling and persuasive content targeted to the people who most benefit from your app.

6 – Improve and Update

How To Update Ios Android Apps Featured
Source: Kaspersky

App development is constantly evolving, with new technologies emerging every day. It's also vital to update apps regularly to maintain user engagement and prevent a lack of interest in an app. Here are the top five tips to ensure a successful mobile app update.

Make Changes That Stick

The first step to updating a mobile app is ensuring your changes stick. This means using the same design language from the beginning and focusing on improving the app's functionality. Once you've designed the app, don't make changes without considering the user experience.

Ask Users to Try New Features

It's essential to create a new app version that significantly differs from the existing one but also has much to offer new users. For example, you can introduce a new navigation system, a different feature list, or a new set of interactions.

Consider Adding New Features

Keep an eye out for new trends, such as AI or AR, to consider adding to your app. For example, an intelligent chatbot could automatically answer questions, or a digital photo frame could display images from your app.

Incorporate New Technology

If you want to add something innovative to your app, ensure it's compatible with the current platform. If your app uses augmented reality (AR), make sure it's built for Android. If your app uses artificial intelligence (AI), ensure it's built for iOS.

Provide Feedback on Your New Version

Once you've launched a new app version, let users try it and get feedback. The more you learn about your users, the more you can improve your app.

When App Development Goes Wrong

While it's easy to create apps for fun, some apps are meant to be business tools with a specific purpose. When developing an enterprise app, make sure it's useful, relevant, and secure. Here are the most common mistakes that cause businesses to lose money.

Relying on a Single Source of Data

Most apps are based on a single source of data. For example, an app based on GPS data, which is helpful for navigation, is not valid for an online shopping app. As a result, combining multiple data sources is vital to create the best app.

Relying on Poor UI/UX Design

Even if your app is based on a single data source, a poorly designed UI/UX will turn off users. When designing your app, use clear icons and layouts to make it easy for users to navigate it. Also, avoid using unnecessary features and functions that could confuse users.

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Over-complicating the User Experience

You need to simplify the user experience so that it's simple for the user to use your app. For example, a customer service app should only require users to enter information once, allowing them to submit and view the results.

Creating a Complex User Interface

If you want to provide more functionality and make your app more accessible, be careful about how you implement it. Some people get confused when they're trying to navigate the app. Don't make your users feel like they're trying to find a lost kitten in a dark cave.

Using a Mobile-Only Platform

Creating a desktop app that looks like a mobile app is easy. However, if you want your app to be used across platforms, ensure it's compatible with Android and iOS. It's also essential to use the right tool for the job. For example, if you want to build a highly interactive app, ensure you use the right tool for the job.


It's important to note that mobile app development isn't easy. I suggest learning about the market to break into the mobile app space.

Also, read up on the different platforms and see which ones suit your needs. Once you have a good understanding of the market, you can get started on building your first mobile app.

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Stuart Crawford

Stuart Crawford is an award-winning creative director and brand strategist with over 15 years of experience building memorable and influential brands. As Creative Director at Inkbot Design, a leading branding agency, Stuart oversees all creative projects and ensures each client receives a customised brand strategy and visual identity.

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