A Series of Ironic Illustrations of Pepe the Frog by Luca Boni of Naples – Design You Trust — Design Daily Since 2007

A Series of Ironic Illustrations of Pepe the Frog by Luca Boni of Naples


Pepe the Frog is a cartoon character that originated from a comic series called “Boy’s Club,” created by artist Matt Furie in 2005. Pepe is depicted as a humanoid frog with large, bulging eyes, typically seen lounging or engaging in various activities.

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Initially, Pepe was a benign character often used in internet memes to express feelings like sadness, relaxation, or contentment. However, over time, Pepe’s image was co-opted by various online communities and subcultures, including parts of 4chan and Reddit, where he became associated with a wide range of memes and expressions.


Unfortunately, Pepe’s image was also appropriated by some extremist and hate groups, leading to his association with symbols of hate, racism, and bigotry. This unauthorized transformation of Pepe’s image led to significant controversy and prompted efforts by Furie and others to reclaim the character’s original, more innocent meaning.


Despite these negative connotations, Pepe the Frog remains a widely recognized figure in internet culture and continues to be used in various contexts, both positive and negative, though efforts persist to dissociate him from harmful ideologies.


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